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Paradise: The Elimination Game - Winner Announced!

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This is wild.

Body Electric for the win tho!! :dance: :grinds:


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I swear to god Burning Desire is my least favorite Lana song ever and I am so disgusted that it made it this far and it's not literally ANY. OTHER. SONG. from Paradise in its place. This is some next level DNC mess and all the songs we lost along the way are like the good sis Bernie Sanders and Burning Desire is Trump I'm so disgusted this is terrible I'm throwing up all over the place dear god somebody please ddos the site again before this terrible song wins everything 



What's so bad about Burning Desire tho :awkney:

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What's so bad about Burning Desire tho :awkney:


i've been framed  :flop:


but idk burning desire just doesn't sound very original or striking to me. kind of sub-par but certainly does well in a car commercial, ig  :hooker:


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What's so bad about Burning Desire tho :awkney:




It's not that it's  bad song, imo girl it's just not enough, girl wasn't even supposed to be on the album, if the Jaguar had never happened girl would not have happened too... And also, if Body Electric was eliminated of Paradise we would have never got any of the amazing performances Lana pulled with her live, like, we would have never got:


1.the original "slut drups" (at least till West Coast had been released and TBH west coast slut drops are nothing compared to Body Electric slut drops)

2. The guitar solo live

3. Lana grinding on Blake live

4. The high vocals before the guitar solo


Like don't get me wrong, Burning Desire is good, it's one the most pure sex Lana songs we have, Burning Desire live is also good too, but just at the end when she hits the bridge and the tempo ups and the songs gets even more hot, but I just prefer Body Electric, like check this out



rant over lmao


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if Body Electric was eliminated of Paradise we would have never got any of the amazing performances Lana pulled with her live, like, we would have never got;


1.the original "slut drups" (at least till West Coast had been released and TBH west coast slut drops are nothing compared to Body Electric slut drops"

2. The guitar solo live

3. Lana grinding on Blake live

4. The high vocals before the guitar solo



2:00 - 2:10 & 3:34 - 3:40



• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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Body Electric won by a single vote....




I thought everyone hated Body Electric, but here it is as the winner  :crai:

It's been fun, everyone  :rollin:

Stay tuned for a Born To Die elimination game or a Born To Die: The Paradise Edition elimination game that may be coming soon  :rollin:

All I can say about this shocking, interesting, and unbelievable finale is that you all thought you could get rid of Burning Desire 8 pages ago!! Here it is winning the second place spot  :creep:.


Gods & Monsters should've won

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Body Electric won by a single vote....




I thought everyone hated Body Electric, but here it is as the winner :crai:

It's been fun, everyone :rollin:

Stay tuned for a Born To Die elimination game or a Born To Die: The Paradise Edition elimination game that may be coming soon :rollin:

All I can say about this shocking, interesting, and unbelievable finale is that you all thought you could get rid of Burning Desire 8 pages ago!! Here it is, winning the second place spot :creep:.


Gods & Monsters should've won

yaaas body electric is in the top 4 of best songs on paradise (the lyrics make the song tbh.)


well we fucked up gods and monsters :eek: :shh:

but whatever lol :lanahairflip:

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Body Electric won by a single vote....




I thought everyone hated Body Electric, but here it is as the winner  :crai:

It's been fun, everyone  :rollin:

Stay tuned for a Born To Die elimination game or a Born To Die: The Paradise Edition elimination game that may be coming soon  :rollin:

All I can say about this shocking, interesting, and unbelievable finale is that you all thought you could get rid of Burning Desire 8 pages ago!! Here it is winning the second place spot  :creep:.


Gods & Monsters should've won

OMFFGGG!!!! What an amazing suprise I found it here after I woke up of my beauty sleep!!!!  :shock:  :oprah:

Seriously, I wasn't expecting to win because of all the hate that received  :really: . Like, I really thought that Gods and Monsters would win (I agree, should've won  :agree: ) and Ride would be in second place  :what: . But anyway, this is what happens when bitches try to eliminate my favorite song: "Who plays with fire, burns"  :usrs:  :illumilana2:



Also, can't wait to the next game and burn everyone once again, although I think I'm going to burn this time because number 2 is not my lucky number. But just because I said this, I will probably not burn, BUT just... :headache:


Ok, now bye because I'm going to runaway with Body Electric before someone appears and tries to kill him again  :toofunny: .




(I just ride!! :teehee: )


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i've been framed  :flop:


but idk burning desire just doesn't sound very original or striking to me. kind of sub-par but certainly does well in a car commercial, ig  :hooker:

burning desire is so bland it sounds like something taylor swift would do to try and copy lana again 


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burning desire is so bland it sounds like something taylor swift would do to try and copy lana again 


the live version of burning desire is iconic tho 


but body electric is such an iconic song! hauntingly beautiful.. something especially dark and spiritual about it :oprah:

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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