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42 minutes ago, viniciusfernandesx said:

can we just agree that Garden it's one of the best Melanie songs? I mean the lyrics, the instrumental, the melody, i really really hope that Mel don't scrap it, would be such a crime! I listen to it every day since it has leaked and have the perfect image for a music video in my head 🥺 hope my dreams come true

It's really good and the existing version isn't even really finished. Just verse + chorus x2 and then filler instrumental. That first verse especially is like crack. & yeah i wanna see her do some crazy plants vs zombies shit in the music video. jk

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I hope she sticks with the themes of life+death+rebirth and past lives. She could pull off such beautiful visuals and a unique story if she put in all her effort and took constructive criticism from K-12.


It would attract a much wider audience than her past albums, and earn her respect that she's been missing in some circles. Can you imagine the costumes and set designs that she and her team could create? Even if the movie is awful, it will undoubtedly be pretty.


If she plays the right cards she may even meet the requirements for an award nomination. I'm looking forward to seeing what we get. Ngl though, I'm pretty sure we're getting I Scream 3.0 from her and Bella before we hear anything about the new album, lol.

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On 6/2/2022 at 4:43 PM, The Siren said:

omg pls (ive never seen it, but) if we get an official release for sirens, i HOPE Mel saw that show and gets the director to help film the video :trisha:

You should definitely give it a watch, it's just 15 mins long, the visuals and ending are fascinating. It's the last episode of Season 3(each episode tells a completely different story so there's no problem if you don't watch the others).

I'm really hoping we get something fresh, new and surprising if she's going the dark path, curious to see how the aesthetic is going to be this era cuz we all thought K-12 would be mediaval-esque but ended being more barroque rococo.

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lmao what happened to that single that was supposed to come out in April or May :$ ? She's been kind of quiet so maybe we're getting something soon.. 

I'm inside of my own human body but I don't feel it yet

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6 hours ago, Betty Blue said:


Melanie was spotted in Melrose, California today! She looks so angelic and ethereal :wub:

others are saying long island, new york? is it confirmed?

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"Taking pictures of me when I ask 'no more'"


I feel bad that she got caught so off guard in those pictures. I get that people want content, and so do I, but I feel like it would have been better to just, IDK.. ask for a photo?


In other news, fuck Atlantic Records. How do they expect to make any money if they keep bullying all of their artists to death? I hope Melanie finds a way to leave her contract and move on to an independent career. She could probably get more funding from her fans than from her own label at this point

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5 hours ago, grayson stark said:

 is it confirmed?

Yes she was attending Verde's cousing graduation ceremony.


1 hour ago, ButterflyBones said:

I hope Melanie finds a way to leave her contract and move on to an independent career. She could probably get more funding from her fans than from her own label at this point

Y'all are delusional to think Atlantic pressures her to do much when she barely posts on social media, does like one live performance per era, interviews with small websites, with her songs not charting (only her album and for a week) to then allow her to film a whole movie with a 5M budget.
And not get into public legal action regarding how much her material leaks.


Her going independent would not be ideal, she is not sociable and has zero to no online persona, so she would struggle to get sponsors, also she would also have to pay an INSANE amount of money to keep her royalties

But sure a bunch of fans would donate their live savings for her to film stuff, after all Cry Babies did pay for the Dollhouse Music video when she was independent, and she does have a LOT more fans now.

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My comment was 90% just a joke about how shitty Atlantic Records has been treating many of their top artists lately, and how they seem to have made Melanie choose between funding for After School music videos or funding for future projects(RIP Test Me music video).


There were tons of musicians all over social media speaking about how controlling and terrible they are as a label, and I feel like Melanie would find a way to make it without them backing her.

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I would love if she started to think about being independent(and planning on it obviously, she needs to find her way)after her contract with Atlantic ends and after she gets "bigger". I feel like her sound and image would be changed vastly and she would be free to do whatever she wants. Atlantic sure has control of what she decides to release, whether it's 50% or 100%, every label does that to their artists, unless if you are big enough. She didn't write Numbers and Detention for no reason.

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I would have fucking loved to see the Test Me music video. She was so excited about the treatment she wrote, and said it'd be her favorite video she's ever produced. She was begging for streams to get the budget approved, and I'm sure she got plenty, Atlantic Records just sucks, lol.


Hoping she repurposes the video for another song in the future, or at least releases the concepts so we can see what she wanted to do with it.

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1 hour ago, ButterflyBones said:

I would have fucking loved to see the Test Me music video. She was so excited about the treatment she wrote, and said it'd be her favorite video she's ever produced. She was begging for streams to get the budget approved, and I'm sure she got plenty, Atlantic Records just sucks, lol.


Hoping she repurposes the video for another song in the future, or at least releases the concepts so we can see what she wanted to do with it.

that, and as proof she isnt being Porcelain Black and just stealing money from her fans :lmao: 

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4 minutes ago, The Siren said:

that, and as proof she isnt being Porcelain Black and just stealing money from her fans :lmao: 

Don't even mention Porcelain Black here please :sideeye: at least Melanie is not a troll :coffee: 

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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4 hours ago, ButterflyBones said:

My comment was 90% just a joke about how shitty Atlantic Records has been treating many of their top artists lately, and how they seem to have made Melanie choose between funding for After School music videos or funding for future projects(RIP Test Me music video).


There were tons of musicians all over social media speaking about how controlling and terrible they are as a label, and I feel like Melanie would find a way to make it without them backing her.

While I do think that Atlantic Records is very problematic and definitely damaging to Melanie, I think that a large part of her problems involve her. The whole K-12 idea was good but really poorly executed and its so weird for her to immediately attempt another movie.


I also don't know if this is possible for Melanie, but I think if she put out an unreleased album in between these 4-year periods, her label would be better able to prioritize her, as many of her songs are very catchy and very tiktoky.

Carmen GIF by Lana Del Rey

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1 hour ago, sadhotforever said:


I also don't know if this is possible for Melanie, but I think if she put out an unreleased album in between these 4-year periods, her label would be better able to prioritize her, as many of her songs are very catchy and very tiktoky.

tbh (idk if i said it before, but) im surprised that Atlantic hasnt done it yet :deadbanana:

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2 hours ago, sadhotforever said:

While I do think that Atlantic Records is very problematic and definitely damaging to Melanie, I think that a large part of her problems involve her.


I also don't know if this is possible for Melanie, but I think if she put out an unreleased album in between these 4-year periods, her label would be better able to prioritize her

She's always going to be extremely ambitious, maybe too much sometimes, that's true. It worked for her before though, I'm sure with the right direction and the right team she could make it work again. It's not like K-12 was a complete failure, anyway.


She can't just release whatever she wants(especially old scrapped music) if Atlantic won't let her, either. Besides, I don't think she wants a lot of that stuff to be listed in her professional discography.

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Idk maybe it was her or maybe it was Atlantic, but K-12 was definitely an attempt to recreate the success of CB. It almost seemed like a parody. I feel like Melanie wanted to move on to a mature, vintage theme but somehow got stuck in the childish sound of CB. If Melanie either released K-12 earlier or made K-12 sound like a high school album rather than an elementary school album it would’ve been 1000x better. Like, I just can’t listen to it and think about high school. The whole overall pastel vibe of the movie and album just made it seem too childish. I get it’s Melanie’s thing but I wish she just went for vintage rococo 


Dont get me wrong, I like the album (on some days)… but 4 years? 

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10 minutes ago, Gravitate said:

Idk maybe it was her or maybe it was Atlantic, but K-12 was definitely an attempt to recreate the success of CB. It almost seemed like a parody. I feel like Melanie wanted to move on to a mature, vintage theme but somehow got stuck in the childish sound of CB. If Melanie either released K-12 earlier or made K-12 sound like a high school album rather than an elementary school album it would’ve been 1000x better. Like, I just can’t listen to it and think about high school. The whole overall pastel vibe of the movie and album just made it seem too childish. I get it’s Melanie’s thing but I wish she just went for vintage rococo 


Dont get me wrong, I like the album (on some days)… but 4 years? 

each song represents a different year of kindergarten - grade 12 of school :oopna2:

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