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Just me thinking out loud but I said something prior about the creature having a tail/not seeing legs and I noticed watching this reaction video that we still haven't seen legs so she could very well still be a siren (mermaid looking version) or whatever. A long shot but yeah

Jealousy's a disease bitch get well soon

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1 minute ago, Pop The Balloons said:

Just me thinking out loud but I said something prior about the creature having a tail and I noticed watching this reaction video that we still haven't seen legs so she could very well still be a siren (mermaid looking version) or whatever. A long shot but yeah

i have a feeling this creature has legs. or at least an older evolution of her will have legs


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2 minutes ago, The Siren said:

i have a feeling this creature has legs. or at least an older evolution of her will have legs


Who knows I'm just excited to see what else comes but ignore me haha I feel like I'm thinking too hard about it 

3 minutes ago, The Siren said:

i have a feeling this creature has legs. or at least an older evolution of her will have legs


I also wanna say that I don't see any legs and there's something behind her that looks like a tree or tail? I know i sound like a crackhead rn but I just don't see legs 

Maybe it's just me wanting sirens on the album 

Jealousy's a disease bitch get well soon

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Just now, Pop The Balloons said:

Supposedly yes but she said it'll come out later 


yay! thank you!


i'm def gonna see it like i saw k-12


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2 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:


hopefully she doesn't make one  :quote: but knowing her.. probably yes


why "hopefully"? K-12 was really good.


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23 minutes ago, Pop The Balloons said:

Who knows I'm just excited to see what else comes but ignore me haha I feel like I'm thinking too hard about it 

I also wanna say that I don't see any legs and there's something behind her that looks like a tree or tail? I know i sound like a crackhead rn but I just don't see legs 

Maybe it's just me wanting sirens on the album 

im thinking she has here hands on one knee and her one leg is directly in front of the other leg

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2 minutes ago, baddisease said:

K-12 was really good.


be serious 😭 the film was unnecessary and the plot made zero sense.. she'd be much better off making individual music videos for each track (with a storyline connecting them all PERHAPS.. id prefer a more mild storyline but wbk mel's super into her character so).. i think she'd also be more creatively fulfilled that way.. melanie just isn't a filmmaker

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1 minute ago, The Siren said:

im thinking she has here hands on one knee and her one leg is directly in front of the other leg

I realize that now and I feel stupid lmao and the album cover has legs so ignore me 😶

Jealousy's a disease bitch get well soon

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4 minutes ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:


hopefully she doesn't make one  :quote: but knowing her.. probably yes

It’s sort of unbelievable they would finance another movie (but i think they are), like did K-12 really pay the bills? 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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Just now, sadness is a butterfly said:

It’s sort of unbelievable they would finance another movie (but i think they are), like did K-12 really pay the bills? 

the amount of times ive played it on youtube, it better have :bebe:

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6 minutes ago, sadness is a butterfly said:

like did K-12 really pay the bills? 


the film itself, probably not.. mel's entire k-12 album cycle and the tour, yes most definitely.. i think the label treated the film as a large chunk of the "promo" for the record and so they spent less money than they would elsewhere on other endeavors.. 


regarding portals, melanie probably said that she wouldn't make the album without the film and the label likely acquiesced since melanie is huge with the locals and online rn and they'd make money regardless of funding a film or not

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