Lad 8,804 Posted November 11, 2016 LMAO! In times like these is when people show their true colors. First of all, @Joker no need to get defensive. Uhm, no - let me correct myself. No need to get offensive. No need to call me stupid or ask me if I know how to read. Calm down miss thing! I know Illegal inmigration is, yes - for the lack of a better word - illegal. But you hold so much resentment on them because they're taking away "your" shit... most illegals cross the border out of need and desperation, they're not there to fuck you up, bro. But yes, at the end of the day what they're doing is illegal and that's why they get deported. Even during Obama's presidency there were lots of deportations, but those were done because that's the law, not because of hate. Your example makes no sense, I stand by what I said. You're comparing an entire group (illegal immigrants) to thieves (aka putting them on a bad light). An entire group. If I remember correctly, you got so triggered when the same thing was done to you when users expressed their opinion (given the right of free speech lol am I right ladies?) that all Trump supporters are racist / misogynist / homophobic / etc. ????? From what I can read (yes, I can!) your main reasons to vote Trump this election were 1) you dislike Hillary and 2) immigration. Don't you forget Trump (and his VP Pence) also came for the LGBT community so all I can say to you is, stay safe. x Looks like he's just starting to realize he's not gonna be able to do that much of what he promised to, & I don't see his supporters throwing a huge party either ; the backlash is gonna hurt him so bad, I hope, I'm so here for thatYeah, ever since his acceptance speech he seems to have toned it down (a little). We can only hope... 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joker 349 Posted November 11, 2016 Just remember to do research on who you vote for. Yes, Trump is racist and much more. Hillary is also racist, too. These are just 2 examples. 1) Yeah, remember calling Trump a second Hitler? It was Hillary who make racial remarks about Jewish people about 40-45 years ago. 2) Let's also remember when she was asked THIS YEAR about when she used to call black men "super predators" and she didn't want to respond. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,804 Posted November 11, 2016 Yeah, Hillary is not a saint either. I think we all know that. But unlike Trump she didn't make all these campaign promises on how she's gonna build a wall, deport people, investigate Muslims, how climate change is a hoax, didn't have a pro conversion therapy VP, etc... Trump did. His supporters voted for him because of said promises and he has to deliver. His supporters are waiting for him to do it so. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cashcomesquick 5,388 Posted November 11, 2016 Disgusting double standards. No one complains about bombing and invading other countries, but people trying to enter the US has to be stopped immediately. The legal term might be "illegal", but don't forget the foundation of the USA: aggressively stolen land. So, shut the f*ck up with your immigration bullshit! Everyone except native Americans is an immigrant to the US. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted November 11, 2016 Do you know how to read? People who aren't legally in America with a visa or a green card or passport should NOT be in America. Same thing with other countries. I'm sorry if you're too stupid to read, but it seems you are. My example makes perfect sense but you can't seem to put two and two together. I literally said that illegal immigrants coming and staying in America was like someone coming into your house when they're not supposed to and then you not kicking them out. Why would you keep them in your house or let them stay? I, for one, wouldn't like random fuckin people in my house taking my shit. Does this really not make sense to you? She publicly gave her concession so... good luck thank you. You need some form of ID to be living or walking in here for safety purposes. The fact that many illegal immigrants get 100% government help while the middle class is drowning and the gov. is not lifting a finger on them is disgusting. White people could care less about immigrants crossing borders, they only care whether those people are doing it legally, and whether they will be productive members of society in which one half does their job correctly and the other half spews out 5 anchor babies so they can get over $1,000 a month of government assistance like $400 of food stamps and WIC and NOT get a job, while my family are law abiding citizens and got the middle finger from Obama's administration when we lost our house. No one should DARE to tell me that what i am writing is false when I see this happening EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Orlando is infested with people riding government welfare, which i find ironic considering Florida is hard on this type of stuff I am a fan of her, I have been a member on this forum before. Just registered once again to talk about politics, hoped for a good discussion as I know many of you are social justice warriors and would most likely disagree with me. It is just funnier to discuss things when people have different opinions, not to mention the fact that most of you are Americans ... But sadly, the only feedback I got from my political view was allegations that I got paid for writing it. Was really funny, but yet disappointed. youre on a website full of 16 year olds who think socialism is the path to Utopia 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trayertrash 7,218 Posted November 11, 2016 Y'all acting like people are coming to America to steal your job and land and never have plans on becoming legal citizens. When someone comes here to escape torture or economic collapse or dictatorship in their home country we need to accept them - our country's history is based on that. People come here, work, pay taxes, don't commit crimes and are still denied citizenship. Do you realize people waiting on paperwork to go through are still considered illegal? What do you think people who have been here for a decade reapplying for citizenship, working and paying taxes should do? Give up, go to their home county and risk being murdered or not being able to work or provide for their families? America isn't the best country, but it's better than some places. Not everyone can stay and fight in their home country, some people need to escape for protection. My great grandma was an illegal immigrant the majority of her life. She escaped the holocaust and came here thinking she had a chance. She applied for citizenship over and over again, she had one judge spit in her face and said he would never grant citizenship to a kike. Though that kind of behavior is less common now, there's still judges who base citizenship on race, ethnicity and religion, they let bigotry determine their ruling. Everyone's soooo afraid of Mexican immigration but this is the same shit that's happened the past century. People feared Irish, Italians, Catholics and Jews coming over and destroying America.. but they didn't.. and neither will any other group of people. Fear of immigrants is drenched in bigotry. Literally no one is fearing white immigrants because they fit into average America, they only the brown ones. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted November 11, 2016 I am a fan of her, I have been a member on this forum before. Just registered once again to talk about politics, hoped for a good discussion as I know many of you are social justice warriors and would most likely disagree with me. It is just funnier to discuss things when people have different opinions, not to mention the fact that most of you are Americans ... But sadly, the only feedback I got from my political view was allegations that I got paid for writing it. Was really funny, but yet disappointed. what was your previous username? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joker 349 Posted November 11, 2016 It isn't about whether they're Mexican, Chinese, whatever the fuck. It's about coming here legally with your papers saying you can be here. It's not about race or religion or any of that bullshit. It's about whether the government has ID for that person so we know who they are. The government has a pretty keen way of knowing who everyone is, whether that's a driver's license, a passport, military ID, school systems, whatever. They know who their population is. Illegally coming here is saying "Fuck the government and your rules that've been placed here to PROTECT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, I'm coming over anyway." It relates to my earlier analogy, if someone breaks into your house, are you gonna let them chill and wait to see if they're going to take things or what they're going to do? I never said anything about them taking jobs or anything away from me, personally. But, from experience, I worked at CVS in Florida for almost 2 years and you wanna know what I saw every day? People coming in and trying to transfer money to Mexico and South Africa.... but didn't have any form of ID and couldn't speak English so I couldn't do the transfer or understand anything they said. Every day, they'd come in. So yes, it does happen where you read online or hear about illegal people that're just here to make money and send it to people out of the country. To say that every illegal immigrant should stay in America and should be able to walk right without any form of ID or anything in is ignorance in its biggest form and shows how the American people really think... it's called NATIONAL SECURITY. And people shouldn't feel bad because their biggest concern is the American people as a whole. Also, why should my taxes be paying for someone who isn't even documented in America when the middle class is dying and struggling to support themselves? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoxavel 938 Posted November 11, 2016 It isn't about whether they're Mexican, Chinese, whatever the fuck. It's about coming here legally with your papers saying you can be here. It's not about race or religion or any of that bullshit. It's about whether the government has ID for that person so we know who they are. The government has a pretty keen way of knowing who everyone is, whether that's a driver's license, a passport, military ID, school systems, whatever. They know who their population is. Illegally coming here is saying "Fuck the government and your rules that've been placed here to PROTECT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, I'm coming over anyway." It relates to my earlier analogy, if someone breaks into your house, are you gonna let them chill and wait to see if they're going to take things or what they're going to do? I never said anything about them taking jobs or anything away from me, personally. But, from experience, I worked at CVS in Florida for almost 2 years and you wanna know what I saw every day? People coming in and trying to transfer money to Mexico and South Africa.... but didn't have any form of ID and couldn't speak English so I couldn't do the transfer or understand anything they said. Every day, they'd come in. So yes, it does happen where you read online or head about illegal people that're just here to make money and send it to people out of the country. To say that every illegal immigrant should stay in America and should be able to walk right without any form of ID or anything in is ignorance in its biggest form and shows how the American people really think... it's called NATIONAL SECURITY. And people shouldn't feel bad because their biggest concern is the American people as a whole. Also, why should my taxes be paying for someone who isn't even documented in America when the middle class is dying and struggling to support themselves? right wing liberal here and i support this message. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analwinterofmylife 2,645 Posted November 11, 2016 It isn't about whether they're Mexican, Chinese, whatever the fuck. It's about coming here legally with your papers saying you can be here. It's not about race or religion or any of that bullshit. It's about whether the government has ID for that person so we know who they are. The government has a pretty keen way of knowing who everyone is, whether that's a driver's license, a passport, military ID, school systems, whatever. They know who their population is. Illegally coming here is saying "Fuck the government and your rules that've been placed here to PROTECT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, I'm coming over anyway." It relates to my earlier analogy, if someone breaks into your house, are you gonna let them chill and wait to see if they're going to take things or what they're going to do? I never said anything about them taking jobs or anything away from me, personally. But, from experience, I worked at CVS in Florida for almost 2 years and you wanna know what I saw every day? People coming in and trying to transfer money to Mexico and South Africa.... but didn't have any form of ID and couldn't speak English so I couldn't do the transfer or understand anything they said. Every day, they'd come in. So yes, it does happen where you read online or hear about illegal people that're just here to make money and send it to people out of the country. To say that every illegal immigrant should stay in America and should be able to walk right without any form of ID or anything in is ignorance in its biggest form and shows how the American people really think... it's called NATIONAL SECURITY. And people shouldn't feel bad because their biggest concern is the American people as a whole. Also, why should my taxes be paying for someone who isn't even documented in America when the middle class is dying and struggling to support themselves? the question is, how to create a way where people can move to america in a safe, legal, and achievable way. The middle class of america is actually doing alright.. its the working class of america thats disappearing and the government has yet to come thru for so many people. and u right Its honestly silly for anyone to dispute that we need secure borders and we need to be sure that criminals or people with bad intentions are entering the country. And i think we can all agree its in everyones best interest that people can legally immigrate easier and have a path to citizenship, so that they can participate economically, and culturally within america. its also not just mexicans .. there are lots of undocumented asians and other races too. the undocumented community isn't monolithic .. its more complex and diverse than i think even I often acknowledge but also 0 Quote Instagram: pxpi_gringo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoxavel 938 Posted November 11, 2016 the question is, how to create a way where people can move to america in a safe, legal, and achievable way. The middle class of america is actually doing alright.. its the working class of america thats disappearing. Its honestly silly for anyone to dispute that we need secure borders and we need to be sure that criminals or people with bad intentions are entering the country. And i think we can all agree its in everyones best interest that people who come here have a path to citizenship, so that they can participate economically, and culturally within america. there already is a system in place for people to gain citizenship. i know plenty of people who have done it the right way. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analwinterofmylife 2,645 Posted November 11, 2016 there already is a system in place for people to gain citizenship. i know plenty of people who have done it the right way. well i guess i meant to say, a good way to immigrate and earn citizenship 1 Quote Instagram: pxpi_gringo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoxavel 938 Posted November 11, 2016 well i guess i meant to say, a good way to immigrate and earn citizenship i agree, they should make it a bit easier but at the same time, if you really want something you work really hard for it. i worked really hard to get the education, i also worked really hard to get my duel citizenship. if you want it, you go, work had and earn it. that's how i've always seen it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analwinterofmylife 2,645 Posted November 11, 2016 i agree, they should make it a bit easier but at the same time, if you really want something you work really hard for it. i worked really hard to get the education, i also worked really hard to get my duel citizenship. if you want it, you go, work had and earn it. that's how i've always seen it. This is very true, its important to work hard to achieve what you can, but not everyone has the ability to truly focus on working hard.. people who are struggling financially and have kids, and possibly health issues, not the best education... it's pretty hard for some people. and this can be said in a lot of instances, not only immigration but getting education, working, getting wealthy... many kinds of achievements. for example.. I live like an hour and a half to two hours from my college.. i go there because its the only program i can really afford. It takes me about 2 hours to get there and 2 hours back cuz i have to take the bus since i cant afford the gas. because of this i really dont have much time to work.. so i can't really make enough money. Plus i dont have much time for homework. But there for anyone in a better place financially than me, they could drive to school and have 4 additional hours to their day, which means they could have more time to work/do hw.. get better grades, more money. Sometimes you cant just work harder, and magically achieve everything you want.. 6 Quote Instagram: pxpi_gringo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted November 11, 2016 Does anyone here actually have an education on this matter? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analwinterofmylife 2,645 Posted November 11, 2016 Does anyone here actually have an education on this matter? immigration or the election or ? 0 Quote Instagram: pxpi_gringo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted November 11, 2016 immigration or the election or ? Immigration 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
analwinterofmylife 2,645 Posted November 11, 2016 Immigration i just have a p general understanding tbh.. its not my area of sociological expertise lmao 0 Quote Instagram: pxpi_gringo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knoxavel 938 Posted November 11, 2016 Immigration don't be shady. everyone can have an opinion on this. especially anyone who pays taxes. This is very true, its important to work hard to achieve what you can, but not everyone has the ability to truly focus on working hard.. people who are struggling financially and have kids, and possibly health issues, not the best education... it's pretty hard for some people. and this can be said in a lot of instances, not only immigration but getting education, working, getting wealthy... many kinds of achievements. for example.. I live like an hour and a half to two hours from my college.. i go there because its the only program i can really afford. It takes me about 2 hours to get there and 2 hours back cuz i have to take the bus since i cant afford the gas. because of this i really dont have much time to work.. so i can't really make enough money. Plus i dont have much time for homework. But there for anyone in a better place financially than me, they could drive to school and have 4 additional hours to their day, which means they could have more time to work/do hw.. get better grades, more money. Sometimes you cant just work harder, and magically achieve everything you want.. exactly. i didn't have the best support system but i worked with what i had. you just make it work. this election has scared me but only because i was never exposed to racism. you can say i conditioned msyelf growing up knowing and being aware but never actually being on the receiving end. luckily growing up gay and a minority really helped me in getting thick skin. if someone were to tell me to go "home", i could easily say WHAT, THE CITY OF ORANGE IN CA? lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reputation 6,323 Posted November 11, 2016 don't be shady. everyone can have an opinion on this. especially anyone who pays taxes. exactly. i didn't have the best support system but i worked with what i had. you just make it work. this election has scared me but only because i was never exposed to racism. you can say i conditioned msyelf growing up knowing and being aware but never actually being on the receiving end. luckily growing up gay and a minority really helped me in getting thick skin. if someone were to tell me to go "home", i could easily say WHAT, THE CITY OF ORANGE IN CA? lol Not really. An opinion without the right knowledge is just ignorance. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites