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1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose?

I'll pick Rowlet. But they are all trash competitively. 


2. What Pokémon are you most excited for?

I'm mostly excited for Salandit. I like most of the new mons. Can't wait to use them.


3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex?

Well like with ORAS/X Y. I am a shiny hunter hunties. (completed the national dex, have shiny charm, etc) and of course can't wait for the new metagame. 


4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?)

Gimmick, trash


5. Opinion on Ultra Beast?

Ugly trash

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  On 11/14/2016 at 11:28 AM, Me. I Am Mariah said:


2. What Pokémon are you most excited for?

I'm mostly excited for Salandit





I forgot about Salandit~ the typing and ability are so cool, very competitive.


anyone play any pokemon ROM hacks?


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1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose?

I'm choosing Popplio because Primarina is the only decent final evo. I love Litten but I refuse to use that tiger


2. What Pokémon are you most excited for?



3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex?

I'm probably never complete the pokedex, just explore the game tbh


4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?)

I don't care about Z moves or mega evolution, but I love alolan ninetales and marowak!


5. Opinion on Ultra Beast?

They suck

Oh, and apparently Amazon is delivering early in France so instead of getting the games on the 23rd we're getting them on the 19th! I can't wait rauirhbadbadbajbeajbeae


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  On 11/14/2016 at 11:41 AM, YUNGATA said:

I forgot about Salandit~ the typing and ability are so cool, very competitive.


anyone play any pokemon ROM hacks?

I forgot to mention! After a while I guess we can change this to just a Pokémon thread! These games are the only recent ones I've been hyped for. Living for the features!


I used to play ROM hacks a lot. I really liked Ash Gray.


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I only used to play Roms on my computer when I was young, but as soon as I got a DS and a flashcart I played everything on my DS (it's better that way).


Here's my team:



I still have to choose the 6th member. I might choose Wimpod's evo or that plant queen idk


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  On 11/14/2016 at 1:36 PM, Limelight said:

I only used to play Roms on my computer when I was young, but as soon as I got a DS and a flashcart I played everything on my DS (it's better that way).


Here's my team:



I still have to choose the 6th member. I might choose Wimpod's evo or that plant queen idk

That's what my team for Sun looks like. I'm using my favorites based on appearance for Sun, and stat/appearance wise for Moon. I also try to have the Pokémon with the same type on my team. One of the bird types could work with your team typing! Or maybe Alolan Raichu. It just depends on if your in-game team is going to also be your competitive team for the after game?


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  On 11/14/2016 at 2:16 PM, HoneymoonSwan said:

That's what my team for Sun looks like. I'm using my favorites based on appearance for Sun, and stat/appearance wise for Moon. I also try to have the Pokémon with the same type on my team. One of the bird types could work with your team typing! Or maybe Alolan Raichu. It just depends on if your in-game team is going to also be your competitive team for the after game?

I never play competitively, I just don't see the appeal at all (people basically use the same pkm anyway). There are a bunch of pokemon this gen that I don't like/don't care about, so my choices are kinda restricted. I might use one of the birds but on my second playthrough (Using the bear and marowak the second time, but no starters).

I just hope the game's a bit more challenging + we have a good post-game (no spoilers pls, I'm avoiding them :defeated: )


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  On 11/14/2016 at 2:43 PM, Limelight said:

I never play competitively, I just don't see the appeal at all (people basically use the same pkm anyway). There are a bunch of pokemon this gen that I don't like/don't care about, so my choices are kinda restricted. I might use one of the birds but on my second playthrough (Using the bear and marowak the second time, but no starters).

I just hope the game's a bit more challenging + we have a good post-game (no spoilers pls, I'm avoiding them :defeated: )

It's very exciting and gives you a rush of adrenaline when you win a very close match. It's not always the same pokemon, that's VGC you are talking about.  It's fun to be able to predict what your opponent is going to do next and do the exact move that screws his stupid tactics over. Except when you play against Japanese players. Those are so annoying, they come with the weirdest stupid stragies you never saw in your life before and if you are not smart they will own you :sadcore3:

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  On 11/14/2016 at 2:53 PM, Creyk said:

It's very exciting and gives you a rush of adrenaline when you win a very close match. It's not always the same pokemon, that's VGC you are talking about.  It's fun to be able to predict what your opponent is going to do next and do the exact move that screws his stupid tactics over. Except when you play against Japanese players. Those are so annoying, they come with the weirdest stupid stragies you never saw in your life before and if you are not smart they will own you :sadcore3:

I play against some of my friends sometimes but otherwise I never battle online. I might give it a try now, specially now that we can modify IVs


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  On 11/14/2016 at 3:20 PM, Limelight said:

I play against some of my friends sometimes but otherwise I never battle online. I might give it a try now, specially now that we can modify IVs

Send me your friend code soon! I love battleing.


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I pre-ordered Moon. TBH, I haven't enjoyed any Pokémon game as much as the ones from Gen. 3 and 4, but I'm still kinda excited about these new games.

  On 11/13/2016 at 2:41 AM, HoneymoonSwan said:

1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose?


2. What Pokémon are you most excited for?


3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex?


4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?)


5. Opinion on Ultra Beast?

  1. I wanted to get Litten, but its final evo sucks. I'm not a huge fan of Rowlet, but I'm kinda fascinated by Decidueye (WTF is this name?), so I'm gonna pick this one.
  2. Decidueye, Lunala, Magearna, Type: Null and Silvally, Mimikyu and Lycanroc (midnight form). Also Alolan Vulpix and Ninetales, Alolan Meowth (not gonna let it evolve, I'm not here for that weird Garfield caricature) and Alolan Marowak.
  3. Both probably LOL. I only know that I definitely won't try to complete the national PokéDex. I only managed to complete it once, on my HeartGold version.
  4. Tie between Mega Evolution and Alolan forms, I really like both concepts. BTW, I'm still pissed that Mega Flygon didn't happen in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
  5. I'm not sure, TBH. Seems interesting, but it'll probably depend on what role they play in the games. 

I didn't want to spoil my first time playing it, so I did not check out the recent leaks.

Also, I am kinda even more excited about the Sinnoh remakes that will hopefully come out after Sun and Moon.  :creep:


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  On 11/14/2016 at 7:38 PM, SlowGinFizzzz said:

Pokémon Platinum > everything else.


YESSS!!! I'm here for the 3D remakes of DP&P imagine how good the locations would look with a 3D remake. Also I'm here for the Pokémon contest to be more like the anime, not like that mess they labeled as "contest" in ORAS.


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  On 11/14/2016 at 8:36 PM, HoneymoonSwan said:

YESSS!!! I'm here for the 3D remakes of DP&P imagine how good the locations would look with a 3D remake. Also I'm here for the Pokémon contest to be more like the anime, not like that mess they labeled as "contest" in ORAS.



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1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose?

Defiently Popplio. I've been set on getting him since the get go. He's just so cute


2. What Pokémon are you most excited for?

COSMOG! It's by far my new fav Pokemon. 


3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex?



I don't really have any goals. I just want to get through this amazing game. 


4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?)


None of them actually. I'm excited for the graphics! They're gonna look so good 


5. Opinion on Ultra Beast?


They're really cool and nice idea. It's cool to see Pokemon change up the regular game. Feels fresh and new 

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  On 11/14/2016 at 8:41 PM, SlowGinFizzzz said:




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Also Cynthia was one of the HARDEST champions to beat. I remember I was biting my nails, trying to not lose to her, and I think it came down to her Milotic, and I had the upper hand. I remember that during my first play through of Diamond (I was really young at the time and didn't have clue what I was doing) I had a level 100 Empoleon that only knew HM moves! (I'm glad they removed hms this game so we don't have to worry about that mess)


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