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Lipsters Awards 2016 (1/28)

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Ready for my "Most Annoying Award". Truly an honor :thankyou:

i think we all know who should win that award





















































me ;)

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Uhm I'm sorry guys but I think this will get pushed back a little. @Elle and @Brooklyn Baby have helped me A LOT this week, all votes are counted thanks to them and I'm currently scoring the final nominees but I'm really short in time (and this was so sudden, I had the LanaBoards Awards schedule and all planned / ready for a month but I never thought it'd be this busy right now). Of course I could get it all done by tomorrow but that would only give you guys like 5 days to vote and also the next two weeks are Christmas and New Years Eve so... I don't know, i want to hear from you guys.

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Uhm I'm sorry guys but I think this will get pushed back a little. @Elle and @Brooklyn Baby have helped me A LOT this week, all votes are counted thanks to them and I'm currently scoring the final nominees but I'm really short in time (and this was so sudden, I had the LanaBoards Awards schedule and all planned / ready for a month but I never thought it'd be this busy right now). Of course I could get it all done by tomorrow but that would only give you guys like 5 days to vote and also the next two weeks are Christmas and New Years Eve so... I don't know, i want to hear from you guys.

Push it back. I don't think anyone will be mad if the ceremony happens in the new year and that will also give people enough time to vote. Don't stress yourself over this :)

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that's all good sis  :)


i feel like a flop for not submitting nominees but i just couldn't think of enough people  :toofunny:


still, y'all had better have nominated me for something  :creepna:

though i'm not counting on it :creep:


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Uhm I'm sorry guys but I think this will get pushed back a little. @Elle and @Brooklyn Baby have helped me A LOT this week, all votes are counted thanks to them and I'm currently scoring the final nominees but I'm really short in time (and this was so sudden, I had the LanaBoards Awards schedule and all planned / ready for a month but I never thought it'd be this busy right now). Of course I could get it all done by tomorrow but that would only give you guys like 5 days to vote and also the next two weeks are Christmas and New Years Eve so... I don't know, i want to hear from you guys.


tropico teas


but push it back sis

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With the board having been down,  January is fine

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I'm late lol but January sounds absolutely okay. I never thought it was a good idea to celebrate two Lipsters Awards in the same year.

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it is definitely not tonight, right?

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Best Taste - Just check out my profile, fam. Or my Letterboxd profile.

Underrated Member Yeah.

Biggest Stan All of those apply to me, although I did a 40-minute video essay on the queen's music videos, and did a 5-hour music video project of her albums, so yeah...
Marina Joyce (Attention Whore)This reply.
Be My Daddy (Hottest Member)Because many of you sent me messages asking for nudies, so I must be doing something right?

Big Eyes (Resident Artist) - For my film work; and the album "ZU" I did this year.

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Best Taste - Just check out my profile, fam. Or my Letterboxd profile.


Underrated Member Yeah.


Biggest Stan All of those apply to me, although I did a 40-minute video essay on the queen's music videos, and did a 5-hour music video project of her albums, so yeah...


Marina Joyce (Attention Whore)This reply.


Be My Daddy (Hottest Member)Because many of you sent me messages asking for nudies, so I must be doing something right?


Big Eyes (Resident Artist) - For my film work; and the album "ZU" I did this year.

oh my god, a Demi Lovato tea 




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