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Has anyone searched her name on Twitter? They’re sending her pics of deceased Palestinian children.




Do these idiots not realize she isn’t the only American singing at that show? How come they aren’t being called out? Oh i know why! because it’s the “follow the leader” type of mentality going on right now. Fuck off.

It's best just to sit this one out and wait for it to pass. The people that are doing these idiotic things are braindead morons. They all just copy eachother and crave likes and attention from their fellow "mutuals" - its pretty pathetic



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Lana's statement was fine actually is was rather good but her replies on twitter come off as a typical L.A girl trying to be sudo - philosophical.


She dug her own grave trying to pander to the SJW left with her see through as fuck wokeness album, so no wonder why she getting a shit ton of backlash.


The blame mostly should be put on her Manager's for booking the show in the first place. They must of seen the backlash Lorde or even Radiohead had for instance. Maybe one day they'll be peace and Lana can go there without any issue, but right now there isn't.


However I don't agree with the way some fans have acted. Sending pictures of dead children is disgusting. Being verbally abusive towards Lana is disgusting. It's a highly volatile situation but you can have a polite convocation without being a dick.



This. Are they that stupid ?¨After all the backlash Lorde and Radiohead got last year. This whole controverse could be so easily prevented. 

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Hopefully this doesn't inspire her to write Coachella 2.0 :awkney:

Israel - Mean Gays on my Twitter Feed



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I'm happy for her to be performing there so long as the place she is performing isn't currently being ravaged by warfare, the people running the festival provide her and her team with top notch security, all the guests who attend are also secure and safe, AND if she gives back/donates or does something to help the innocent civilians. I don't want fans to miss out, but at the same time I want everyone to be safe and I don't really think travelling there is such a good idea.
Especially with the attention this backlash is giving her & the situation- I'd hate to think that she could potentially be targeted or something. That said, my knowledge on politics outside my country & on the current situation there is limited so I'm sorry if what I'm saying comes off as ???misinformed?


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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I'm happy for her to be performing there so long as the place she is performing isn't currently being ravaged by warfare, the people running the festival provide her and her team with top notch security, all the guests who attend are also secure and safe, AND if she gives back/donates or does something to help the innocent civilians. I don't want fans to miss out, but at the same time I want everyone to be safe and I don't really think travelling there is such a good idea.

Especially with the attention this backlash is giving her & the situation- I'd hate to think that she could potentially be targeted or something. That said, my knowledge on politics outside my country & on the current situation there is limited so I'm sorry if what I'm saying comes off as ???misinformed?


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gay twitter stans should stay away from politics and stop dragging evey fucking artist who does literally nothing just so they can themselves “woke”.

Well, people have different ideologies & everyone has a right to express their opinion, but what I find funny is the same guys who are calling her names, unfollowing her & spamming her on Twitter will be posting comments like "Wig!!", "Skinny Legend", "slay queen", etc. once she delivers a new song :dafuq:

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Well, people have different ideologies & everyone has a right to express their opinion, but what I find funny is the same guys who are calling her names, unfollowing her & spamming her on Twitter will be posting comments like "Wig!!", "Skinny Legend", "slay queen", etc. once she delivers a new song :dafuq:

i didn't say they can't have different opinions, i just said they need to stop being aggressive with every artist for every little thing they say or do. it's getting annoying. 

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