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Official Single Premiere: "LOVE"

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How could Lana have said last year that the music she'd been working on was kind of in the same aethetic of Honeymoon. I guess the same stance. It's in a totally different direction though from her last 4/5 records. It's less about her, and more for/to her fans. And being that said, it's not dark, but more comforting and uplifting. It's really beautiful. I think this will be my fave album. xx So excited, I love it.

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How could Lana have said last year that the music she'd been working on was kind of in the same aethetic of Honeymoon. I guess the same stance. It's in a totally different direction though from her last 4/5 records. It's less about her, and more for/to her fans. And being that said, it's not dark, but more comforting and uplifting. It's really beautiful. I think this will be my fave album. xx So excited, I love it.


now that sounds interesting! 

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Makes me wonder though if this is her last album. At least for a long time…

Being the lead single is out now, they'll probably be a few more promo/following singles in the next several weeks. I'd say an album feels two months away. So sometime in May.

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Now that i think about it, Life is Beautiful would actually fit on this album so well. It's also quite an inspirational and happy song. Kinda like Love. It would be nice to have it as a bonus track or something. It's not like we've even technically heard the song properly anyway, we've only heard like 50 seconds of it from a trailer

as nice as that sounds I don't think we will ever get that song unless it leaks I don't think her team has control

Over it anymore since it was for that movie.... dan Heath said he hopes it sees the light of day one day but they don't have control over that...

Ciggeretes and RoboTusin will i ever get to Heaven

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A hundred replays later and I still love this song to pieces, especially the airy, breathy aerial chorus which now that I think of it reminds me of Shades Of Cool as well. That's already two UV songs this makes me think of, all my fears left are shattered a bit more everytime Lana says don't worry baby. Thank you Jesus that it's not a generic love song 


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Are you forgetting the iconic transition from BTD to UV and the meltdowns that ensued because it was so different :creep:

No UV is my fave album so far. xx I just meant to not be writting about herself and love life anymore.

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