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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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Lana's rep confirmed to Pitchfork that the tweet is about witchcraft LMAO :air:



the fact that this was confirmed to be about witchcraft lol its just...i never thought anything like this would be going on lmao. I'm fucking dying.


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Well shiit. I wonder if Lana is just saying that to kind of let us know she lowkey doesn't support Trump or if she's actually going to go to a coven in a long black robe and actually cast a spell.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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These questions were so random if this was 2014/2015 she'd lose enthusiasm and respond quick & harsh poor girl

Praise the Lord Jesus Hallelujah she's chill with her image this era so far


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Can someone summarize what happened in the last 30 pages?

everyone took turns talking sht about you


Lana tweeted some dates, dates are related to anti trump witchcraft, interscope confirmed the witchcraft connection. Also miles kane casual collab (not for the album)


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Lmao you leave her out of sight for a single minute and she becomes a witch in the meantime

The woman of my life after all this time is still able to amaze me every single day


*cringe I know*


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Didn't her single drop because of this? Was that really true?

All her lead singles reached their peak on the first week and started dropping after a while (a week or less), I don't think these events are related


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It's so weird to me that her label confirmed that her tweets were about witchcraft. What other artist has their label out here telling everybody they're a witch? Queen Hex Girl TBH.

It's a mess tbh. It's like she's sabotaging her own success. Love is free falling as we speak.


Her team is a disaster. Nobody of lana's caliber should be tweeting about recruiting their fans to join some witch cult. It's crazy lol. Lana can do whatever she wants but to put it on full blast is just very risky and I hope it doesn't hurt her in the long run. This could turn off a LOT of people

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It's a mess tbh. It's like she's sabotaging her own success. Love is free falling as we speak.


Her team is a disaster. Nobody of lana's caliber should be tweeting about recruiting their fans to join some witch cult. It's crazy lol. Lana can do whatever she wants but to put it on full blast is just very risky and I hope it doesn't hurt her in the long run. This could turn off a LOT of people

Why are you so bothered? This isn't even making a huge impact apart from a few websites making articles and some backlash from ardent trump supporters. Would you rather she remained passive and simple for the rest of her career? It's not like controversial opinion is out of the ordinary for Lana anyway.


Freefalling is normal, she does minimal promo for her single, which has been out for a week, before schedule. Usually her singles drop way before this point. Quit worrying about charts and performance, she's always been an album-driven rather than a singles artist anyway.


Who even cares if this turns people off from her? To be different is in her nature as a non-mainstream, alternative artist. This whole occult direction is intriguing regardless, so I don't understand the complaints.

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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I call this poem 'It All Started With A Tweet'


It all started with a tweet

Hinting when the pagans will meet

To cast a spell on Mr. Pres


All the fellow stans

Were questioning her plans

What do you expect?


We thought it was album news

But we were wrong

There was no indication of a new song


She didn't just tweet words,

But a beautiful picture too,

Shot by the great Neil Krug,


Holding up four fingers,

Pointing towards symbolism,

We thought she converted to Satanism,


Wether it's true, were not sure,

She's Catholic, nothing more,


It's a plan to bring down Trump,

By casting a Wiccan spell,

To get America out of hell,


Recently it has been confirmed,

And although some people have turned,

Lana remains the best


Wether a real witch or not,

It was worth a shot,

To speak against Trump,


It all started with a tweet,

She may fall, she may rise,

But I think she'll be alright,


So now the questions is,

What is this era,

What is it to be?

A space world

Or a witchcraft theme?








Idek, I'm kinda tipsy lol.

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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i don't know, and don't want to pass as dramatic, but c'mon guys

it's weird af. 

i lo


I call this poem 'It All Started With A Tweet'

It all started with a tweet
Hinting when the pagans will meet
To cast a spell on Mr. Pres

All the fellow stans
Were questioning her plans
What do you expect?

We thought it was album news
But we were wrong
There was no indication of a new song

She didn't just tweet words,
But a beautiful picture too,
Shot by the great Neil Krug,

Holding up four fingers,
Pointing towards symbolism,
We thought she converted to Satanism,

Wether it's true, were not sure,
She's Catholic, nothing more,

It's a plan to bring down Trump,
By casting a Wiccan spell,
To get America out of hell,

Recently it has been confirmed,
And although some people have turned,
Lana remains the best

Wether a real witch or not,
It was worth a shot,
To speak against Trump,

It all started with a tweet,
She may fall, she may rise,
But I think she'll be alright,

So now the questions is,
What is this era,
What is it to be?
A space world
Or a witchcraft theme?

Idek, I'm kinda tipsy lol.

i loved it, but the only problem is that i'm really afraid. i wish she came forward and told us what this is all about


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I honestly don't understand why people care about her tweeting about witchcraft, it's not a big deal! She had books in her house about it we already knew she probably had an interest in it...


Yeah, it's really not as dramatic as people are making it out to be. I wouldn't care if she posted "HAIL SATAN, MAY HIS DARK REIGN LAST A THOUSAND DARK YEARS." It's just funny and weird that her label was like, yeah, it's totally about witchcraft!  :lmao:

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