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Say Yes to Heaven

LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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tbh I'm on both sides. Lana is here to create art, she has the right to release it how she wants to when she wants to.. I'm not an artist; but as a hoe that fcks w/ art hoes I can say that artists don't owe shit to anyone- even before she was famous, she was releasing stuff just so that she can show off art that she created and that she's proud of, I feel like a lot of fans don't really respect that and feel the need to take advantage of her and beg her ass for more. Buuut, on the other side- it is kind of annoying that she refuses to promote her work. It just makes me feel like she's not proud of what she does and does not care to draw in more fans- it's like she's just releasing music to be like "here u little bitches, now stop complaining". I do also wish that she at least ATTEMPTED to promote her stuff and get out a better image of herself.. cuz like it's kinda annoying that whenever I say I'm a lana fan, people still reply with "oh yeh that depressing bitch that was on snl that one time"

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Just popping in to say I've had Love on repeat for the past half an hour and it has truly, fully clicked with me. I liked it from the day it released but now I think it might be my second favorite lead of hers behind West Coast. What a song. The "don't worry, baby" bits are euphoric.

te deseo, cariño

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It is very much real. But I advise you to delete the link IMMEDIATLEY.




Cue the warning point and the triggered stans screaming "respect lana".

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Lana Del Rey announces new album! The sultry-pop queen has come back to bless us all again (YASS!) with her new album; titled: Hopeless Fountain Kingdom.


:lmao: Halsey just made Best American Record sound like a much, much better album title.

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