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LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread

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Actually I used to have a YouTube channel. When copyright infringement is detected, a disclaimer will come up with original name of the song. I think it detects the audio back to the original source (or however copyright detection is done) so... Maybe that's what B A R was actually registered as?


Yeah, I'm doing this. Waiting for YT to take down my vid just so we can confirm this

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The hate for Architecture is unbearable. :defeated:


Like, I've grown to accept and kinda like B A R, but it just sounds so.... Idk. Fiddly. Architecture sounds really good, I like one-word names. Architecture makes me think of a grand creation (the album?) but that just my opinion. *sips tea*

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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no i will never accept Architecture as a title

wtf are we in technical drawing class i think the fuck not

i already accepted Love as a title and that was hard enough i will not accept ARCHITECTURE

inb4 she cut out the pre-chorus and that's why the final version is 2 minutes shorter and it's not called BAR any longer


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What does Architecture has to do with the other songs? I mean, what is the meaning of the title that makes it connect with the other songs as a summary?

Honeymoon title was shitty, but at least you could relate most of the songs to the theme of the song. As with Ultraviolence. So that made sense.




Best American Record could represent an irony to critics and also a positivist paradigm, since we already know Love and BAR are very happy & overcoming songs.


That's my opinion.

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The hate for Architecture is unbearable. :defeated:


Like, I've grown to accept and kinda like B A R, but it just sounds so.... Idk. Fiddly. Architecture sounds really good, I like one-word names. Architecture makes me think of a grand creation (the album?) but that just my opinion. *sips tea*

Architecture sounds generic and bland to me, it doesn't conveys the feeling of the song, it doesn't relate at all to the main subject of it, it's just a line in the beginning. Plus it's harsh to pronounce. Sips tea too I guess


What is Architecture anyway? Cause I'm listening to this amazing song, Best American Record, I highly suggest you guys give it a try


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no i will never accept Architecture as a title

wtf are we in technical drawing class i think the fuck not

i already accepted Love as a title and that was hard enough i will not accept ARCHITECTURE

inb4 she cut out the pre-chorus and that's why the final version is 2 minutes shorter and it's not called BAR any longer

I fucking swear to god if that's the case I'm buying a plane ticket to LA


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no i will never accept Architecture as a title

wtf are we in technical drawing class i think the fuck not

i already accepted Love as a title and that was hard enough i will not accept ARCHITECTURE

inb4 she cut out the pre-chorus and that's why the final version is 2 minutes shorter and it's not called BAR any longer


If she did this I would open audacity immediately and edit it back in

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Excuse my French,

perdono senora.


but it IS such a horrible title. Like, ppl on here think that only folks who are able to express themselves in English buy Lana'a records.



2 situations between two friends.


First one


Friend one: hey, what music have you bought recently?

Friend two: Lana Del Ray

Friend one: What is called?

Friend two: Best American Record.

Friend one: Wow, cool. Let me  check it out on Spotify later.


Situation two.


Friend one: Hey, what music have you bought recently?

Friend two: Lana Del Ray

Friend one: What is it called?

Friend two: Arschitechtur

Friend one: Okay, well...something else?

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