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What Are You Reading?

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(Do we really not have one of these already?)


Anyway, what are you reading currently? What's it about, would you recommend it?



Me? I'm being boring and re reading Pride and Prejudice :P Which is of course fabulous and on your must read before you drop dead list.



Your turn!


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Last book I read was Lolita, and I absolutely loved it.

Planning on starting Madame Bovary now but with midterms coming up I don't have any time :(

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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I've been re-reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky for like a month to get ready for the movie, but then the movie isn't coming to my podunk movie theater and I've had lots of school demands, so...


Yeah. Short book, one month. I rock.

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  On 10/21/2012 at 9:03 AM, Myriam said:

Last book I read was Lolita, and I absolutely loved it.

Planning on starting Madame Bovary now but with midterms coming up I don't have any time :(

Lolita is one of my favorite novels ever! I loved Madame Bovary. I had to read it in its entirety in the original French for a French literature class. :)


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  On 11/19/2012 at 8:03 PM, 10milestereo said:

Lolita is one of my favorite novels ever! I loved Madame Bovary. I had to read it in its entirety in the original French for a French literature class. :)


It's one of my favorites too!

I actually started Madame Bovary a few days ago, I'm reading it in french (I like reading the book in the original language it was written in unless I can't obv), but people who have already read it told me that she is a lot like me and that the book would depress me so I'm taking it slow lol

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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Flaubert was such a genius. <3 I've been reading more and more in French lately. It takes me a bit longer, of course, but I just love French literary language. I got a couple of contemporary novellas, which I will soon get around to reading. I saw the English translation of one of them in a bookstore, but I was happy to have spent the extra cash to have the original imported. :)


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You guys are so intelligent in the reading department. I'm reading City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Don't judge me, I just love angsty fantasy books, baha! I think of buying leaves of grass by Walt Whitman. It would be interesting to read the poems that inspire Lana's lyrics. Aaand I like poems, always have. I have a book where I write down interesting poems and quotes I come across :smiles:

Seeing your love for Lolita makes me think I should read it too.


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Currently I'm reading some book about the role of vodka and women in lifes of Polish artists during interwar period :hawt: I can't wait to read the chapter about Witkacy.

And the wind I know it’s cold

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