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FLA to the Moon

Lust For Life Album Trailer!

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I'm shook. This was somehow incredibly tacky, endearing and intriguing at the same time, true Lana style.As someone else said: Let's hope she meant soon and not SOON. 


Just to spoil the mood I did find her a little annoying with that "these are dark and trying times blah blah but I'm an ~artist~ so I get to isolate myself and make music, but don't you worry kids" vibe she had going on

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I'm shook. This was somehow incredibly tacky, endearing and intriguing at the same time, true Lana style.As someone else said: Let's hope she meant soon and not SOON. 


Just to spoil the mood I did find her a little annoying with that "these are dark and trying times blah blah but I'm an ~artist~ so I get to isolate myself and make music, but don't you worry kids" vibe she had going on

 in cosmological time soon could mean anything from 1 picosecond to the beginning of the solar system 


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Very different vibe for Lana but yet so her... The hollywood hills, the film noir vibe, the monologue, the grandma shoes :creep: 


I really get the impression that the elevator of Disneyland's "Tower of Terror" is about to drop. The lightning bolts, the floating objects, the space elements... 



(can't find a better video, sorry)


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I swear the idea of someone living inside the Hollywood sign is lifted from somewhere, but I can't place it.  :ohno:

It almost reminds me of the backstory from the Tower of Terror ride at Disney World lmao (my fave ride ever  :crossed: )


The "vintage feeling" is there, but in a COMPLETELY subverted way. 


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can I just be a little self indulgent for a second, last year I wrote a song called "Neptune" and it was supposed to capture (partially) this feeling I had one time looking up at the stars and wishing so desperately that I could travel to one of those celestial bodies, and be somewhere no one could ever go and have a world completely of my own and tbh the idea that lana has had a similar thought makes me feel so validated


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the film noir vibe, the monologue, the witch aesthetic, Lana being a hologram, the cute faces she makes - i love all of it. it reminds me of my childhood, the scary movies we used to stay up all night to watch, the endless fascination we observed space with, the way everything seemed interesting, new and genuine. she can go on so many paths with this album and i'm sure i'll love all of them. i just love how she brings happiness and warmth with her presence (despite the vintage black and white video and the black clothes) in this video, i love how she titled it 'lust for life' when the world seems to be falling apart. it's the kind of beauty and mystery i need right now. my, she's grown SO MUCH.


i need a lemonade-like album film. or at least a dozen videos. the visuals will be so beautiful. come through, lana! 

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God I love it

This is one of the best things she's done

It shits on all the HM visuals

I'm confused... How can it shit on HM visuals when HM had nonexistent visuals



Salvatore is still one of the best songs ever made tho


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I remember everyone was worried that she'd lose her Lana-ness with a political album but her answer to world struggles is just so Lana :rip: Still the escapist queen, Yayo to 2017, dark trailer park to intergalactic possibilities

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