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Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread

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Y'all talking about this Heroine, Change and Get Free trio but the only trio I'm here for is Cherry, White Mustang and In My Feelings.  :legend:  She's really serving something different in IMF, I can't wait for that life-changing bop. Hopefully it is her OTTR 2.0.


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the best albums are in the left wing!!

do not think that it wasn't my intention :hooker: jk

But I think that LFL isn't going to top HM. I really don't like the singles (except SB and I kinda enjoy GL) 

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Only listened to the snippets once and not going to listen again until the album release on July 21, as I want my first full listening experience to be perfect! The thing I like about listening once is that I can an insight into what the album as a whole will sound like, but it's only such a brief listen that I can't properly remembered the melodies, just the vibe. So my first listen will still be amazing, and these snippets have just made me more hyped for the album.

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Anyone else think that the "fuck" in Cherry is kind of unnecessary  :eek: I'm all for Lana cursing but it kind of feels out of place there lol

hoping that there's a clean version that wont have it so i can swap it out for the version we've been teased with for the past few months  :toofunny:

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I just can't get enough of the snippets, thank god we're finally getting the full thing in a week :defeated:  


I hope we get more music videos, and is it just me or is this like the best part of the era? We got a whole bunch of tea with the two new songs and snippet and we'll be getting the whole album next week...

No, this really is the best part of the pre-release era. Fuck all those magazine photoshoots back in Meltdown May, now we got two new tracks, a preorder and snippets at once and constant complainers have been proven wrong so they've swallowed their more or less unnecessary doubts and are acting all humble now so there's notably less negativity around here (for the time being at least). Now if Lana did a professional video for Summer Bummer or released a homemade one for one of those stripped down songs at the end of the record, this pre-release era would be complete. I'm good either way, my needs have been fullfilled in these last 48 hours  :flutter:

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I honestly think "Love" was meant to set the mood for the album overall. It has the guitar, but it has the "wall of sound" hip-hop to it, as well. And then, from "Lust for Life" to "Coachella", it really is like a stretch of sexy, summer-driven hip-hop tracks and ends on a positive track that is political - and then, we get all the guitars, and the veteran folk singers (or related to them) rather than the contemporary artists that feature in the first half. I think it's very intentional that the last half is going to have a Woodstock-vibe, only through some of the familiar hip-hop additions that modernize classic sounds. "Tomorrow Never Came" sounds very 1967-71 rock. Definitely see where she's connecting the "two generations", and why she probably feels kids looking into vintage music may find it denser if they understand that history is sort of repeating itself through the anxiety of the current political American heat. It's exactly what she said she wanted to do with the album, and her chronology of the tracks seems to really suit that concept. Even at around the half-point of the album, if you count "Love" as just the intro/combination of the two sounds, and "Coachella" the track that moves the hip-hop into its poltical, folk-driven side.


Lana still doing concept, for sure. 




INTRODUCTION (folk guitar strings open the album, but blends into spacey, "wall-to-wall" hip-hop noises)

01. Love


SEXY, SUMMER-Y, HIP-HOP ("wall-to-wall" hip-hop noises)

02. Lust for Life

03. 13 Beaches

04. Cherry

05. White Mustang

06. Summer Bummer

07. Groupie Love

08. In My Feelings


THE BRIDGE (a more stripped back hip-hop beat, letting the album kind of cool off a bit before getting more poltically-minded)

09. Coachella..


POLITICAL "GANGSTA" FOLKY-Y ("wall-to-wall" hip-hop noises, but more laid back, with heavier guitar and folk featured artists)

10. God Bless America..

11. When the War Was at War...

12. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

13. Tomorrow Never Came

14. Heroin

15. Change

16. Get Free


It's like she takes us from "Coachella" to "Woodstock" by using that track as a bridge. As I predicted, the song works in concept of the album; but releasing it as a single is bizarre. From what we have in the snippets, this album seems to be very well-thought out. 

I have yet to hear anything of 8 tracks, but wow, this is a beautiful breakdown. "Retro Futurism" come through afterall :defeated: Love is truly such a special song production wise and lyrically and I always knew it would be the perfect opener. There's such a theme of looking to the past in order to deal with the present and into the future throughout this era and i can not wait to hear how it manifests lyrically on the latter half of the record. When she talked about anxiety about the future and the state of the world in the Album Trailer, I really didn't get what she was saying - to me maybe she was even downplaying things... but if you consider Lana as being a fan of musicians who wouldve gone to things like Woodstock, of the more classic rock and folk music era of the 20th century... it really makes sense. She's right, its not like the people of that era didn't feel the world was ending too, but they still used music to make the most of things, and advocate and speak out as well as they could, and tbh they inspired a generation. I don't know if any of this is even intentional, but its lovely to think of in such a way and it really does make sense. 


I know she said the tracklist made a few changes in the last 3 months, If anything, it feels like Lana's experience at Coachella was actually really impactful and kind of shaped the current tracklist - perhaps the ordering of things and the replacing of a few tracks other than just the inclusion of Coachella. Even if I don't love the song (I just don't feel like the production on it makes much sense compared to the lyrics for Lana, but the last minute is heavenly) I've always defended that the concept --- of being at a music festival, celebrating life and joy and music, but having kind of flash backs to another festival where the focus was on Love & Peace, but in the middle of tensions rising yet again in the world... It didn't make Lana go all hippie "save the world kids, you're the future!" I don't think based on what we know of the track's lyrically, but its certainly quite profound and perhaps even a bit awe-inspiring. Like, "wow, this is happening again, and I don't want to just sit here and do nothing about it, but what can I, as a voice do?" Whether you think the track Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind was successful in conveying this or not, I think it's still really important. (And personally, I love the lyrics).


Personally now, I want some kind of video - whether it be homemade, or studio funded, etc. for a track on the latter half of the record :defeated:

I get the feeling that Lana doesn't feel overly satisfied with how her videos were handled in the UV era and the HM era, but so far (other than the album cover ~) I feel like LFL has been on point aesthetically and so far there seems to be evidence that Lana and her management are on the same wave length in regards to her videos. Love and LFL are imo some of her best videos, especially the former (it just needed one gay couple :defeated: )

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