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Terror Attacks

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A gun is a weapon. A bullet is a weapon

Using one can cause mass destruction

Everytime one is used, it terrorizes someone.

the organization that promotes gun use has for decades not allowed any studies into the anti-health acts gun use causes

Every day in the US dozens of people die from the use of a gun, hundreds of people are terrorized by them, and for every person who is shot or wounded by a gun

their friends, families, and friends of the family extended reach into the hundreds for each person who is killed or wounded, and add the same number of people who are friends and familes to the person who has the gun.

Yet no conversation is allowed in the media, no health studies are allowed (due to inclusion in bills over the decades thanks to that gun lobby group which should be reclassified as a terror funding org. and there should be audits to see where their money comes from (it's not from 30 buck apiece donations).

Almost as if they are a slush fund.(cough cough, they are).

 And note that the same groups membership is like 90% or more white and is deplorable (and in terms of %, the membership is just a sliver of the population.)

If one adds up the # of people who died from so called "terrorists" and # of people affected by simple use of that thing called a gun with that thing called bullets

it probably  is more in a month in the US than in a decade.

(NOT to forget the coinky dinky of timing, and how these terror things seemingly are always timed to help the Republican party in the US makes one think

it is quite possible it is not what it seems

(And what about the Timid McCowards from Oklahoma City, and the gun stockpilers in WACO and the fact that not one of the 9-11 were from the countries Bush went after? And how if one is white and Christian, they are not considered terrorists in the US


Just imagine- without a gun or bullets, Lincoln, Garfield, Hamilton, JFK RFK MLK Versace Harvey Milk, John Lennon and millions of others would not have been killed. (Amazing how the people that killed Lincoln, Garfield, JFK RFK Dr. King, etc were not considered terrorists, when they fit the definition of exacting a political outcome after the death of those people.)


and that NfreakingRA basically bribes candidates to promote the death and violence they cause...isn't it time someone asked WHY it is allowed?

No other (civilized???) country has this problem. Ever wonder why that is?


@HunterSThompson great post, I agree with it 100%.

@  the daily terrorizing of people in the USA from someone who uses a gun is, well in the infinite number


without a gun or bullet, 100% of all shootings would be eliminated.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Okay last post sorry y'all.


But... I just read this piece called "Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots" and it was amazing. It's about heteronormativity and how we understand terrorists and how it relates to how we understand gay people (and "sexual deviancy") as a society. It's around 30+ pages and I have the PDF if anyone wants to read :)

Pm me hanni 


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probably not terror but eh discussing it here anyway

everyone evacuated the ariana grande concert screaming after an explosion nearby


'there are a number of confirmed fatalities' 


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probably not terror but eh discussing it here anyway

everyone evacuated the ariana grande concert screaming after an explosion nearby


yes i heard about it already. most likely not a terror attack but there's no reason to make a thread for it


BBC said the Greater Manchester Police confirmed "fatalities"..


it's on BBC World News and there's a fox news live stream




i'm praying it's nothing huge, first reports said bomb/gunshots, then they said it was technical malfunctions  and speaker exploded, now it's an "explosion" only.


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Freaking out cause I'm supposed to see her June 6th in Paris, I'm not afraid because the concert could be cancelled that's so much less important, I know she's fine but it makes me feel like everything's always possible and it def could have happened in Paris... I saw there's fatalities fuck it's so sad


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apparently there's more than 100 injured people as well, this is so sickening


they also said that probably happened TWO explosions


i don't have words for this

i won a underrated member lipster award im dog im nice don't come for me or i will eat u

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Apparently some girls were covered in blood. This is really awful, I feel so bad for everyone there... :(

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Only just reading about this, god this is horrific! A concert filled with so many young people just having fun at a show... heartbreaking! Knowing there are confirmed fatalities is chilling.


Thoughts are with everyone in Manchester right now! There's not much to say in the face of such a tragedy. This is just awful.


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Oh god this is fucking bad...


i hope i'm wrong about it :/


this is too scary, there are too many tragedies happening this night


a few hours ago, it was reported that zack snyder's daughter committed suicide (it happened in march but i didn't know until today) and then this another tragedy happened

i won a underrated member lipster award im dog im nice don't come for me or i will eat u

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God those poor kids are going to be so traumatized. Hopefully they will get the right help etc  :ohno:


Terrorist or not whoever did this is a disgusting excuse for an human being/s.... 


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Anyone here to discuss the Manchester Arena attack, please note not to politicise anything. This thread is for information and emotional support, not our opinions on whodunnit.


I was considering what kind of impact this might have on Ariana. Will she continue her tour? I wouldn't blame her if she cancelled, this is highly traumatic for her and others there.


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