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Puerto Rico Votes to Become 51st US State

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copied from @Gaga Monster on GagaDaily


According to the Wall Street Journal, 97 percent voted for statehood, though turnout was only about 23 percent.

Puerto Rico's governor will choose two senators and five representatives to go to Washington, D.C., to request statehood.

President Trump signaled during his presidential campaign that he is open to Puerto Rico officially becoming a state.





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Though it will probably take a Democratic Congress in 2018 and a Democratic President in 2020 to achieve this

as the Sociopath liar Donald Trump won't allow it, neither would Pence the Insignificant and the Ryan led House.


Will be interesting as there is NO limit to number of Electoral votes nor Senators nor House.


But look at how the despicable Rubio in the hearings seemingly reversed course because he was promised to undo President Obama's Cuba policy

and that shows what one needs to know about the Republican congress.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I wish we'd have gone for independence. I also wish all Puerto Ricans would have been allowed to vote.



But, that doesn't matter. This has happened before. A lot. And America just didn't even address it. So nothing is gonna happen this time around either.


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I need to comment on this since I'm.. Puertorican. First of all, the main reason the island is on debt and in chaos is because of a build up in puertoricans being the most mindless voting drones when it comes to politics. We invest every social conversation in the islands politics (for no reason) and we love to vote the worst of the worst. Voting for the most lazy and corrupt officials has only made the government of PR worse. This has been an issue since the 90s that has blown up and now people are wondering what went wrong. The government of the island is overcrowded with too many municipalities. A town of 1000 people can have as much as 30 elected officials. WHAT the hell for?!??? The gov. off the island is garbage and people don't like to admit that.


Second, every time the island votes congress has the audacity to ask us what do we want and once we again and again vote YES, they ignore us and go on as if nothing has happened. Every president since Nixon has promised to push forward a mandate if we vote yes, but they have been proven to be liars.


I really really hate to agree with Trump supporters but they are right that it will be very hard welcoming a land that is over infested with Socialist Welfare recipients. Over 1/3 of the people take some form of government assistance that they DO NOT NEED AT ALL. they are leeching tax money because they find loopholes and bc they simply can. It is a generational idea that gets passed on.. a cycle that has now broken the social and economical aspect of the island. If someone tries to refute my claim good luck bc I have a few family members who do exactly that, and I spent a well amount of time visiting the projects in my childhood.


Independence was an idea and a choice that should have been done in the 1950-1970s when the island was still great and prospering. Choosing independence now will only make it go deeper, with the hardcore socialism that it seems to like embracing


@hanging we are somewhat already part of the US, so everything that occurs mainland ripples across to the island, so we might as well be a state and get it over with

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I need to comment on this since I'm.. Puertorican. First of all, the main reason the island is on debt and in chaos is because of a build up in puertoricans being the most mindless voting drones when it comes to politics. We invest every social conversation in the islands politics (for no reason) and we love to vote the worst of the worst. Voting for the most lazy and corrupt officials has only made the government of PR worse. This has been an issue since the 90s that has blown up and now people are wondering what went wrong. The government of the island is overcrowded with too many municipalities. A town of 1000 people can have as much as 30 elected officials. WHAT the hell for?!??? The gov. off the island is garbage and people don't like to admit that.


Second, every time the island votes congress has the audacity to ask us what do we want and once we again and again vote YES, they ignore us and go on as if nothing has happened. Every president since Nixon has promised to push forward a mandate if we vote yes, but they have been proven to be liars.


I really really hate to agree with Trump supporters but they are right that it will be very hard welcoming a land that is over infested with Socialist Welfare recipients. Over 1/3 of the people take some form of government assistance that they DO NOT NEED AT ALL. they are leeching tax money because they find loopholes and bc they simply can. It is a generational idea that gets passed on.. a cycle that has now broken the social and economical aspect of the island. If someone tries to refute my claim good luck bc I have a few family members who do exactly that, and I spent a well amount of time visiting the projects in my childhood.


Independence was an idea and a choice that should have been done in the 1950-1970s when the island was still great and prospering. Choosing independence now will only make it go deeper, with the hardcore socialism that it seems to like embracing


@hanging we are somewhat already part of the US, so everything that occurs mainland ripples across to the island, so we might as well be a state and get it over with


Socialist Welfare? C A C K L I NG .. h  o ney we have no such thing.. most of Murica provides the basics. If youre lucky to live in a progressive area of a coast, youre able to get better social assistance but still.....


Anyway..messy that only 23% of the population turned out but america is just as dumb i swear. 

tumblr_mxk6xrLiob1r4y0tco1_500.gif Instagram: pxpi_gringo

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If they want to get the real deal they should be able to do, let them fulfil their dream so they get to see what reality really is like, if the United States allows it ofc.


I wish all latin countries would stand on their own tho, I wish the "solution" to our problems wasn't to just join in allaince to the United States, we should instead vote wisely, educate the masses, create smart laws that actually, work our issues out, raise awareness that corruption it's what is keeping us down, we shouldn't bend our knees, we should be trying to make our countries strong and independent.


Don't get me wrong, I think every nation in America should be united and work for a better, we shouldn't let all of our cultural differences separate us, we should all work in building a sustainable future. It is a remote dream to be all under the same flag, the American version of the European Union but to just keep building blocks of developed countries and undeveloped ones just because we can it is not the solution, it's not a correct answer, by doing so the balance does not balance and no one ends up happy, take for example Greece and the EU, or the strong feeling of Donal Trump (and all of those who voted for him) to create protectionalist laws and stop the United States from helping out so many countries.


That's why Puerto Rico is not going to be allowed to join for real to the U.S, and why it isn't going to be allowed for a long time. PR is a country who has many problems and nobody wants to hang around with the bad kids from school, the United States will only look for to let Puerto Rico join officialy is when it sees fit to, when they can get advantage of it, or when it suis their national interests (or the interest of those who really are in control  :P )


Time and time again the United States have proved to never be considered a real ally, they only "help" you when it benefits them, when they can get money, deals and resources out of it, they only intervine when they have to reinforce their authority and power in our countries, and that is the truth, no matter how you spin it.




If Puerto Rico does ever join it will be interesting to see all the cultural and racial problematics that will come out of it, just saying. Nationalism is real (and powerful, and crazy), no matter how much we tell ourselves we are ok with letting other cultures join us, humans never deal good with change, but I'm all in for it, I want to see if we can overcome those difficulties, after all, that is really the real issue with globalization, how do we deal with more connected worlds, cultures and societies without losing our own identities and cultures?


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