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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

296 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I've been high plenty and even listened to that song before while baked, but today for some reason I was really geeking out, the song seemed to last forever. LOL


When I’m high, God’s and monsters last hours for me and I fucking love it. LFL is such an incredible album for smoking out to 

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Holy shit you guys Heroin is the second part to White Mustang.

Start the two songs at the same time they have the same melody in different keys, but Heroin is in a higher key because the song is talking about getting high, “flying to the moon” and taking meds to kill her thoughts.


Jesus this woman is too good to be real


does this mean everything between WM and Heroin is her high, like her fantasized ideaology of what she wants out of life and what she’s working towards, and then change being the part where she comes down from the high realizing change is coming which leads to get free....





Brb gonna go relisten to the whole album and see

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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I liked Dylan when he made that first BTD video. I could accept that he hadn't heard a lot of pop music, according to him, and I loved how he saw a lot of what made BTD special. But I kept on seeing him give nearly album he was listening to "one of the best albums ever" award and when he said that about Ed Sheeran's Divide, I kind of checked out. 

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Was wondering the other day: do you guys think groupie love and best american record are someow connected?

I say this because of when Lana says ''you're in the bar, playing guitar'' on groupie love, then she says ''i can see you for you really are, why the thousand of girls love the way Bill plays guitar... you did it all for fame''.

Like, on groupie love she/they were in love, but then everything goes wrong and they split up, maybe because he's to focused on getting famous and she's not into that, so now she sees from the distance what he became/all he did for fame, while there's thousand of groupies looking at him playing guitar and they love it.


Am I crazy or someone else agrees?



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I finally got around to listening to the record from start to finish. I don't drove up and down the scenic drive of northern Minnesota, overlooking the cliffs onto the shimmering blue waters. The album didn't spark much inside My on first listen but on my way back from where I turned around, when the skies turned a dark grey before a huge flash flood hit, I listened to the album again and fell in love.


Here's what I think of each track:


LOVE: the perfect way to start off any album, especially this one. The iconic bass-line intro is instantly entrancing and recognizable. Although I've overplayed the hell out of this track, it's still one of the strongest on the record. The lyrics are beautiful and the melody is oddly uplifting; something new for Lana. The chorus is beautiful and showcases her range. 8/10


LUST FOR LIFE: this is better when listened to in context of the entire album. The vocal layering is slick and exciting and Lana and Abel's voices actually mesh very well here. I can't believe this didn't become at least a moderate hit. It's catchy and simple. Definitely not the best off the album but an exciting, acceptable placeholder. 7/10


13 BEACHES: on first listen, I wasn't too moved by any of it. I loved the orchestral introduction and the spoken-word sample from "Carnival of Souls". I honestly thought the female voice was Lana's. After listening with headphones instead of on car speakers with the windows down, I picked up on many intricate details hidden in the production that make this song so perfect. The little "clicks" and "beeps" that sound like signal radars throughout the verses are haunting. The flute in the second verse is so elegant and entrancing. It really seems like a lot of extra time was put into elevating this song with the little production tricks and it paid off. The chorus features Lana shifting down to a lower octave than she sings in the verses which is unorthodox, but Lana always mixes things up (i.e. West Coast chorus). The she sings "that I'm dying" at the end of the chorus, my body got chills. Her voice sounds beautiful and it seems like a melody I never expected her to sing. This will continue to grow on me as I begin to master the melody. 9/10


CHERRY: so good. I loved the live version and actually love the album version even more. The chorus is simple and catchy and the song is just short enough so that things don't drag on and become repetitive. The guitar gives me Ultraviolence teas and the man yelling "yeah!" during the verses is haunting and exciting and reminds me of Born To Die. I actually love the added "fuck!" and "bitch!" throughout the track. Is it random? Yes. Is it necessary? No. But it makes the song more exciting and the song is given more personality this way. She sounds pissed at the end when she says "bitch" and I love her voice when she says it. It's random but it's iconic. 10/10


WHITE MUSTANG: short but sweet. The song doesn't seem very short when listening to it in full. In fact, if the song was longer, it would get boring. The chorus is literally two words repeated so it's smart of Lana to keep it short. The song thrives through its storytelling verses. The melody is enchanting and instantly "Lana". It's perfect. The bridge threw me off because it seemed so disconnected from the rest of the song but I'll get used to it. The whistling at the end is something new for Lana and it sounds a bit tacky to me, but I know I won't care after a couple listens. 8/10


SUMMER BUMMER: definitely thought I'd dislike this song after finding out it was a collaboration with rapping involved. To my surprise, it's one of my favorites. The song flows very well (in both versions) and Rocky's verse, although longer than necessary, actually elevates the song rather than takes away from it. The bridge of Lana "sing-rapping" is so sexy and is an album highlight. The siren vocals at the end are very enthralling and they captivate the listener, keeping the listening experience very interesting. Only gets better with each listen because it's so different from anything Lana's done before, which is why I love Ultraviolence, it's unexpected. 9/10


GROUPIE LOVE: I thought I'd love this one after hearing the first initial snippet but it's not my favorite. The pre-chorus melody mixed with that guitar riff is beautiful. The chorus is trippy and very sexy, but the lyrics are not her best and the Rocky verse, although thankfully short, is so corny. The "watching my bae" line just makes me cringe. It's definitely going to grow on me like all her songs do, but right now it's one of the most forgettable tracks on the album. 7/10


IN MY FEELINGS: this track is fire! The lyrics, the melody, the cadence in Lana's voice, everything is so sexy and edgy. This is Lana like we've never seen; fully aware, unapologetically confident, and fucking raging. The fact that she confirmed the track is about G-Eazy only confirms that this song is one of the best off the album. The chorus melody is extremely catching and when she sings "driving in my sleep again", I get so excited. Something about her voice; it's so sexy. The only complaint here is the dull production. Maybe it's because it comes right before the production mess that is Coachella, but the production could've been more exciting. However, it does force more attention to be put on the lyrics and vocals which is a plus. 9/10


COACHELLA: still my least favorite track. There are far too many words crammed into the verses and pre-chorus. Although 3-page-long verses worked well in other Lana songs such as "Off To The Races" and "Blue Jeans", it just seems so jumbled here. It's as if she's singing off beat because she's trying to fit every thought into a melody that was originally intended to be sung as a slower ballad. The chorus is promising melodically but the vocal effect is very lazy and boring. The outro would be one of the album's best moments but because it closes such a lackluster song, it loses its gleam. That drum line throughout is so repetitive, it's frustrating. Not as bad as some people like to pretend it is, but it's still pretty bad. 6/10


GOD BLESS AMERICA: absolutely stunning. The guitars in the beginning is almost exactly like the beginning of ABBA's "Chiquitita" and I love it. It sounds almost tropical but also so spacious. The verses are sung so softly and beautifully that by the time that big chorus comes, it's meant with such triumph. Truly the perfect song to play as you watch the fireworks shoot across the sky on the Fourth of July. The chorus melody is beautiful and the key changes throughout the verses make the song more experimental sounding. 10/10


WORLD AT WAR: continues seamlessly after "God Bless America". The production here is so calming and beautiful. The guitars create a sound Lana's never experimented with before. I've never heard a song like this from ANY artist. This song is melodically and instrumentally innovative. The pre-chorus reminds me of "Cruel World" and the chorus is so long which makes the song so good. The melodies throughout are so exciting. On first listen, I thought it sounded boring, but once I really listened to the melody and harmonies, I realized just how electrifying this song is. The lyrics are some of the best on the album and make me view Lana in a different way. She seems edgier and more "holy" here because she's singing from a far less self absorbed perspective than her past work. It's a definite shift in narrative and I'm totally here for it. 10/10


BPBP: I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this song after hearing opinions from others who had already heard it. I will admit that Stevie's voice in contrast to Lana's is a bit riveting, but once you get past the fact that that's simply Stevie's unique tone, you can appreciate the adorable melody and the beautiful lyrics. I love the chorus. It's very simple but still so captivating. I, for one, have always loved Stevie's voice so I'm happy to hear her voice on a track with Lana's; another voice I love. The ending could've been more polished and honestly should've been a little longer. 8/10


TOMORROW NEVER CAME: still not very into this track but I know I'll end up adoring it after a few more listens. The production is different for Lana; very western, desert vibe with a bit of southern twang. Sean's voice is odd but it does fit very well with Lana's. The lyrics here are beautiful but the melody is one you have to dig for in order to appreciate, which is why I know I'll love it eventually. The songs that have melodies that aren't instantly catchy or recognizable usually have the longest longevity. 7/10


HEROIN: the first couple seconds of this song are very atmospheric and beautiful. The lyrics are haunting and sad but I love them so much because they are written so well. One of the best songs Lana's ever made, lyrically. The melody is very catchy as well. The "it's fucking hot! Hot!" part comes out of nowhere and seems a bit disconnected from the rest of the track but it really awakens the listener and commands that they pay attention. It's a very melodic song and the dark message makes the song all the better. 9/10


CHANGE: Definitely better than I excepted after hearing the first two snippets. The chorus is beautifully written, the melody is rich, and the lyrics are very important and relatable. I like that it's just Lana's voice over a simple grand piano. The song signifies a future shift in Lana's musical narrative. You can tell here that she wanted to go all out political with this album but still hadn't fully "changed" yet. 8/10


GET FREE: the hype around this makes total sense. The lyrics are top-notch and the melody is captivating and spacious. I first listened to this while sitting on a huge rock ledge, overlooking the spacious blue waters of Lake Superior on this warm, summer night and the waves licked the rocks beneath me. It's the perfect song for sitting and contemplating. It's uplifting and cozy. The melody in the chorus is unexpected and Lana sings it with a lighter tone than she has since her Lizzy Grant days. I didn't except the song to be so melodic and I expected it to be slower. The final minute of the song which features nothing but the sound of waves upon the shore and seagulls gawking is the ideal way to end such a beautiful album. It signals towards a more promising future. The album's highlight. 10/10


This very well may surpass ULTRAVIOLENCE as my favorite album from Lana. I can see me begging for more songs like "GBA" and "WAR" prior to her next release. Very interesting melodies and production twists. I love that Lana still isn't afraid to try new things and takes risks while still always maintaining her unique, ethereal sound.

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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Was wondering the other day: do you guys think groupie love and best american record are someow connected?

I say this because of when Lana says ''you're in the bar, playing guitar'' on groupie love, then she says ''i can see you for you really are, why the thousand of girls love the way Bill plays guitar... you did it all for fame''.

Like, on groupie love she/they were in love, but then everything goes wrong and they split up, maybe because he's to focused on getting famous and she's not into that, so now she sees from the distance what he became/all he did for fame, while there's thousand of groupies looking at him playing guitar and they love it.


Am I crazy or someone else agrees?


Definitely not alone. I mentioned earlier how i felt like Groupie love, BAR and in my feelings are the key points to the love story of this album

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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i love the cover art for When the World Was At War We Kept Dancing!

omg your profile picture queen


proving to the judges you have versatility yes get that win 

Definitely not alone. I mentioned earlier how i felt like Groupie love, BAR and in my feelings are the key points to the love story of this album

then where does Yosemite fit in :crossed:

she's so fucking pure and adorable i love her and hope wish good things towards her

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Get Free confuses me time and time again.


beautiful, but It leaves me confused. And the previous end-caps to each record did not lead into the next record to come so ? idk... I think Lana is not sure where we are headed but we are headed there together


I guess for me, I'm selfish and fell in love with the love story and sadness of the love songs from HM and UV and now that she says she is over it I'm a bit anxious to see where we go next. 


I do love Lust for Life; just confused

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