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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

295 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I just remembered we're getting the cover tomorrow, so still something to be excited about!


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it was cute


i overhyped myself


it was 20 minutes long


but that includes a good 5 songs played




also can someone tell this hoe there's more places in the world besides California and the UK? 


It's like she just learned France is an irl place


if only she could come a few miles south to zona so I can see her for once fck if LfL doesn't get it's own endless summer pt. 2 im gonna riot

I hope she returns to Mexico City soon


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Ok after hearing this album for close to a week now, the only gripe i can find is that im not sure having the first half of the album so front loaded with bigger tracks and the second half being more stripped back was such a good idea tracklist wise. I realize thats the point Lana was making, bringing two parts together that were different, but i think its what makes the album feel really long when you listen to it in one sitting because the first 10 tracks are so lively and more over produced, and then you have this big chunk of more restrained songs later on and it kinds drags your mood down for a long period of time.


Separating the album in two parts like that makes the disconnect feels even more obvious imo. This isn't a major issue, i can still hear the album in its original tracklisting, but i have found myself creating my own tracklist of the album where the back end of songs are a little more sprinkled around the first half. I've moved When The World Was At War, Beautilful People and Heroin out of the back end and mixed them into the first 10 tracks and it makes for a more even sounding delivery of different styles imo.


Also, as much as i love getting new music from her, i do think the album is just a little bit too long. There isn't one track that i actually hate or can't listen too, but something like White Mustang which is cute, just feels really pointless at barely over 2:30 long, why even bother using it? I like Coachella too, but maybe that could have been kept as the side project it was meant to be for the sake of length.

While i usually think deluxe albums are pointless [just make the deluxe the actual album!]......maybe having 3 or so of the tracks on LFL as bonus deluxe songs would have made the main part of the album feel a little less over long. Or maybe do another Paradise type release where you put left overs like BAR and Yosemite on an EP with a few other tracks from LFL.........i dunno.


Anyway, im really loving the album regardless, i just prefer to listen to the playlist i put together because it makes for a more even listening experience.


Yes that's what I've been thinking too. 72 mins is a lot of music to listen to in one go (and according to Lana the original LFL album was supposed to have 18 tracks!) so cutting it down a bit would've helped (also with the critics). A deluxe edition, maybe like BTD-Paradise edition might've been a smart move. This would be my dream edition:

1. Love

2. LFL

3. 13 B

4. Cherry

5. WM

6. Coachella (acoustic version)

7.–13. the tracks 10.–16. on the actual album







Roses Bloom for you



Good thing is that we're able to make our own individual playlist of the album so everyone can make the tracklist he or she likes. :)



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