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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Okay this is my LFL album ranking



1. Love - 10/10


2. Lust for Life 8/10


3. 13 Beaches 8/10


4. Cherry 8/10


5. White Mustang 7/10


6. Summer Bummer 8/10


7. Groupie Love 8/10


8. In My Feelings 5/10


9. Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind 4/10


10. God Bless America - 7/10


11. When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing 6/10


12. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems 6/10


13. Tomorrow Never Came - 3/10


14. Heroin 5/10


15. Change 9/10


16. Get Free 9/10



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(idk if it's just me but) there's something odd about some song's placement on the album, Love and Lust for life are just kinda placed as the first two tracks. however i feel like the biggest misplacements are white mustang and groupie love, they interrupt the perfect flow from 13 beaches- cherry -summer bummer - in my feelings. Love, WM and GL should have been put together instead. 


my current playlist which i use for the album is:


1. 13 Beaches

2. Cherry

3. Summer Bummer

4. In My Feelings

5. Lust For Life

6. Coachella

7. White Mustang

8. Groupie Love

9. Love

10. God Bless America

11. When The World Was At War

12. Beautiful People

13. Tomorrow Never Came

14. Heroin

15. Change

16. Get Free


but i'm thinking about putting Heroin as the third track before SB

edit: just listening to the whole album with heroin as the third track to see if it works. 


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for the Get Free missing names I think it would be something like:


"For K and for J, shut up shut up".


I mean, they are the most important fictional characters in her music career


Maybe its just me. But when i listen closely, before the vocal cut offs it sounds like shes saying

"For A- and for "

The first name i thought of was Amy. Remember how she was devasted? The other one.. hell idk. My mind inserted Kurt Cobain for some reason. And it works imo.

"For amy and for kurt". And it confirms it for me in the next line about birds who "never got to fly cause they were caught up in the dance." Amy and Kurt both died of overdoses i believe. Correct me if im wrong


EDIT: @Pawn shop blues i didnt read anything after the post who brought it up. I just went on and replied. Please dont think im copying you. Now I think its further proof of Amy being the name since more than one fan has put this together.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Maybe its just me. But when i listen closely, before the vocal cut offs it sounds like shes saying

"For A- and for "

The first name i thought of was Amy. Remember how she was devasted? The other one.. hell idk. My mind inserted Kurt Cobain for some reason. And it works imo.

"For amy and for kurt". And it confirms it for me in the next line about birds who "never got to fly cause they were caught up in the dance." Amy and Kurt both died of overdoses i believe. Correct me if im wrong


EDIT: @Pawn shop blues i didnt read anything after the post who brought it up. I just went on and replied. Please dont think im copying you. Now I think its further proof of Amy being the name since more than one fan has put this together.

it's just really strange that she cut it out because it's the same blunt name dropping she's been doing since forever. there's nothing secret or shocking about her naming kurt or amy.


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it's just really strange that she cut it out because it's the same blunt name dropping she's been doing since forever. there's nothing secret or shocking about her naming kurt or amy.

Idk . Maybe thats the point...maybe she's growing as a person/artist. I think she is.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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Idk . Maybe thats the point...maybe she's growing as a person/artist. I think she is.

people talking about how she's evolving as an artist is nice and all but please not with the example of her writing a song where she later just cuts the names without actually rewriting the line, she did it in y&b and she could have easily done it here  :deadbanana:


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people talking about how she's evolving as an artist is nice and all but please not with the example of her writing a song where she later just cuts the names without actually rewriting the line, she did it in y&b and she could have easily done it here :deadbanana:

:lmao: i somewhat agree..but sis, she literally rewrote the whole song already. I can understand her leaving that blank space for herself, and herself only. Like saying it without saying it. And strangely, i like the atmospheric sounds she put in place of the names. Its off putting, yet beautifully so.

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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I'm confused as to why some people seem so personally attached by the two censored names in Get Free. :crossed: Lana explained the reasoning behind it and it seems very sweet. Also, I think it adds more character to the song and makes it stand out in its own unique way. Not to mention, it's not even that noticeable because there is still a lot going on around it with the backing vocals and production.

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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@Cherriesandwine cant post for 3 weeks so she asked me to post her thoughts on Get Free:




Hey (: I can't get onto my lanaboards account for 3 weeks but I just had an epiphany listening to get free! I am pppp sure it's 'for amy and for whitney' it would make sense and she has the amy whitney tattoo and if you listen to her censoring breathy sounds it really sounds like the names begin with a and w

(from cherriesandwine) (:

"And when you see my face on every billboard and TV screen, you'll regret the day you walked away" :lanahairflip3: :legend:

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I am so late on this, but I finally finished listening to the full album, finishing with Get Free. I was trying to savor a little longer, but couldn't resist. Y'all were right in saying GF has lizzy style focus. I was kind of taken aback about how much the backing vocals sound like her from years ago (unless it is someone else on backing but it sounds exactly like lizzy 2008).


About the "for ___ and for ___" lyric--I like the idea some here mentioned about K and J, but I am also not sure if it really fits, considering the lyrics that come right after that basically say she is trying to be happy and free for all of those who weren't able to before they passed away. Considering what we know about K (someone--literal or not--who is on death row for crimes) and J (a violent cult leader/cult-type person), I'm not sure why she would dedicate that sentiment to those people. 


I think at least one of these people is Amy Winehouse. Lana has talked before about what Amy/Amy's music meant to her. Probably doesn't need to be said, but for those unfamiliar, Amy became pretty known for music that dealt a lot with sadness, drugs, and unstable relationships, themes that were lifted straight from her personal life. Amy lost her life at 27 due to complications from her addictions. Seeing as how there are parallels in Lana's past music about addiction and unstable/unhealthy relationships, it would make sense why Amy would be included as a sort of honor/inspiration.


Also probably worth noting that Amy has a song called October Song--a song about the death of Amy's beloved bird Ava--that includes the lyrics "Ava flies in paradise." Considering how GF includes the "birds of paradise" right after the "for __ and for ___" lyrics--and how October Song is also a song about death--it seems likely Lana was including Amy at least somewhere in Get Free. 


It would also go along with what Lana said about not wanting to include things that would end up in the press, since Amy is both still a famous public figure and the LFL release date was just two days before Amy's anniversary of her death, and I could understand Lana's worry that some journalist would try to twist that into making Lana look like she was capitalizing on Amy's death. 

I had these exact sentiments after listening to Get Free a couple times. I don't know if that's what she really says in the censored part of the song, but Lana's been mentioning The Shangri-Las a lot this time around- Amy loved them. She would mention them in interviews all the time and frequently covered Remember (Walking In The Sand) during the bridge of Back To Black.

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:lmao: i somewhat agree..but sis, she literally rewrote the whole song already. I can understand her leaving that blank space for herself, and herself only. Like saying it without saying it. And strangely, i like the atmospheric sounds she put in place of the names. Its off putting, yet beautifully so.




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