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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Of course I missed the anniversary

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Happy 1st birthday Lust for life. :party: You're not as great as your older sisters but you nonetheless gave me one of my most favourite songs from Lana's entire discography, Heroin. Get free, Cherry, 13 beaches and When the world was at war we kept dancing are also some of my dearest songs from you. And how could I forget about Love, a really special song that gets me in my feelings ( :creep: ) everytime. Through Love and you I got here on LB and it's been double the fun of being a Lana fan ever since. Thank you! Too bad Lana decided to do you dirty by scrapping Roses bloom for you, Yosemite and Best american record but you still shine  :legend:

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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‘Undoubtedly, that will for certain

Take the dead out of the sea

And the darkness from the arts’


Seriously one of her best lyrics :hair:

Pure fucking poetry


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I feel guilty for saying this but am I the only one that starts the album from 13 Beaches skipping Love & LFL completely?

When I listen to the physical copy I don't skip and I feel weird that they're there lmao


This single release mess really did fuck up my album experience


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I have my own tracklisting for LFL and that makes every song much more listenable/enjoyable for me. I really dislike how disjointed the official tracklist is thematically. Turns me off from the entire album tbh.




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I feel guilty for saying this but am I the only one that starts the album from 13 Beaches skipping Love & LFL completely?

When I listen to the physical copy I don't skip and I feel weird that they're there lmao


This single release mess really did fuck up my album experience

Not really no, those two tracks really sum up that starry, space-y nighttime aesthetic that i imagine LFL to be



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Gonna get hate for this but this is just what works for me after months of trying to find the perfect tracklist.


1. Love

I originally had 13 Beaches as the intro but I don’t think it accurately reflects the tone/message of the entire album as much as Love.


2. Architecture

I find that Love flows into BAR nicely sound-wise and the narrative/storytelling of the record begins to shift back to Lana’s relationships here.


3. 13 Beaches

13 Beaches kind of serves as an extension of what she was feeling in BAR.


“That there was nothing left by the time we got to bed, baby that’s a shame”



“I’ve been dying for something real” / “It hurts to love you, but I still love you”

- 13 Beaches


4. White Mustang / In My Feelings

Really wanted Cherry here but having 3 darker songs back to back was a bit much :rip: Also too short.


White Mustang is a bit lighter in that sense but it’s just as short so I paired it with IMF to make it into a medley. I also find that the lyrics give off the impression that she’s moving on from the person in BAR/SR.

“I was such a fool for believing that you could change all the ways you’ve been living but you just couldn’t stop”


I know 98% of the fanbase hates IMF but I personally never had an issue with it so. Also marks the introduction of more modern-sounding production and transitions to LFL nicely (IMO).


5. Lust for Life

Not much to say. Turning point for the record thematically.


6. Groupie Love

I honestly find the transition from LFL to Groupie Love kind of awkward sonically (on certain days) but it serves an extension of LFL like how 13B is an extension of BAR.


7. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

I placed BPBP here because it sounds like Lana is reflecting on all the events that took place between BAR and GL. BPBP reminds me of Change in the sense that it’s not entirely about finding happiness but rather acknowledging hardships (in this case, BAR and SR) in order to move forward (“We gotta walk through fire”). So yeah, it kind of wraps up the segment of the album that pertains to her relationships and introduces the start of political themes for me with the line (“green is the color of the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove ‘till it turns red, runs red with blood”)


8. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

Never expected to put this back on my tracklist but I’ve warmed up to it. Still wish it had a more laidback/acoustic production but I think its inclusion is necessary because it provides context as to why the other political tracks (WTWWAWWKD/GBA) are on the album.


9. When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

Transitions from Coachella nicely and adds a bit of tension.


10. God Bless America

I wanted GBA to wrap up the political segment because it’s the most optimistic and and triumphant sounding of them all and especially because of the line “God bless America and all the beautiful people in it”.


11. Tomorrow Never Came

Transitions nicely and is a good follow up to the acoustic elements we heard in GBA.

Marks another change in direction for the album. I see it as Lana getting away from all the chaos in the previous tracks.


12. Yosemite

Obviously, I have never heard this track before but Lana described Yosemite as an “idealistic return to nature” so I think having it next to a track like TNC (which is based more in fantasy as well) is only natural. Not to mention it supposedly has a folk-like sound too.


13. Heroin

I’m honestly surprised Lana didn’t put Heroin as the 13th track on the official tracklist considering who it’s about. 13 was supposedly Rob’s favorite number so this is a tribute to him.


14. Change


15. Get Free


- I wouldn’t change anything about Heroin -> Change -> Get Free


- Part of the reason I disliked LFL’s first half was because none of the songs following Love/LFL had the big feeling those two tracks had. Especially considering Cherry/WM aren’t even full length songs. Idk, it really left a weak impression which is why I added BAR to strengthen it a bit more and moved LFL to the middle.

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Gonna get hate for this but this is just what works for me after months of trying to find the perfect tracklist.


1. Love

I originally had 13 Beaches as the intro but I don’t think it accurately reflects the tone/message of the entire album as much as Love.


2. Architecture

I find that Love flows into BAR nicely sound-wise and the narrative/storytelling of the record begins to shift back to Lana’s relationships here.


3. 13 Beaches

13 Beaches kind of serves as an extension of what she was feeling in BAR.


“That there was nothing left by the time we got to bed, baby that’s a shame”



“I’ve been dying for something real” / “It hurts to love you, but I still love you”

- 13 Beaches


4. White Mustang / In My Feelings

Really wanted Cherry here but having 3 darker songs back to back was a bit much :rip: Also too short.


White Mustang is a bit lighter in that sense but it’s just as short so I paired it with IMF to make it into a medley. I also find that the lyrics give off the impression that she’s moving on from the person in BAR/SR.

“I was such a fool for believing that you could change all the ways you’ve been living but you just couldn’t stop”


I know 98% of the fanbase hates IMF but I personally never had an issue with it so. Also marks the introduction of more modern-sounding production and transitions to LFL nicely (IMO).


5. Lust for Life

Not much to say. Turning point for the record thematically.


6. Groupie Love

I honestly find the transition from LFL to Groupie Love kind of awkward sonically (on certain days) but it serves an extension of LFL like how 13B is an extension of BAR.


7. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

I placed BPBP here because it sounds like Lana is reflecting on all the events that took place between BAR and GL. BPBP reminds me of Change in the sense that it’s not entirely about finding happiness but rather acknowledging hardships (in this case, BAR and SR) in order to move forward (“We gotta walk through fire”). So yeah, it kind of wraps up the segment of the album that pertains to her relationships and introduces the start of political themes for me with the line (“green is the color of the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove ‘till it turns red, runs red with blood”)


8. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

Never expected to put this back on my tracklist but I’ve warmed up to it. Still wish it had a more laidback/acoustic production but I think its inclusion is necessary because it provides context as to why the other political tracks (WTWWAWWKD/GBA) are on the album.


9. When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

Transitions from Coachella nicely and adds a bit of tension.


10. God Bless America

I wanted GBA to wrap up the political segment because it’s the most optimistic and and triumphant sounding of them all and especially because of the line “God bless America and all the beautiful people in it”.


11. Tomorrow Never Came

Transitions nicely and is a good follow up to the acoustic elements we heard in GBA.

Marks another change in direction for the album. I see it as Lana getting away from all the chaos in the previous tracks.


12. Yosemite

Obviously, I have never heard this track before but Lana described Yosemite as an “idealistic return to nature” so I think having it next to a track like TNC (which is based more in fantasy as well) is only natural. Not to mention it supposedly has a folk-like sound too.


13. Heroin

I’m honestly surprised Lana didn’t put Heroin as the 13th track on the official tracklist considering who it’s about. 13 was supposedly Rob’s favorite number so this is a tribute to him.


14. Change


15. Get Free


- I wouldn’t change anything about Heroin -> Change -> Get Free


- Part of the reason I disliked LFL’s first half was because none of the songs following Love/LFL had the big feeling those two tracks had. Especially considering Cherry/WM aren’t even full length songs. Idk, it really left a weak impression which is why I added BAR to strengthen it a bit more and moved LFL to the middle.

That's really cool to hear. I love LFL the way it is now but I think your tracklist order is something I'd ought to try out, just to see how it flows! It sounds pretty solid based on your reasoning :)


I wonder how different LFL would be if she didn't have the "fiery tracks" that were added with the extension of the record. I see it going something like this, more folklike -


1. Love

2. Best American Record

3. 13 Beaches

4. Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

5. Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd) 

6. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)

7. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

8. When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing

9. God Bless America

10. Tomorrow Never Came

11. Yosemite

12. Heroin - although your note about Rob's favourite number being 13 is really clever, I really like that! :)

13. Change

14. Get Free


EDIT - it's not that different from yours, but lol

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That's really cool to hear. I love LFL the way it is now but I think your tracklist order is something I'd ought to try out, just to see how it flows! It sounds pretty solid based on your reasoning :)


I wonder how different LFL would be if she didn't have the "fiery tracks" that were added with the extension of the record. I see it going something like this, more folklike -


1. Love

2. Best American Record

3. 13 Beaches

4. Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

5. Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)

6. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)

7. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

8. When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing

9. God Bless America

10. Tomorrow Never Came

11. Yosemite

12. Heroin - although your note about Rob's favourite number being 13 is really clever, I really like that! :)

13. Change

14. Get Free


EDIT - it's not that different from yours, but lol

Ugh I love reading your posts! A LanaBoards scholar!

Your tracklist is actually what my tracklist looked like before I switched things around a second time. I think BPBP sounds really good after LFL too. I used to stay up so late trying to figure out the “perfect” tracklist. At one point I had Get Free as the intro :rip:

Makes me wonder how Lana is even able to make a single tracklist from 50 or even 100+ songs


But yeah, I’m surprised Lana never arranged for Heroin to be Track 13. That’s so something she would do. Ugh and let’s hope Yosemite is released/leaked soon so we can finally add it to our versions of LFL :pray2:

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I feel guilty for saying this but am I the only one that starts the album from 13 Beaches skipping Love & LFL completely?

When I listen to the physical copy I don't skip and I feel weird that they're there lmao


This single release mess really did fuck up my album experience

Ive done that ever since its release

And yeah out of the videos Love was the only good one and tbh i wouldn't be bothered if i never watched it again


She could have saved the era with a sexy Cherry video (even if it was homemade) to show how powerful she is now, or even the epic Change footage to show her connection to society

But no. She lost interest in LFL even before the Tour :toofunny:

Gonna get hate for this but this is just what works for me after months of trying to find the perfect tracklist.

1. Love

I originally had 13 Beaches as the intro but I don’t think it accurately reflects the tone/message of the entire album as much as Love.

2. Architecture

I find that Love flows into BAR nicely sound-wise and the narrative/storytelling of the record begins to shift back to Lana’s relationships here.

3. 13 Beaches

13 Beaches kind of serves as an extension of what she was feeling in BAR.

“That there was nothing left by the time we got to bed, baby that’s a shame”


“I’ve been dying for something real” / “It hurts to love you, but I still love you”

- 13 Beaches

4. White Mustang / In My Feelings

Really wanted Cherry here but having 3 darker songs back to back was a bit much :rip: Also too short.

White Mustang is a bit lighter in that sense but it’s just as short so I paired it with IMF to make it into a medley. I also find that the lyrics give off the impression that she’s moving on from the person in BAR/SR.

“I was such a fool for believing that you could change all the ways you’ve been living but you just couldn’t stop”

I know 98% of the fanbase hates IMF but I personally never had an issue with it so. Also marks the introduction of more modern-sounding production and transitions to LFL nicely (IMO).

5. Lust for Life

Not much to say. Turning point for the record thematically.

6. Groupie Love

I honestly find the transition from LFL to Groupie Love kind of awkward sonically (on certain days) but it serves an extension of LFL like how 13B is an extension of BAR.

7. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

I placed BPBP here because it sounds like Lana is reflecting on all the events that took place between BAR and GL. BPBP reminds me of Change in the sense that it’s not entirely about finding happiness but rather acknowledging hardships (in this case, BAR and SR) in order to move forward (“We gotta walk through fire”). So yeah, it kind of wraps up the segment of the album that pertains to her relationships and introduces the start of political themes for me with the line (“green is the color of the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove ‘till it turns red, runs red with blood”)

8. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

Never expected to put this back on my tracklist but I’ve warmed up to it. Still wish it had a more laidback/acoustic production but I think its inclusion is necessary because it provides context as to why the other political tracks (WTWWAWWKD/GBA) are on the album.

9. When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

Transitions from Coachella nicely and adds a bit of tension.

10. God Bless America

I wanted GBA to wrap up the political segment because it’s the most optimistic and and triumphant sounding of them all and especially because of the line “God bless America and all the beautiful people in it”.

11. Tomorrow Never Came

Transitions nicely and is a good follow up to the acoustic elements we heard in GBA.

Marks another change in direction for the album. I see it as Lana getting away from all the chaos in the previous tracks.

12. Yosemite

Obviously, I have never heard this track before but Lana described Yosemite as an “idealistic return to nature” so I think having it next to a track like TNC (which is based more in fantasy as well) is only natural. Not to mention it supposedly has a folk-like sound too.

13. Heroin

I’m honestly surprised Lana didn’t put Heroin as the 13th track on the official tracklist considering who it’s about. 13 was supposedly Rob’s favorite number so this is a tribute to him.

14. Change

15. Get Free

- I wouldn’t change anything about Heroin -> Change -> Get Free

- Part of the reason I disliked LFL’s first half was because none of the songs following Love/LFL had the big feeling those two tracks had. Especially considering Cherry/WM aren’t even full length songs. Idk, it really left a weak impression which is why I added BAR to strengthen it a bit more and moved LFL to the middle.

This makes so much SENSE!

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Ugh I love reading your posts! A LanaBoards scholar!

Your tracklist is actually what my tracklist looked like before I switched things around a second time. I think BPBP sounds really good after LFL too. I used to stay up so late trying to figure out the “perfect” tracklist. At one point I had Get Free as the intro :rip:

Makes me wonder how Lana is even able to make a single tracklist from 50 or even 100+ songs


But yeah, I’m surprised Lana never arranged for Heroin to be Track 13. That’s so something she would do. Ugh and let’s hope Yosemite is released/leaked soon so we can finally add it to our versions of LFL :pray2:

Aw, thanks! I love reading yours too! :)

And definitely, regarding BPBP and LFL - I feel like the twinkling piano notes in LFL are a good way to introduce the heavy use of piano in BPBP.

And yes, after it was pieced together what events in Lana's life were alluded to in Heroin, it would make so much sense for Heroin to be track 13, now that you've said that.

I really hope Yosemite is on LDR6 - hopefully isn't changed at all or too much to fit the new record, because I would love to hear how it was intended to sound on LFL. 

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Gonna get hate for this but this is just what works for me after months of trying to find the perfect tracklist.


1. Love

I originally had 13 Beaches as the intro but I don’t think it accurately reflects the tone/message of the entire album as much as Love.


2. Architecture

I find that Love flows into BAR nicely sound-wise and the narrative/storytelling of the record begins to shift back to Lana’s relationships here.


3. 13 Beaches

13 Beaches kind of serves as an extension of what she was feeling in BAR.


“That there was nothing left by the time we got to bed, baby that’s a shame”



“I’ve been dying for something real” / “It hurts to love you, but I still love you”

- 13 Beaches


4. White Mustang / In My Feelings

Really wanted Cherry here but having 3 darker songs back to back was a bit much :rip: Also too short.


White Mustang is a bit lighter in that sense but it’s just as short so I paired it with IMF to make it into a medley. I also find that the lyrics give off the impression that she’s moving on from the person in BAR/SR.

“I was such a fool for believing that you could change all the ways you’ve been living but you just couldn’t stop”


I know 98% of the fanbase hates IMF but I personally never had an issue with it so. Also marks the introduction of more modern-sounding production and transitions to LFL nicely (IMO).


5. Lust for Life

Not much to say. Turning point for the record thematically.


6. Groupie Love

I honestly find the transition from LFL to Groupie Love kind of awkward sonically (on certain days) but it serves an extension of LFL like how 13B is an extension of BAR.


7. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

I placed BPBP here because it sounds like Lana is reflecting on all the events that took place between BAR and GL. BPBP reminds me of Change in the sense that it’s not entirely about finding happiness but rather acknowledging hardships (in this case, BAR and SR) in order to move forward (“We gotta walk through fire”). So yeah, it kind of wraps up the segment of the album that pertains to her relationships and introduces the start of political themes for me with the line (“green is the color of the planet from the eyes of a turtle dove ‘till it turns red, runs red with blood”)


8. Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

Never expected to put this back on my tracklist but I’ve warmed up to it. Still wish it had a more laidback/acoustic production but I think its inclusion is necessary because it provides context as to why the other political tracks (WTWWAWWKD/GBA) are on the album.


9. When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

Transitions from Coachella nicely and adds a bit of tension.


10. God Bless America

I wanted GBA to wrap up the political segment because it’s the most optimistic and and triumphant sounding of them all and especially because of the line “God bless America and all the beautiful people in it”.


11. Tomorrow Never Came

Transitions nicely and is a good follow up to the acoustic elements we heard in GBA.

Marks another change in direction for the album. I see it as Lana getting away from all the chaos in the previous tracks.


12. Yosemite

Obviously, I have never heard this track before but Lana described Yosemite as an “idealistic return to nature” so I think having it next to a track like TNC (which is based more in fantasy as well) is only natural. Not to mention it supposedly has a folk-like sound too.


13. Heroin

I’m honestly surprised Lana didn’t put Heroin as the 13th track on the official tracklist considering who it’s about. 13 was supposedly Rob’s favorite number so this is a tribute to him.


14. Change


15. Get Free


- I wouldn’t change anything about Heroin -> Change -> Get Free


- Part of the reason I disliked LFL’s first half was because none of the songs following Love/LFL had the big feeling those two tracks had. Especially considering Cherry/WM aren’t even full length songs. Idk, it really left a weak impression which is why I added BAR to strengthen it a bit more and moved LFL to the middle.

I feel like this would be a perfect tracklist. I like Summer Bummer (don't hate me y'all), and I'd arrange my album by your tracklist. So I'm wondering where would you put this song? :)

giphy.gifTwitter: johndelferro

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I feel like this would be a perfect tracklist. I like Summer Bummer (don't hate me y'all), and I'd arrange my album by your tracklist. So I'm wondering where would you put this song? :)

To be honest, I’m not sure :toofunny:

This is an old tracklist idea that’s similar to the official one though.



Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)

13 Beaches

White Mustang / In My Feelings

Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)

Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind

When the World Was at War, We Kept Dancing

God Bless America

Tomorrow Never Came (feat. Sean Ono Lennon)




Get Free



Maybe I’d place it right after WM/IMF and put GL after it like the original tracklist.




13 Beaches

White Mustang / In My Feelings

Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)

Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)






13 Beaches

White Mustang / In My Feelings

Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)

Summer Bummer (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Groupie Love (feat. A$AP Rocky)

Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (feat. Stevie Nicks)

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though I did not enjoy LFL as its predecessors, I did really love the instrumental as it was reminiscent of BTD. The intro for 13 Beaches, for example, is magical (alongside the women's voice) 

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