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Kim Petras

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by any chance can i get All the Time, Slow it Down and Can't Do Better?  checked the masterpost from a while back and they weren't in there


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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I love all 3 new singles but I'm excited for neon-face era to be over


I don't really mind them for the singles THIS era bcs having a theme and being consistent is cute but if the album cover is a rainbow neon-face like some stans are saying it should be... electric chair 


also imagine the power a david lachapelle shot album photoshoot would have (which i doubt she'll do so a hannah diamond one too)... 

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I don't really mind them for the singles THIS era bcs having a theme and being consistent is cute but if the album cover is a rainbow neon-face like some stans are saying it should be... electric chair 


also imagine the power a david lachapelle shot album photoshoot would have (which i doubt she'll do so a hannah diamond one too)... 

the album cover will be the Turn Off The Light Vol 1 cover but with different nails, watch her  :hooker:

12 hours ago, Tana Mongeau said:

eating pure vagina

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I don't really mind them for the singles THIS era bcs having a theme and being consistent is cute but if the album cover is a rainbow neon-face like some stans are saying it should be... electric chair 


also imagine the power a david lachapelle shot album photoshoot would have (which i doubt she'll do so a hannah diamond one too)... 


honestly some of the neon-face singles could have just stayed unreleased. it's kind of excessive to have so many singles with no purpose imo. I'm happy she's keeping us fed while we wait for the album, but I still think it's kind of weird

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I can’t cultural appropriation is literal bs. The only time it is valid is when people use it to mock other cultures. 99% of the time it is just appreciative. I mean cultures got to the way they are now by mass cultural blending. Saying something belongs to one culture may be invalid since so much of culture is blended. On top of this, if we really committed to this narrative everyone would be in deep shot. Life would be bland & dull, because culture is so blended! Anywho, I’m excited for Kim’s album


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honestly some of the neon-face singles could have just stayed unreleased. it's kind of excessive to have so many singles with no purpose imo. I'm happy she's keeping us fed while we wait for the album, but I still think it's kind of weird

don't remember where i heard this from, but i heard that kim had like a deal with spotify to keep releasing singles until there was like an albums worth of songs, so maybe that's why there's just a bunch of singles?


and lets be honest like all these songs are really good and are single worthy so i feel like it would've been a wasted opportunity to not make them one, even if it is a bit excessive

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Don’t know what that has to do with Kim walking a fine line of cultrual appropriation, borrowing from hip-hop/black culture all while working exclusively white creatives. I mean hell for her first rythmic single she chose a white rapper of all people to be the feature. Also the “let Ariana rap” tweet when the black community was having a conversation on white girls co-opting hip-hop culture and walking fine lines of appropriation, was a really bad look on her part.

I just choked on my spit, is this a joke lmao what kind of SJW delusion. Sit down, white bread.

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We Don't Stop (I refuse to use the official title bc it legit triggers my OCD lmao) is decent. I think it'll grow on me, pretty tame for a SOPHIE production but it's def cute. If U Think About Me is great!! :defeated: Homework can burn. Love Aaron but mama this is GARBAGE  :crossed:

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