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Donald Trump - Events And News

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i'm gonna be honest, i somewhat like trump in that sense that he's amusing as fuck lmao. he says and does some of the most ridiculous shit that I've ever seen a man over 50 do, he's so incredibility hypocritical and ironic, seems to have a superiority complex and the best part? He had the ability to have people  who actually voted for, supported him, and think he'd be a great president, telling others "give him a chance!111". I gotta give him some credit there, you'd think with some of the shit that came up, things like making fun of a disabled man people would shy away from voting for him, but NOPE, he still got people to support him. Then again, his supporters are a mix of people who run around with confederate flags saying it wasn't about slavery but states rights and it's their "heritage", people who scream at liberals for trying to be politically correct all the time yet throw a HUGE ASS fit because someone kneels during the national anthem, you get the gist.


No doubt, he's probably going to be counted as one of the worst presidents of the U.S, which will probably harm his ego and cause him to go on some mass-speculation rant on twitter. Oh well, I'm just waiting for some more "little rocket man" shit to make me chuckle.




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i beleive lanas energy manifested trump.......

in the new mtv itnerview lana says the media makes the world seem in a horrible place


media is against trump

lana is for trump


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actually, she said the exact opposite- the media is 100% pro-Trump and makes him teflon so far to all the corruption.

Trump is perhaps the single most corrupt person in the history of the world and is attempting to undo the entire legal system of the US (so they have no power.)

​Trump now replaces LHO as the biggest Patsy of all time.


Putin has taken over America and the Republican party celebrates and does nothing.


NY'ers tried to tell the world what NYers knew for 60 years. Trump couldn't get elected dog catcher here, which is why they made no attempt to steal NY

and now the Republican tax plan will screw anyone who is in the lower class and middle class  if it passes.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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i beleive lanas energy manifested trump.......

in the new mtv itnerview lana says the media makes the world seem in a horrible place


media is against trump

lana is for trump


im gonna assume you're a troll

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actually, she said the exact opposite- the media is 100% pro-Trump and makes him teflon so far to all the corruption.

Trump is perhaps the single most corrupt person in the history of the world and is attempting to undo the entire legal system of the US (so they have no power.)


​Trump now replaces LHO as the biggest Patsy of all time.


Putin has taken over America and the Republican party celebrates and does nothing.


NY'ers tried to tell the world what NYers knew for 60 years. Trump couldn't get elected dog catcher here, which is why they made no attempt to steal NY

and now the Republican tax plan will screw anyone who is in the lower class and middle class  if it passes.

actually putin wasd desperately trying to rig the eelction for hillary but he 

im gonna assume you're a troll

if lana was a liberal she would come out and say it........ since shes not a liberal she has to hide it or else her career would be ruined ....... hollywood is a liberal cult and she has never openly stated shes a liberal or openly supported a liberal ........ therefore shes obviously not a liberal and obviously voted trump

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if lana was a liberal she would come out and say it........ since shes not a liberal she has to hide it or else her career would be ruined ....... hollywood is a liberal cult and she has never openly stated shes a liberal or openly supported a liberal ........ therefore shes obviously not a liberal and obviously voted trump


"It's more appropriate now than under the Obama administration, where at least everyone I knew felt safe. It was a good time. We were on the up-and-up," she said. "Women started to feel less safe under this administration instantly. What if they take away Planned Parenthood? What if we can't get birth control? Now, when people ask me those questions, I feel a little differently.... When you have a leader at the top of the pyramid who is casually being loud and funny about things like that, it's brought up character defects in people who already have the propensity to be violent towards women." 


from http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7873135/lana-del-rey-donald-trump-american-flag-no-more

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"It's more appropriate now than under the Obama administration, where at least everyone I knew felt safe. It was a good time. We were on the up-and-up," she said. "Women started to feel less safe under this administration instantly. What if they take away Planned Parenthood? What if we can't get birth control? Now, when people ask me those questions, I feel a little differently.... When you have a leader at the top of the pyramid who is casually being loud and funny about things like that, it's brought up character defects in people who already have the propensity to be violent towards women." 


from http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7873135/lana-del-rey-donald-trump-american-flag-no-more


WOW sometimes I forget just how smart Lana is, then I see a quote like this and remember. Her prose is sophisticated yet casual. She has such great diction.

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i'm gonna be honest, i somewhat like trump in that sense that he's amusing as fuck lmao. he says and does some of the most ridiculous shit that I've ever seen a man over 50 do, he's so incredibility hypocritical and ironic, seems to have a superiority complex and the best part? He had the ability to have people  who actually voted for, supported him, and think he'd be a great president, telling others "give him a chance!111". I gotta give him some credit there, you'd think with some of the shit that came up, things like making fun of a disabled man people would shy away from voting for him, but NOPE, he still got people to support him. Then again, his supporters are a mix of people who run around with confederate flags saying it wasn't about slavery but states rights and it's their "heritage", people who scream at liberals for trying to be politically correct all the time yet throw a HUGE ASS fit because someone kneels during the national anthem, you get the gist.


No doubt, he's probably going to be counted as one of the worst presidents of the U.S, which will probably harm his ego and cause him to go on some mass-speculation rant on twitter. Oh well, I'm just waiting for some more "little rocket man" shit to make me chuckle.


i don't give him any credit whatsoever, from what we have noticed since the elections, trump:


doesn't have the ability to have empathy

feel remorse or grief 

always thinks he is right about everything and he can do no matter what 

doesn't have the ability to know what is right from wrong even when it's basic knowledge 

doesn't ever learn about his experience and that's also a problem for his administration, it's like we're in a loop where we've been through this over and over 


i'm not coming at you sis, not at all; you're not wrong.  i'm just saying that instead of being a person who actually has built confidence over the years and has toughen up, all he has that works for him are traits of a character disorder and he's keeping us hostages. At least he grew up super rich and isn't very smart? Because if he were capable of learning maybe he'd look like a proper president and he'd fuck the world even harder but even in that case you can notice what is wrong and see through to his impairments. 


the only good thing about this shit show is probably that the some of worse people are showing their cards, he's allowing some people to be their ugly self in public (not everyone, there are still other people "smart" enough not to come out about their bad behaviour and such). But that's positive if you are a privileged person living here who is actually from the future and hangs around us because they need to understand what the f has happened for their thesis on human behaviour and the relation with the political condition they are groomed in. Or just an historian who want to know what really is going on.  :blanche4:

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if lana was a liberal she would come out and say it........ since shes not a liberal she has to hide it or else her career would be ruined ....... hollywood is a liberal cult and she has never openly stated shes a liberal or openly supported a liberal ........ therefore shes obviously not a liberal and obviously voted trump


she literally made a post egging others on to curse trump


she's openly said she doesn't give a fuck if people dislike her views on him and that if she loses fans that supports him it's actually a benefit, she doesn't like the dude


s: http://popcrush.com/lana-del-rey-dgaf-about-losing-trump-supporters-as-fans/



also highkey after seeing how you articulate your comments i want to see Philosophy vs. Graham


the ultimate LB showdown :creep:

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Trump can choke i really don't care it's inevitable this is so fucking wrong it's personal. 




How can the president be this openly racist and not be impeached, hell, there was even a post about bipartisan ivy league certified psychologists calling for an immediate examination because he's unsafe and unqualified to rightly hold his position

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@@salvatore-  impeachment takes time, ouster even longer...Watergate took 900 days  until Nixon resigned, deal in hand to not be charged.


Mueller is running a Eliot Ness type investigation, that also takes time to cross the T's, dot the I's


and meanwhile TrumpFamilyInc throws up everything to deflect, but Trump's ratings are sinking badly, and its consistent every single month they are lower and lower.


As someone said, one doesn't need to go after trump's base, it is those that voted for whatever reason but are not loyal to him, and those ratings are dropping.


The only way to stop the Republicans is to vote the Democratic party in for the senate and house and Governor's.


But they have the proof trump/trumpInc committed crimes worthy of the mafia 

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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trump is doing amazing things for all the people who hate him....... only a matter of time before they realize it... trump is the first president of the people since the founding fathers

@@salvatore-  impeachment takes time, ouster even longer...Watergate took 900 days  until Nixon resigned, deal in hand to not be charged.


Mueller is running a Eliot Ness type investigation, that also takes time to cross the T's, dot the I's


and meanwhile TrumpFamilyInc throws up everything to deflect, but Trump's ratings are sinking badly, and its consistent every single month they are lower and lower.


As someone said, one doesn't need to go after trump's base, it is those that voted for whatever reason but are not loyal to him, and those ratings are dropping.


The only way to stop the Republicans is to vote the Democratic party in for the senate and house and Governor's.


But they have the proof trump/trumpInc committed crimes worthy of the mafia 

about his approval ratings....... the same people spewing these bogus approval ratings said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning....... they are discredited and bogus.... trump is loved all around the world by everyone who can see past the liberal hollywoof haze

while liberals fight over how many genders they can be trump is working 24/7 to save the country from becoming third world hell hole

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actually putin wasd desperately trying to rig the eelction for hillary but he 

if lana was a liberal she would come out and say it........ since shes not a liberal she has to hide it or else her career would be ruined ....... hollywood is a liberal cult and she has never openly stated shes a liberal or openly supported a liberal ........ therefore shes obviously not a liberal and obviously voted trump


trump is doing amazing things for all the people who hate him....... only a matter of time before they realize it... trump is the first president of the people since the founding fathers

about his approval ratings....... the same people spewing these bogus approval ratings said Hillary had a 99% chance of winning....... they are discredited and bogus.... trump is loved all around the world by everyone who can see past the liberal hollywoof haze

while liberals fight over how many genders they can be trump is working 24/7 to save the country from becoming third world hell hole


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