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Everything posted by sadgirl69

  1. sadgirl69

    I wrote a song (?)

    very nice. the guitar is your playing too?
  2. came here to post this! always been my favorite
  3. so excited for these demos
  4. Other Woman is gold. "chase that hi-i-igh" so cute
  5. Sirens - 8 Lana Del Ray - 13 Born To Die - 6 Ultraviolence - 18 Honeymoon - 14
  6. lmao when she posts a picture of her hair on honeymoon
  7. one of my favorite classics...
  8. can anyone send me mercy street? i have all the rest of the unreleased album songs but i cant seem to find that one
  9. for me if i just copy and past the youtube link into the post box and press "post", it shows up as the video, not the link. it should be the same for you
  10. i know this isnt lana but i was wondering if anyone knows what the name of this song actually is, specifically 0:45 - 0:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjj0mj1ms
  11. someone link me the snippet? cant find it in the audio section uggghh
  12. is the trash magic demo something that lana actually created? or is it just a fan made mashup of the man i love and trash?
  13. dont know if this has been linked already but heres the full show in supposed "hd" for anyone who wants to watch EDIT: just realized ottr cuts off at the end
  14. the account could be someone like jane powers though, considering the place where you put your name in bold literally says jane. why would lana say her name was jane?
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