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  1. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by True Romance in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    "WERE'NT VERY IMPRESSESED" The other woman?????? LANAS VOCALS FUCK ME UP        one of the best on uv imo
  2. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by reputation in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Were the directors the same for Freak and MTWBT the same?
    Can someone link me to that thread about the full HM bid
    What's all the information regarding 'Taylor Secman'? Did we ever find out who he/she was?
  3. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by DouglasReese in American Horror Story   
    I said I was going to do a write-up on Hotel. Don't say I didn't warn you. It's pretty lengthy. 

     Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors; of which I'll fix when I return to read some replies. 
  4. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I listened to Lana Del Ray again tonight, for the millionth time-- my feelings haven't changed. This album is genius, and it definitely saddens me that Lana will likely never return to this set of aesthetics and style of music.
    However, the genius of AKA is not *just* Lana. I give a sizable part of my respect for the album to David Kahne, as well. While Lana created killer melodies, lyrics, and concepts that would work extremely well under the guidance of any producer, Kahne had the perfect touch to push the songs from "excellent" to "god-like", in my opinion. 
    It definitely deserves repeat listens-- some subtle flourishes Kahne brought in are best noticed after you've been bowled over a few times by Lana's handiwork with the stories told and pictures painted here. To me, the perfect example of Kahne's "Midas touch" on AKA is "Pawn Shop Blues". As evidenced by a live performance and a demo, PSB was a staggeringly beautiful, tender, and poignant track when Lana was doing it on her own. However, Kahne took it to another level-- while PSB in its raw state is mournful and brimming with sadness, Kahne's instrumentation gives it depth-- it goes from being a "sad" song to something better described as "bittersweet". With the angelic echoes and trembling guitars, Kahne doesn't detract at all from Lana's lyrics-- instead, he gives them deeper meaning and manifold facets. Pawn Shop Blues becomes, all at once, a hopeful look at living for a purpose outside of yourself, a melancholy assertion on the nature of love and loss, and a somber reminder of how one can lose it all for nothing. With these extra dimensions, the track becomes infinitely interesting, as it's hard to tell where the hope begins and the desperation ends. 
    I'm rambling-- my point being, AKA is an absolutely genius record that I'll love 'til the day I die, and both David Kahne and Lana are geniuses for putting just the right elements in just the right places to create an album that is cohesive yet kaleidoscopic, and that has so many facets and subtleties that it demands repeat listens. Fabulous. Please continue sharing info and thoughts on AKA here, because it means the world to me and I want to know all there is to know about it!
    Thanks for reading all this 
  5. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I believe that's the implication-- there's still an existing version! Which doesn't surprise me, with all the unleaked Kahne tracks: Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven, Ben, Bounce, Coconut and Keylime Pie, etc. I bet a lot of the tracks have similar sounds to AKA, which is so exciting! 
  6. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in Lana Confessions   
    ^ lololol
    tbh when no one is around i pretend i'm Lana Del Rey and sing around my house.
  7. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in American Horror Story   
    I fixed your mistake! Silly autocorrect. 
    (P.s. this is just a joke, I'm not attacking your opinion. Don't come @ me)
  8. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by folklore in American Horror Story   
    Evan will finally make his debut in Roanoke tonight  
  9. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in American Horror Story   
    i'm gonna go watch last weeks episode rn
  10. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by reputation in Shopping in Malibu October 3rd   
    Maybe she covers herself since you guys constantly talk about her weight and face lol
  11. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in American Horror Story   
    ok this episode was good till the sex shit happened. jesus was it really necessary. 
  12. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by cheaptrailertrashglm in American Horror Story   
    i knowwww. i'm actually liking it so far, i really hope it doesn't go to crap!!!!
    RIGHT?! It wasn't needed!
    Ryan again wanting stupid shock factor
  13. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by AKA Lizzy Grant in Sky Ferreira   
    Praying the video will star the premier of International Playboy...I mean...it would only make sense. Been thirsting over that song ever since she was supposed to play it at my show
  14. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by Cashew in 100 things I've learned from Lana's songs   
    209. You don't have to say that she's the girl that got away
  15. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    "Also posting a little video of Amy because I didn't post on her birthday, watching it on my stupid cracked iPhone"

  16. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by Mario in Instagram Updates   
    She followed me after I commented on the Honeymoon lyrics post. I love her so much
  17. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by sadgirl69 in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    i know this isnt lana but i was wondering if anyone knows what the name of this song actually is, specifically 0:45 - 0:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bWjj0mj1ms
  18. renaissance liked a post in a topic by sadgirl69 in Lana spotted September 15th in LA and at a hairdresser   
    lmao when she posts a picture of her hair on honeymoon
  19. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by sadgirl69 in Lana spotted September 15th in LA and at a hairdresser   
    lmao when she posts a picture of her hair on honeymoon
  20. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Lana spotted September 15th in LA and at a hairdresser   
    I remember that somebody on Tumblr said that Lana told them that she went to Lanaboards but she didn't like it because everybody is always so negative
  21. xcx liked a post in a topic by sadgirl69 in Lana spotted September 15th in LA and at a hairdresser   
    lmao when she posts a picture of her hair on honeymoon
  22. Starsx liked a post in a topic by sadgirl69 in Lana spotted September 15th in LA and at a hairdresser   
    lmao when she posts a picture of her hair on honeymoon
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