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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  2. KingJay liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The two threads should be merged. I was going to suggest it earlier but i didn't want to seem [square].
    OH, and DELETE that canada goose thread, banish it to hell, OUT with that obvious spamming. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
    Just to be clear what i'm talking about are the points at which the vocal track changes to another take. I'm not talking about the vocal track coming in and out as it is being muted and unmuted in between vocal phrases, something that is very audible all throughout the album, and most prominently in Bel Air, where it happens consistently throughout the song.
    Anyway, as for what you asked in Body Electric:
    1:37 in between “night” and “dancing”
    2:32 in between “fun” and “we”
    2:45 in between “alright” and “Mary” (but i’m not sure about this one)
    EDIT: Saying that i'm not sure about the last one implies that i am sure about the others and, well, i can't possibly be 100% certain, but that is what my ears tell me. I'd say i'm about 98% sure.
  4. Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  5. BLURRYFACE liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  6. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  7. Sitar liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Hellion in If Lana became huge...   
    Meh. Artists and their fans made it along just fine before social media, I don't see why they have to succumb to it today.
  9. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in If Lana became huge...   
    I don't know how I'd feel if she got huge. I mean, she looks perfectly healthy & I think gaining weight wouldn't look good on her.
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Lad in Smiley Requests   
    Glad you're liking my proposal
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Please point out the exactly (the seconds and words) where you are hearing the most obvious evidence of A-T.
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Smiley Requests   
    Isn't it weird to think that we're planning ahead on how we're going to systematically express emotions and reactions through tiny pictures of other people?
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in If Lana became huge...   
    I'd like to say I'd be fine with it.. but then I remember when my adolescent fave Rooney got a song on VH1 ("When Did You're Heart Go Missin') and I would call people posers under my breath when I heard them singing them at school lmao </3
    but I rly don't think she'll dieyoung.mp3 she seems rather boring compared to her past, it's not like she's in her crazy prime like an amanda bynes or lindsay or s/t
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by lola in If Lana became huge...   
    i don't think she'll ever become huge. she peaked this year. those views and likes aren't from us citizens, they just don't like her as much as europeans do.
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    There seem to be lots of lil threads for discussing Paradise but no main discussion thread, so here we are. If there already is, well, i blame the people that agreed we should make one.
    Rate tracks 1-9 in order of best to worst, and blather about them freely please, without fear of reproach Or I'll sing the Different Strokes theme song at you.
    Me first;
    Body electric
    Blue Velvet
    Burning Desire
    Gods and Monsters
    Bel Air

    i realise how unpopular my order is, but no amount of listening can make me like Bel Air and Gods and Monsters. The former to me seems nonsensical, I'm not sure even she knows what she's trying to express in this song. I realize I'm in danger of being branded a cretin but I'm just not digging the lyrics at all. Same with G&M; just not digging it, and all the f'ing going on just cheapens it for me.
    Same with Cola, I know people have gone crazy for it, but I'm just not loving it. The infamous pussy line was all well and good in the intro, but to repeat it and echo it at the end? It turns the song into a parody for me. And i can forgive a lot of things, baby you da bestest for just one example, I know (unlike the critics) that she isn't retarded, she's deliberately speaking in a cutesy Betty Boop type way, but i cannot forgive 'Niceys'. Nicely would have been fine, although admittedly i dislike the word 'nice' in song lyrics anyway. And there's too many 'babys' for my liking
    Yayo... It's tolerable but it's got nothing on the earlier versions. I'm not sure why she'd prefer it this way (although she did say she never liked the way the original turned out, did she actually say she was happy with this one?) I will continue to listen to it though, just in case I'm being biased.
    Burning Desire is pleasant enough. I don't really have much to say about it, but it doesn't make my ears cry either.
    Goes without saying that Blue Velvet is an epic song, and Lana's low pitches suit it well. Given that it's a cover that's all the credit she'll get on that one.
    American is a pleasant surprise. I've really taken to it. I love it even, I'm not sure why exactly, i just find it very charming. A very sweet song with a happy vibe, even if it sounds a bit miserable as usual.
    I was quite taken with Ride when i first heard it. The 'I hear the birds...' part is a bit Johnny Cashesque to me, which is just dandy. Vocals are a lil unrealistic, like several tracks on the album.
    Body Electric is ruddy beautiful. The lyrics, the sound. I'm totally enamoured by it. I will say this though; I never thought I'd prefer her live version to the studio version. The artificial sounding vocals are irritating though.
    And I'm going to throw in a moan about the track list having a similar sound. She really is the queen of sadcore >.< we know from her unreleased tracks that she's capable of a range of sounds, and is very good at them, so why this intent to sound the same? People who have -only- heard her released singles must have such a gloomy view of her music. If it's just the sound she wanted for her Born to Die era, and will vary it on the second album, fine, but I'm not hopeful. At least Born to Die had some happier tunes like OttR and Lolita.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by 10milestereo in Beach House   
    Beach House fanatic here! Teen Dream totally changed my life. I missed them this tour, but I did a few shows on the Teen Dream tour (a couple of times as a guest of the band) and got to meet them. They are the most amazing people. To think, the first time I met them, I was the only one waiting!
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    love u too, PrettyBaby! i SO agree with everything you said!!!! i am a total egalitarian as well! i hold doors for guys, too, for example...like, why can't everyone be kind to each other, in the littlest details and in the more important issues? how is gender still so defining in the twentyfirst century? how has technology evolved so, and socially we are retograding, in some ways? but this is off topic, so i'll stop here.
    you know, i remember -because i am existentially nostalgic- that my last post on LDRFM i actually defended her lyrics, because i DO think that we human beings are multidimensional, complex, sometimes contradictory, possessing both yin and yang, anima and animus, and i think lana expresses that dual nature: while being deep and aware, she expresses that at times consciously but others unconsciously, or in spite of ourselves, we are imbued by cultural values that are not always the highest, and maybe we find ourselves acting according to them, although in our heart we know they (appearance, the material things, the aspirational consumerism, etc. )are not essential. i think my two morning espressos have made me ramble on a bit and i don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but i think that lana's lyrics manifest her philosophical nature and her keen observation of the world around her in its most elevated, such as love and spirituality and, at the same time, the possibility of also wanting, being swept away by and enjoying the more mundane pleasures (the good and the dangerous)...that voracity of wanting to fully experience LIFE, which i think she made clear(er) in the GQ interview. regardng the photos that accompany the article, i don't know, maybe - in her retro-glamourous incarnation of "lana del rey" and admiration of icons like marilyn monroe - maybe she thought to also experience the nude posing and "sexy" shots - like to do it once, to have that experience, too? or maybe it's an ego thing, the satisfaction (?) of being the object of male desire taking over? was it like fiona apple, in the early stages of her career, thinking, with the "spin" photoshoot and the "criminal" video, i'll be in control of the "exploiting"myself? (though the boob grab is hard to justify)...who knows? was it responsible, or the right move? what's certain is that lana is a mysterious and, with all her flaws as well as her more endearing traits of sweetness and sincerity, an endlessly fascinating girl
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Oh, i thought of another one: I like the chorus effect (it's not Auto-Tune and frankly sounds nothing like it) on the vocals of Birds of a Feather.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I’m happy that the topics that came up with the GQ shoot are still being discussed and have now spilled into another thread; it's important and it's nice to see it being discussed. I agree with whoever said that everyone should be a feminist. Why in the world not? What single good reason is there not to be?
    Anyway...about the topic of this thread:
    As some of you may remember, i really hate the National Anthem video.
    I like the Blue Jeans video much more than the Born to Die video.
    TIWMUG is my least favorite song on the record.
    I have no interest in Damn You, it’s a weak song with bad production and i think it’s been singled out as such a coveted song because that’s what previews do--they whet the appetite and make anything more appealing. I think there's a need to fill in the gaps and a desire to grab hold of the dangling carrot. That song stinks.
    I think Lana can be incredibly cheesy and i love it. I also enjoy all of her paradoxes. I actually love that she has terrible songs sitting right alongside amazing ones.
    I often wonder if she’s mentally unstable. She seems a bit off.
    I don't know if this is an unpopular view or not, but she's weird, genuinely weird. Not Lady Gaga/Marilyn Manson weird, which isn't weird in the slightest. That said, what the hell does it even mean to be weird anyway? But yeah, she's a weirdo.
    There are a few interviews in which i cringe because she comes across pretty dumb. I think she plays that up though and uses that as a sort of tool to be evasive.
    I wonder why people--if they’re interested in this sort of thing--almost never bring up her nose job and instead focus on her lips. Anyway, discussion about her lips and nose is boring.
    That's it for now.
    P.S. ednafrau, it’s nice to see you again!
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'm not at all a fan of (most of) the lyrics in Born to Die. Lyrically, the best song on the album is Video Games. I think most fans choose something like Off to the Races or National Anthem, because of the quick succession of references/"pretty lyrics". That's probably what I dislike most about the lyrical content of the album -- most of lines seem "tumblr-ready" to be made into edits with muted colors and the lyrics in Helvetica transcribed on top.
    I'm not sure what Lana's writing-process is like -- she's spoken about it a few times, but has never gone into great detail -- but her lyrics make me think that she thinks of "pretty" lines/phrases/couplets first and foremost, and then strings them together. Something along the lines of, "Oh, I like the lines "soul as sweet as blood-red jam" and "every inch of my tar-black soul", how can I incorporate these into a song?" I think many songwriters use a similar technique, but it just seems like the entirety of most of her songs were written like this. (Again, I admit that I don't know her writing-process and this very well may not be the case). When I listen to a song like Video Games, I don't have the same thought. It strikes me as a very organic song to write, very natural and just... sincere.
    Sure, the lyrics are simple, but I like the simplicity. You don't need to be trying to cram in every pretty phrase/60s reference/hip-hop slang into every damn line you write! I'd like to state that I don't inherently hate 60s references/Americana... but I do think that Lana has approached this theme before with much more positive/beautiful results. LDRakaLG is a great example of how the Americana themes and "pretty lyrics" can marry a much simpler songwriting style and have the outcome be something incredibly beautiful, more beautiful than Born to Die. This is the Lana I fell in love with, and will probably always be in love with. <3 LDRakaLG is just so beautiful and sincere and ...not contrived. How someone can listen to Oh Say Can You See and Raise Me Up and believe the lyrics aren't as good as those on Born to Die is beyond me! O _ O
    So, you can imagine that after having heard Body Electric the first time, I was so, so disappointed. I still am. I think the music is beautiful, but the lyrics really aren't. I was going to type something like, "Lana's becoming a caricature of herself", but I realize now that she already is. :\ I know that this song is on a re-release, so the new songs will be in the same vein of those on Born to Die. I've accepted that whatever new songs will be similar, as disappointing as it is. So instead of bitching and moaning about how the lyrical content on the re-release is horrible, I'll be looking forward to her next effort and hoping that unlike the time between LDRakaLG and Born to Die, she grows as a songwriter. And instead of complaining and writing long-winded rants on forums, I'll appreciate Born to Die for what it is -- just one "phase" in what will hopefully be long-lasting career -- and a phase that is necessary and on route to Lana's future definitive masterpiece.
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    It's not fair, but even calling someone 'beautiful' is objectifying someone, so where do you draw the line? We all objectify and contradict each other at the end of the day. Not only that, but unfortunately she's a female and very good looking celebrity - this sort of thing was bound to happen, but I'm sure she wasn't kicking and screaming on the way.
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    There's nothing stopping me from having a whole photoshoot with the palm tree in my front yard...
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by DUKE in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    No, I am not on drugs, I am just happy "Paradise" arrived on time in Germany from the US. Only God knows how this went so quickly. I don't know if we were supposed to send it via e-mail or if we should post it in here as I just did. In case you include names: I am Felix from Germany.
  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Great I love getting naked and checking out all the pretty people on lanaboards.
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Everyone do it nude, then Lana will see it for sure.
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