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  1. Honeybear liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana and Gaga will do a duet for Apple called "how I fucked my career from the top to the floor" 
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana and Gaga will do a duet for Apple called "how I fucked my career from the top to the floor" 
  3. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana and Gaga will do a duet for Apple called "how I fucked my career from the top to the floor" 
  4. a11111 liked a post in a topic by Viva in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana and Gaga will do a duet for Apple called "how I fucked my career from the top to the floor" 
  5. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Why? I think we already agreed that it is just filler material & she to be dropped from Interscope?
  6. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    People never come for Rihanna, did you notice? I think is because she's bat shit crazy and doesn't take insults home so women like this hag kind of fear her.
    Lana's comments on suicide were a huge turn off to me, I just can't with the things she says sometimes. But regarding Feminism, i can't with Feminists even more. In the western world, feminism and LBGT are nothing more than a distraction that separates society in small groups taking attention of the big picture that is civil rights and human rights.
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by whitman in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I don't know what interview you've read but in this one he mentioned Lana with other big acts " We have Tame Impala coming this summer, and Lana Del Rey coming this year.(...) So we have a good mix of developing acts and big acts coming back."
    * for @: the rest of this post isn't a reply to you directly.
    I see a lot of talking about Interscope role's as responsible by the underwhelmed performance of UV. They scheduled Lana on tv but she cancelled. Polydor scheduled BBC, promo concerts on France ( one of her biggest market) and she cancelled. Then she did interviews about death and fucking her way up to the top and feminist shit. Let's be real: she is the one to blame for. If we consider her label's POV they had eveything they wished for to promote Lana: a critical acclaimed album, her biggest debut yet, she was the #5 best-seller artist of 2014:

    This all happened in the early schedule of UV release and this is probably just a tiny part of the whole plan, which means in a long run this album could have done so much better. After that they tried to release Brooklyn Baby and Black Beauty to try to get some money but you all know what happened. She is the one who abandoned her project ( Dec.19 Grazia Interview: "I’m afraid this album will be forgotten(... ) My new album will come out after ( tour), maybe for late-august".
    Maybe she has her reasons and I'm sure her life was also a mess at the time but if Interscope decide to not promote HM fairly I won't even complain because as a label they have a point on what should they invest their money (But this won't happen, she is a big act for them after all). 
  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Something about the IG snippet and the way she sang the live bit seem off to me as far as them going together. The live bit makes the song seem a lot more upbeat and bouncy while the IG snippet sounds so serious and slow. Unfortunately the IG snippet is probably more reliable and the slowness seems more like the lyrics. But then again, snippets can sometimes be misleading (and often intentionally). 
    Also as a side note, I always imagined the musical atmosphere of MTWBT being like that of West Coast. I don't know why but the imagery she talked about and just the sound of it make me want it to be that way which is weird since WC is super unique among her songs.
  9. Melania liked a post in a topic by Viva in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    We are both pretty, kind of alcoholic mess and rich. That's why I relate to lana
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Russia Hunts Down The Gays   
    This is one of the things that annoys me about LBGT. When I say that gay rights get in the way of human rights its horrible things like this my exact point. This is not a matter of Gay rights. This is HUMAN RIGHTS. Its a huge violation of basic human rights. LBGT comes far down the road In my humble opinion.
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Russia Hunts Down The Gays   
    When I say Madge is avant garden I mean it. This is going on for a long time. A girls band called Pussy Riot had their members arrested (3 members one is out of jail the others remain). Their "crime" was to sing inside a cathedral asking for god to get rid of Putin. Madonna  during MDNA tour constantly protested against their prison and human rights in Russia. Not only in her concert in Moscow but also almost everywhere she went. Was clear that if they did that to a semi famous punk girls band without a care in the world things would get worse day by day.

    Russia is in a shit economic place right now and a way to control and take away attention from the real problems is to create a distraction. The gays are the distraction to the sex traffic issues.  Blows me away the shit that happens there. I saw a documentary in my UNI of a famous brazilian journalist about what is happening and what would happen to gays and womens in Russia (the doc is from 3 years ago). I will see if I can find it on youtube a version with english subtitles. Is bloody sick tbh abd disgusting.
  12. James19709 liked a post in a topic by Viva in M.I.A.   
    one of my fav ...Haters (I'm a Singer) . It's so good the lyrics just ugh
    So you wanna hear about my politics
    Yeah, I can show you things that can make you sick
    There's a satellite above me that's taking pics
    And the army from the west have started sending mix
    And I'm sat in America doing tricks
    So the army's looking at me like I'm a bitch
    And I'm thinking about the babies lying in the ditch
    Thinkin' if they had a kite phone you would see this shit
    And what you see on myspace is just a little bit
    And the story is always fucked by the time it hits
    Why the hell would journalist be thick as shit?
    Cause lies=power=politics
    I'm a singer
    Never said anything else
    I didn't lie to you
    Thinkin' of somebody else
    Yeah, ego and hate is your burning brick
    You live in the mansions
    Stealing from the sick
    Did my tsunami money go to your chicks?
    For her Bentley is she riding your dirty dick
    Your son can go to Harvard to learn the tricks
    Like economy eats the poor like a twix
    In the 3rd world stick would sniff you out like dicks
    You write your own reviews to get away with it
    You can talk shit to me, I'm used to it
    You make me hard with the wounds that I had to lick
    You can pick on me and I can see it out a click
    You're a racist, I wouldn't trust you one bit
    I'm a singer
    Never said anything else
    I didn't lie to you
    Thinkin' of somebody else

  13. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I need a California Gurls style single
  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Is it really necessary to point out the many things Miss Lana Del Rey said which turned to be the complete opposite? Or when she blatantly lied about Cruel World having a guitar solo intro? pls trust everyone but this bitch
  15. Viva liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman   
    Rachen Dolezal receives 50K porn offer from WeFuckBlackGirls.com
  16. Viva liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Endless Summer Tour songs = Honeymoon songs? (POLL)   
    The only thing I could realistically see is Serial Killer as a bonus track for the deluxe edition.
  17. Viva liked a post in a topic by CarcrashBandicoot in 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman   
    Do you understand the meaning of "Gender: Male"???????
  18. CarcrashBandicoot liked a post in a topic by Viva in 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman   
    Are you calling a person who fakes her entire life mentally ill on Lanaboards? Did you even heard Lana's songs and saw her interviews? For 29 31 years she pretends to be all sorts of things 
  19. Viva liked a post in a topic by CarcrashBandicoot in 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman   
    Whenever you log out and don't log back in
  20. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Viva in 'Black' NAACP leader outed as white woman   
    All black women in US have "straight hair"  funny enough the only black women sporting a Afro is in fact a white women pretending to be black. Doesn't sound ironically funny to you? 
  21. Viva liked a post in a topic by a11111 in Randall's Island, NYC @ Governors Ball - June 7th, 2015   
    From Billboard:
    "9:19 PM: Lana Del Rey's intoxicating voice is barely audible from the middle of the left side of her audience during her opening song, as the Black Keys' garage rock bleeds over from the main stage. Many audience members too far away from Del Rey simply give up five minutes in, and drift toward the act they can actually hear."
    So that's what happened
  22. Viva liked a post in a topic by Deleted User in #NiUnaMenos   
    Hello all. I'm not one to post lots of things or start discussions of this kind, but this is something that I'm willing to share to feed the world's conscience about the matter.
    A big march happened yesterday to fight against femicide, something that's awe-strucking common in LatinAmerica, yet in Argentina a certain case blew the whole thing up... Chiara was a 14 year old girl who was buried alive by her boyfriend, when he found out about her pregnancy. This was heartbreaking news for the whole country.
    The whole thing started a social media trending topic of 140 characters complaints about the utter lack of justice when it comes to gender difference, and how women seem to be completely defenseless in the world. From little subversive remnants of misoginy in popular ads and TV programs (and movies), to actual cases of women discrimination going unpunished, the hashtag #NiUnaMenos was held for about 4 weeks, and it even raised the men behind this to complain about trivial tiny things (compared to the assassination of over 1800 women in the last 6 years) when we talk about gender difference. This case is staggering, the cynism is unstoppable, and the worst thing of them all is how attached misoginy seems to be to the whole society structure (if you walk in the streets wearing a mini, showing a little cleavage, chances are that you will most assuredly get screamt from a car, or from building constructors, or even men that walk beside you, not to even mention that sometimes you get touched and it's seen as "normal").
    The good thing about this is that in the march, people seeing this as a whole "feminist march" were dismissed by the pressence of a lot of men, being on their own or even accompanying their couples, people with diverse sexual orientation also screaming for their freedom and rights, all sorts of people united by a same cause.
    It's sad for me that we need to have a national march to defend women, it's sad for me to think that precious beings like my mother or my sister go through so much pain and unfairness, I tried to do the most I could to support this but I know this is just the beginning (and hope for a better tomorrow, for each and every being in the world, regardless their gender, skin color, sexual orientation and whatnot) of a big process in which we all must do our best to scrutinize cases of domestic violence, we must make a stand, we must not be frail and cover ourselves and isolate in the shadows. We need to complain, and clean the very source of this, and expose it to the sunlight.

    You can read more about this in the following articles:



  23. Viva liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in #NiUnaMenos   
    I was going to post about this yesterday. We were discussing a lot at school and everyone has different opinions. It's really interesting and yeah, sad. I won't post my opinion because it's quite long and well I don't wanna get bullshit lol. The only thing I want to say right now is that I support this.
  24. Viva liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in #NiUnaMenos   
    I was going to post about this yesterday. We were discussing a lot at school and everyone has different opinions. It's really interesting and yeah, sad. I won't post my opinion because it's quite long and well I don't wanna get bullshit lol. The only thing I want to say right now is that I support this.
  25. My Sparrow Blue liked a post in a topic by Viva in Create Fake Lana Song Titles   
    1. My stories about other people
    2. Rich Bitch and I love it
    3. Only musician in the world
    4. super Sonically
    5. Boo Boo USA
    6. Good Questions
    7. My leak is a flood
    8. Only musician in the world
    9. Shhh Haters and fuck hackers
    10. My ussy is British now
    11. France is my mamma, England is my daddy and America is my eviil stepmother
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