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Everything posted by yourgirlcorny

  1. I did. And nadsat is teenage vocabulary
  2. I like it cause it sounds like a super hero name lol. I think maybe thats what she was going for because poison ivy is also one? And the word Ultraviolence reminds me of comic book slang like "MEGA", "BOOM" idk
  3. I didnt know she had this much money. I dont know how accurate these celebrity net worth websites are but she is estimated to have 12M. Weird that she dropped 9 million on houses? I guess theyre good investment or smth...
  4. but when she cares so much about her face why gives she zero effort in the rest like hair and clothes?? im happy she semms happy tho
  5. does anyone know the song?
  6. Could "The night josh tillman came to our appartment" be about lana? http://genius.com/Father-john-misty-the-night-josh-tillman-came-to-our-apt-lyrics if so, that would be pretty insulting. I've been wondering about their relationship. Talking about the freak video on the brit award red carpet he was like "I enjoyed just being her pupped. I like being told what to do" and I was wondering if he was lowkey dissing her with that. like "I had nothing to do with the video. I just did what she telled me" I dont think she would talk so good about him if that would be true tho
  7. well I guess its not the case then. But this looked like product placement to me.... and I thought the sweater shaun's wearing was addidas too but its nike....
  8. I always assumed addidas sponsored tropico? And product placement would fit her music videos really well actually. She sings many brand names anyway. It would have been really cool when Pepsi or DtMtnDew did a campain with her. As long as we get a video a la BTD instead of the likes of UV etc., I would even ignore a Beats Pill
  9. judging from the photo from honeydelgrant she just seems to be there for watching today. so no interaction with the skaters Im curious what they are gonna do with the actors. They should have a skateboard but dont have to skate?? Are they just gonna stand together posing with the boards?
  10. I bet it's never gonna be released and we get all hyped up for nothing
  11. youre all wrong it's for delicious. the girls play the ones who are disguisting
  12. Articles would always say BTD selled over 8 Million, but I guess that was too good to be true
  13. It flatters my stan fantasy that the hacker sees her as hack-worthy as katy kylie and justin tho
  14. What does " hoes with lies akin to me" even mean? Maybe its my bad english but when I try to translate it it doesn't make any sense to me. Can anybody explain?
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