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  1. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  2. Starsx liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  3. fessle liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  4. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    This totally sounds like Lana. When I think about meeting her I would expect it to be somehow awkward 
  5. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    You blow his mind  
    Can you get pregnant by doing anal?
  6. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Dumb Answer.   
    because u closed ur eyes! 
    Why don't we fall off the earth?
  7. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    Don't worry about the people berating you, you didn't do anything abnormal. Sometimes people imposing on her has resulted in photos, sometimes it doesn't. Given how she appears to behave with fans at venues it wasn't unreasonable for you to request a photograph. Plenty of people have seen her and hesitated to approach and probably still regret it to this day, we all know it can pay off to be a little pushy in these situations.
  8. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by fessle in Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe   
    I met Lana randomly, at the Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe on Thursday May 12.
    I was in LA for a few concerts for my favorite singer, Lights, and it turned into a vacation. On that Thursday, May 12th, my friends and I had breakfast at the Beverly Hills Hotel Fountain Coffee Room. It was reaalll nice. Then I asked the front desk if someone could give us a tour of the hotel, so we could take pictures by the most scenic spots. Since I'm an architecture student, I just mention that and they happily show us the architectural highlights.
    We saw the Frank Sinatra suite, which is about $15,000 a night and I saw a bag of weed on the table inside...it was beautiful. I said out loud, I bet Lana would love this room.
    We went down by the poolside and I took some polaroids and photos and we hung out for a minute just to enjoy.
    Lana Del Rey walks past us and I immediately recognize her and say "Lana!" and my legs were just shaking. My friend Rachel did not even notice until a few seconds later (and she didn't hear me say Lana, so either Lana ignored me or she didn't hear me) and I was just SHOOK. I could not believe that this is where I would meet Lana. Our tour guide told us he was responsible for us so that it would be inappropriate for me to go talk to her under his supervision, but he left us a couple minutes later and told us we could do whatever...haha.
    We sat at a table 20 feet from LDR, drinking lemonade and eating chips and salsa. I didn't take any creeper photos because I thought that would be weird and she was just having lunch with her friend. On the polaroid I took of the pool and cabanas, I wrote "swimming pool glimmering darling... We'd love to take a polaroid with you" and asked the waitress to pass it off to which she said no, they can't do that. So we waited for Lana to finish her lunch, and then she took a picture with her friend.
    When Lana got up, so did we, and as she walked towards us, I gave her the polaroid and said it had been a dream to always meet her. She looked so beautiful and so sweet. The manager (restaurant manager) then came and interrupted and said he was responsible for her and that he needed to protect her and she kept brushing him off. The first thing she said to us was "I'm not really taking pictures today." That was kind of weird because she had just taken one with her friend. This other girl and her mom tried to take a picture of her and the manager got in front of the camera, and Lana said no pictures again. She asked me if I wanted her to keep the polaroid still and I said um yeah it's for you lol. She hugged me and my two friends, as well as this other girl and asked us where we were from, where we had seen her... So she showed some sort of interest but she didn't really engage in any conversation, at all. Like "Where are you from?" "Chicago" "Oh cool" Since we couldn't take any pictures with her, I showed her a portrait I had drawn of her way back, and her friend said I was very talented and I don't know if Lana really said anything besides that it looked good. We hugged her again and then she asked us "Are you leaving?" when we were already on the stairs and on our way out.. haha
    A few minutes later she passed us in the hotel hallway and said "How are you?" and kept walking without stopping.
    Overall it was kinda bizarre and I have no pictures to show for this encounter, but hey, I met Lana Del Rey in LA. This experience was so authentic and strange I loved it tbh. I am glad I got to meet her, and hug her twice, it was surreal. She looked beautiful, with her chipped tooth and she smelled so sweet.
  9. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular opinion: I LOVE her cringworthy lines
    -i love the "blueblueblueblue" in Freak, "stranger than a stranger"? -hilarious!! I always thought she´s being cheek n´ tongue with these kind of lyrics, slowly realized she´s propably dead serious -even better, that trolls even harder!
    -"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola": i never saw it as only a provocative line. the song has this enthusiasm in it and I think she wanted to paint the American dream as something sweet (lol), she´s beeing coquettish with her sexuality and SHE`S DELICIOUS    edit: I also always wondered wheather it might be a comment on her commercial succes with BTD 
    -"shining like gun metal, cold and unsure": honestly don´t get how this is a bad line? makes me think of a girl who´s partying and seems confident, but is actually shy and unsure, reminds me of "lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf", and talking about coldness:
    -"hawaiin glam metal", "surf noir": always loved these terms. they describe the atmosphere so well. the coldness in lanas music is the thing i always related the most to. this dirty, unsetteling atmosphere she creates in LDRAKALG with these tropical, maritime sounds and these cold neon light trashy lyrics always gives me THE CHILLS. (still can´t believe some critics actually criticized that UV sounds suffocative  . I don´t know this was probably already said, but I heard that people with anxiety often feel like they suffocate and we know lana has problems with anxiety, so i think its definitely on purpose)
    -"elvis is the best hell yes", "hell yeah that guy can sing": for me, these lines just sound so organic, like they seem to be from some easy flirt/chat. they´re cute
    -"throw me in the sky, like pizza pie": pure poetry      
    -"d.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park":         
    Her cringy lines add so much charm to her music and Lana wouldn´t be Lana without them i love her       
  10. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    @@slang i think the 'problem' is that this is still a mostly pop-oriented board, in which success is essentially measured in terms of sales & general audience appeal / popularity. that's not positive or negative in itself, it's just how it is, but i think most of the frustration we often read here relates to that: what people feel she could be and achieve (given the relatively privileged position where she already stands when compared to others), if only she tried harder, promoted herself better, made music that's slightly less alienating, etc. personally, i agree with you - i get the impression that she doesn't really care about that aspect of the music industry; it's definitely not the type of recognition she craves & might even be something she more or less actively rejects. after all, when you think of most of the artists she usually lists as main inspirations, it's usually people who have / had a peculiar relationship with fame & the mainstream (Kurt Cobain, Lou Reed, Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, etc.); i don't think that's a coincidence, so i'm not that surprised that pop stardom isn't really what she's looking for.
  11. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ideally I'd like for LDR6 to come this year, but I'm not going to rush her because I know that whenever she releases it, it's going to be as spectacular as her last. That's something I really like about Lana, I can count on a good, solid release from her roughly every year or so. Preferably I'd like for her to go for a more upbeat, High By the Beach kinda vibe, but I'm happy either way.
    Also I still don't like 24 or Art Deco.
  12. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Joker in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Well, also, one was a cover, one track was an interlude of her reading a poem, and another song is what was thought to be her track she submitted for Bond (24). That's 3 tracks that were done easily. MTWBT was one of the tracks she worked on earliest, she did that one right after UV released. that's 4 of the tracks that were done quickly. those other 9 were written, recorded, mixed, remixed, everything in the 15 months that she pushed HM out in from the time UV released. I think she's working on the next record and she's going to TRY to keep that 15 month streak like she said she wants to do but we all know Lana, she can't promise anything because nothing's every certain with her... But that Insta pic tagged "Everyday" it makes it seem like she's putting something together already.
    If we get the next album in Dec. or Jan., we'll get more info around Sep. or Oct. 
  13. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Roses   
    this song is so 
  14. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by CriesMarmalade in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I think Lana's jazzy tangents are beautiful, the only problem is that they're too short and often just tacked onto slow or boring pop songs in an attempt to liven them up. If Lana would really follow through with an attempt at jazz I think it would sound amazing. Her free-form vocals are by far her most emotionally genuine and rarely fall into this monotonous 'I'm too cool to give a fuck' tone that she often does.
  15. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Jack in Your Lana Collection   
    Y'all thought you were dedicated... annedauphine step your game up!
  16. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Elle in Your Lana Collection   
    I've been wanting to share this for awhile, but I just now finally got around to photographing everything. So, I present to you all...
    The Lana Collection

    The Shrine, where 70% of it lives
    Inside and outside of the shrine are a lot of different components which I've divided into Clothing, Magazines, Music, and Miscellaneous, and then those will have subcategories. In the spoilers will be details of what everything is. Enjoy!


    Magazine Clippings:
    Merch & Miscellaneous

    Photos of large/forgotten items not pictured in main photo:
    Clothing Lana's Worn
  17. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    wow that was the longest stretch this site for ever down like WTF..
    i thought that was it ..
  18. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Contact the admin. Good luck if he shows up b4 Christmas.
  19. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    Lana looks perfectly fine to me. She just needs to lay of the fillers for a little while. She looks much more healthier and happier nowadays
    She's always had a strange fashion sense anyway and if that makes her feel comfortable then good on her. As long as she makes a reasonable effort in her photoshoots/music videos/events fashion wise then I couldn't give two shits what she looks like when she's out and about.
  20. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    What's that headline she said she'd want, when asked at that event ? "Lana Del Rey spotted with a mysterious, handsome man. Who is he?" 
  21. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by gloomyharlow in Lana @ Rihanna's ANTItour 03/05/2016   
    She looks amazing! She is the parking lot queen! It's amazing how she's so loved everywhere she goes! And maybe that is her new boyfriend.
  22. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in That One Song You CRAVE For   
    Right now, I feel the same about Lana songs as I do about getting dick: I'll take what I can get.
    That being said, I'm still bopping to Wayamaya like, daily -- and I have hands (and cucumbers, and zucchinis, and aubergines) of my own, for that matter...
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