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  1. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Instagram Updates   
    Time present and time past ... 
  2. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by lazybooklet in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    FOUR albums in FOUR years. Still better than Frank Ocean
  3. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by slang in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Talking SNL is kind of like a bad acid flashback, which I guess makes it Honeymoon-esque in a sense. However, putting it in perspective of whether she feels backlash or not, while she was disappointed at the SNL reception, I recall her defending her performance in terms of her liking it. Some would say that's denial; I'd say it's defiance. And for me the SNL Blue Jeans wasn't bad at all; it was odd but not bad. All the running around on stage she could have done, she actually did effectively with her voice, imo.    Also SNL is not that HUGE. Taylor famously sang offkey at the Grammy's and Sam's performance at the Oscar's was not to his liking, and why should it matter that she was (relatively) unknown when sang SNL, given where she is now?   Finally, I am a little worried that LDR's band are not tweeting about the upcoming festivals. Hope they are still behind her and she's practicing with them. I would prefer a lot more social media from her about that, which is not the same thing as saying I want promo, but if she did do more promo, I'd at least feel more at ease about that. 
  4. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by kristinaj in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    This forum is such a weird place tbh. People are either praising her to high heavens, saying she's the best singer ever and can do no wrong, or people are bashing her, saying she can't sing/write/perform/whatever
    It's been 4 years since SNL, who really gives a flying fig any more. I just wish Lana would be more active with her career. Like do anything Lana pls. She hasn't done anything in 3 months
  5. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    @@Flipflopfan  I disagree.
    the point about Sam Smith is, he did EXACTLY THE SAME THING as Lana, just a few weeks later the point of his career), and critics raved. He being a he of course (and he had many of the critics on his side by his stunt of "coming out" just
    at that moment in an obvious gambit to win hearts but more so, to make it impossible for someone to put him down, who he would then call a homophobe. (BTW, when was the last time he mentioned Lana?
    Is he still a fan???)
    as for stage fright- Carly Simon and John Lennon notorious for being scared to perform. Lennon would throw up before every concert or appearance.
    and as for hands- ask Art Garfunkel of Simon & Garfunkel, who in 60 years, still has no idea what to do with his hands. Look at any video of the two of them singing, including the reunion concert in Central Park, and he has no idea what to do with his hands (pocket of his pants, bottom microphone, top microphone, flailing etc. Awkward as a teenager and he is in his 70s now. Very gawky.
    Yet no one ever mentioned his hands in a critique.
    (and the uniqueness of Simon/Garfunkel was that producer Roy Hallee famously actually had them sing all the vocals using the same microphone, something no duo ever did like that
    (where they would have separate ones) and the harmonies were from that.
    The other thing about SNL was, she was LIVE and SNL also is known for lousy sound (only the superbowl has worse sound.)
    Live performances, I have seen her now, what 12 times? 13 times? (I am losing count). Her live performances are getting better and better.
    Perhaps Video Games was not the perfect choice for first song, being that, well, it is notoriously SLOW.
    Imagine if she had (but would have had no reason to do such- but if she sang Serial Killer first. Then did Video Games.
    I think the critics/press were in for the kill PRIOR to her appearance and nothing she did would have gained their love (as proven by later remarks, which showed the sheer genius in going
    with Dan Auerbach to produce Ultraviolence because that was one of the most genius moves in recording history- critics loved him, he himself bashed her, and it won her many points
    (besides a great sounding album).
    I disagree with you on her career.
    She is now at a place unique
    and it was the Billboard Trailblazer award which brought her out of her depression, IMHO, and made her see she had a purpose and focus and that the way she was doing it,
    was a unique and novel way of doing things (Like Adele said about how she wished she could drop an album, do some concerts then just nothing at all instead of all the bullshit
    an artist is made to do.
    I would rather be Lana than Adele. Perhaps in 2020 Adele will release a new record. By then, we will have 5 more Lana records (figure about 75 new songs all of them great/greater/greatest)
    She is doing things the biggest male superstars only have done before her, and of course, the powers that be, and the press don't like when a girl does that. They are suppose to
    listen and do things they are told.
    Lana is telling them in no uncertain terms- it is her way
  6. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Flipflopfan in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    You're passionate about Lana and I get that being there myself.
    A lot of the criticism thrown at Lana was abject misogyny but SNL wasn't that. It was a collective blunder fueled by greed for money and quick fame: Interscope wanted to cash in big and quickly, Lana's mangers, who btw did a miracle by putting her on the map with one good song but who were inexperienced at this level and wanted themselves to cash in quickly, and Lana who just wasn't realistic about her strengths and I think that she fantasized at that point about being a popstar. Every show prior to SNL hinted to anyone with ears and eyes that she is struggling on stage. She was stiff, her movements were awkward and her voice was wavering many times. It was obvious that she is not a natural performer and she needs extensive coaching ranging from live singing to stage movement. She has this pathological stage fright which makes her ridiculously self-conscious on stage which makes her losing her focus affecting her singing. It was a huge gamble and they lost. Her music was slow, kind of awkward, her voice is so distinctive and because of these issues they would have had to rehearse her presentation in the smallest detail even regarding her hand movements (which were btw ridiculous). The turning Lana meme was inevitable and was a cynical criticism of how unprofessional was the whole preparation for that HUGE opportunity. That was the other factor of the backlash: she was a noname singer starting her career practically on SNL for that her presentation had to be near perfect to be accepted by the critics and the media because anyone knew how big a SNL slot is.
    The mainstream media destroyed her and frankly the perfect storm was in the making because the indie press turned slowly against her before SNL questioning her authenticity and talent. It was just a huge PR blunder the whole late 2011 and early 2012 and all the parties above mentioned have their fault in it. They say that there is no bad publicity but we can see now how deeply she was affected by the backlash. I think that her sadness is mainly a result of those events and sometimes I have the feeling that they killed the joy of being an artist in her heart. She's plodding along in her career but she's clearly half the artist she could be.   
    My only beef against Lana is that she didn't ambition herself after that moment doing everything possible to improve dramatically her live singing and presentation. She had many concerts since then and she sung fine in some of them but let's face it she still has huge problems when performing live and her career is in downward spiral mostly because of it.
  7. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I think the discussion about her psyche is so interisting, but it's like when you google your symtomps you always end up having cancer or something.... 
    I think it's only natural that she would get defensive as it´s her art and personal to her so when people hate on it it ovsl. hurts. It's also easy to say she shouldn't care when one sits behind a computer, but when you actually are the person that gets criticized and are in the publiuc eye etc it must feel so much more intense.
  8. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i completely agree, when i heard HBTB for the first time i couldnt believe my ears it sounded like she didnt care and sent a half-assed song to us. instead of sounding serene and heavenly in many HM she just sounds bored out of her mind
  9. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    What songs are you talking about?? ARRRRRrgh I hate it when people shorten the song titles like that I never get it lol. I also  missunderstand WC and BJ everytime for a second
    edit: ok got it On our way, last girl on earth and sweet serial killer   
  10. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th   
    "Freak" was not inspired by the TSLSD experience, it was a joke onstage between friends. So literal
    edit: found it on lanainspires instagram, but failed at linking it with photo....
  11. annedauphine liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular opinion: I LOVE her cringworthy lines
    -i love the "blueblueblueblue" in Freak, "stranger than a stranger"? -hilarious!! I always thought she´s being cheek n´ tongue with these kind of lyrics, slowly realized she´s propably dead serious -even better, that trolls even harder!
    -"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola": i never saw it as only a provocative line. the song has this enthusiasm in it and I think she wanted to paint the American dream as something sweet (lol), she´s beeing coquettish with her sexuality and SHE`S DELICIOUS    edit: I also always wondered wheather it might be a comment on her commercial succes with BTD 
    -"shining like gun metal, cold and unsure": honestly don´t get how this is a bad line? makes me think of a girl who´s partying and seems confident, but is actually shy and unsure, reminds me of "lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf", and talking about coldness:
    -"hawaiin glam metal", "surf noir": always loved these terms. they describe the atmosphere so well. the coldness in lanas music is the thing i always related the most to. this dirty, unsetteling atmosphere she creates in LDRAKALG with these tropical, maritime sounds and these cold neon light trashy lyrics always gives me THE CHILLS. (still can´t believe some critics actually criticized that UV sounds suffocative  . I don´t know this was probably already said, but I heard that people with anxiety often feel like they suffocate and we know lana has problems with anxiety, so i think its definitely on purpose)
    -"elvis is the best hell yes", "hell yeah that guy can sing": for me, these lines just sound so organic, like they seem to be from some easy flirt/chat. they´re cute
    -"throw me in the sky, like pizza pie": pure poetry      
    -"d.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park":         
    Her cringy lines add so much charm to her music and Lana wouldn´t be Lana without them i love her       
  12. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Confessions   
    I'm approaching 10000 pictures of Lana on my computer. I don't know if it's a lot or not but for me it's SO MUCH. They're 95% organized, I have like 9778 pictures, 7.63Go, 653 folders, counting absolutely everything including fanart but not counting the videos. The thing is, I don't collect EVERYTHING there is, what makes it different is that I ONLY collect the pics I like. I hate this tbh, I think it's very disrespectful towards Lana and super creepy but I can't help. Every single time I class candids I end up with at least 50 more just because she's so beautiful
  13. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I agree with all of this, except for the "blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue" part of Freak, it's just a bit too much for me. I don't mind how she uses the word blue a lot, I think it's a beautiful word and always fits with the mood and feel of the song, but this line in Freak, for me, is just unforgivable. I find it annoying and tacky when any word is used this many times in space, and so quickly. It's less about the word "blue" but the way it's repeated so quickly.
    But anyway, I love how you've explained all of these lyrics. I completely agree. I think that these sort of fun lyrics are nice to have every now and then and it makes Lana's music so "Lana-ish". I couldn't imagine any other singer having these kinds of words in their songs, and that's exactly why I love them. 
  14. writtenxrabbits liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular opinion: I LOVE her cringworthy lines
    -i love the "blueblueblueblue" in Freak, "stranger than a stranger"? -hilarious!! I always thought she´s being cheek n´ tongue with these kind of lyrics, slowly realized she´s propably dead serious -even better, that trolls even harder!
    -"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola": i never saw it as only a provocative line. the song has this enthusiasm in it and I think she wanted to paint the American dream as something sweet (lol), she´s beeing coquettish with her sexuality and SHE`S DELICIOUS    edit: I also always wondered wheather it might be a comment on her commercial succes with BTD 
    -"shining like gun metal, cold and unsure": honestly don´t get how this is a bad line? makes me think of a girl who´s partying and seems confident, but is actually shy and unsure, reminds me of "lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf", and talking about coldness:
    -"hawaiin glam metal", "surf noir": always loved these terms. they describe the atmosphere so well. the coldness in lanas music is the thing i always related the most to. this dirty, unsetteling atmosphere she creates in LDRAKALG with these tropical, maritime sounds and these cold neon light trashy lyrics always gives me THE CHILLS. (still can´t believe some critics actually criticized that UV sounds suffocative  . I don´t know this was probably already said, but I heard that people with anxiety often feel like they suffocate and we know lana has problems with anxiety, so i think its definitely on purpose)
    -"elvis is the best hell yes", "hell yeah that guy can sing": for me, these lines just sound so organic, like they seem to be from some easy flirt/chat. they´re cute
    -"throw me in the sky, like pizza pie": pure poetry      
    -"d.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park":         
    Her cringy lines add so much charm to her music and Lana wouldn´t be Lana without them i love her       
  15. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Tammy in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    My 1000th post goes out to Lana: I love you and your music!
    Never really felt the need to carp about her music. Couldn't be happier to have it in my life. The albums are perfect, at least to me, and I will celebrate her in Warsaw.
    ~ Be yourself. Perform as much as you can and remember that music should never be about anyone else except yourself. ~
  16. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana at Lykke Li's new band launch April 19th 2016   
    It doesn't surprise me considering they've worked with a lot of the same people (Jeff Bhasker, Jonathan Wilson, Björn Yttling, Greg Kurstin, some of her tracks leaked from ricknowels.com ) 
    If I recall correctly, the original title of the original Lana thread (RIP) on SIN compared Lana to Lykke Li, Sky Ferreira, and Paloma Faith.
    This also reminds me of this Facebook exchange:

    This is the YouTube video referenced in that post:

  17. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Lana in Palm Springs 4/15/16   
    Aww she´s so cute. I always wonder how her skin is still so good despite her unhealthy lifestyle and why is she wearing two different outfits?
  18. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Yeah, critics would say that when Ultraviolence was her angry reflection of the backlash, Honeymoon was the record where she would show who she really is as the instrumentation is sparse, the focus is on her voice and she didn´t had some famous producer like Emile or Dan who could take away credit from her. Thats why the first line of HM irritated me. It definitely was more fashionable to love her than ever when she uploaded the track. 
    Regarding DLMBM I didn´t see it as  ”she will be misunderstood no matter what she does” or victimization, but instead like "don´t jude me on my mistakes" I think that´s where it really shows that HM originally was supposed to be a reschedulement of UV, like a follow up commentary
    UV: FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!111
    HM: I have mistakes, but my intentions are good
  19. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    On Spotify, you can see a song's streaming number, just like YouTube has its "views".

    UV and HM: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/6400-lanas-streaming-power-updated-jan-2016/
  20. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sry to ask but where do you look up the streaming numbers? Really would like to know the ones of HM and UV in comparison.
  21. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Auto-Tuned Loon in Is Lana Declining?   
    ^ Does it make me a pedophile that I'm turned on by your egg avatar?
  22. yourgirlcorny liked a post in a topic by Melania in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i actually love guns and roses.
  23. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular opinion: I LOVE her cringworthy lines
    -i love the "blueblueblueblue" in Freak, "stranger than a stranger"? -hilarious!! I always thought she´s being cheek n´ tongue with these kind of lyrics, slowly realized she´s propably dead serious -even better, that trolls even harder!
    -"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola": i never saw it as only a provocative line. the song has this enthusiasm in it and I think she wanted to paint the American dream as something sweet (lol), she´s beeing coquettish with her sexuality and SHE`S DELICIOUS    edit: I also always wondered wheather it might be a comment on her commercial succes with BTD 
    -"shining like gun metal, cold and unsure": honestly don´t get how this is a bad line? makes me think of a girl who´s partying and seems confident, but is actually shy and unsure, reminds me of "lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf", and talking about coldness:
    -"hawaiin glam metal", "surf noir": always loved these terms. they describe the atmosphere so well. the coldness in lanas music is the thing i always related the most to. this dirty, unsetteling atmosphere she creates in LDRAKALG with these tropical, maritime sounds and these cold neon light trashy lyrics always gives me THE CHILLS. (still can´t believe some critics actually criticized that UV sounds suffocative  . I don´t know this was probably already said, but I heard that people with anxiety often feel like they suffocate and we know lana has problems with anxiety, so i think its definitely on purpose)
    -"elvis is the best hell yes", "hell yeah that guy can sing": for me, these lines just sound so organic, like they seem to be from some easy flirt/chat. they´re cute
    -"throw me in the sky, like pizza pie": pure poetry      
    -"d.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park":         
    Her cringy lines add so much charm to her music and Lana wouldn´t be Lana without them i love her       
  24. James19709 liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    What songs are you talking about?? ARRRRRrgh I hate it when people shorten the song titles like that I never get it lol. I also  missunderstand WC and BJ everytime for a second
    edit: ok got it On our way, last girl on earth and sweet serial killer   
  25. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by yourgirlcorny in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    unpopular opinion: I LOVE her cringworthy lines
    -i love the "blueblueblueblue" in Freak, "stranger than a stranger"? -hilarious!! I always thought she´s being cheek n´ tongue with these kind of lyrics, slowly realized she´s propably dead serious -even better, that trolls even harder!
    -"my pussy tastes like pepsi cola": i never saw it as only a provocative line. the song has this enthusiasm in it and I think she wanted to paint the American dream as something sweet (lol), she´s beeing coquettish with her sexuality and SHE`S DELICIOUS    edit: I also always wondered wheather it might be a comment on her commercial succes with BTD 
    -"shining like gun metal, cold and unsure": honestly don´t get how this is a bad line? makes me think of a girl who´s partying and seems confident, but is actually shy and unsure, reminds me of "lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf", and talking about coldness:
    -"hawaiin glam metal", "surf noir": always loved these terms. they describe the atmosphere so well. the coldness in lanas music is the thing i always related the most to. this dirty, unsetteling atmosphere she creates in LDRAKALG with these tropical, maritime sounds and these cold neon light trashy lyrics always gives me THE CHILLS. (still can´t believe some critics actually criticized that UV sounds suffocative  . I don´t know this was probably already said, but I heard that people with anxiety often feel like they suffocate and we know lana has problems with anxiety, so i think its definitely on purpose)
    -"elvis is the best hell yes", "hell yeah that guy can sing": for me, these lines just sound so organic, like they seem to be from some easy flirt/chat. they´re cute
    -"throw me in the sky, like pizza pie": pure poetry      
    -"d.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park":         
    Her cringy lines add so much charm to her music and Lana wouldn´t be Lana without them i love her       
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