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Everything posted by wthebluemascara

  1. I know, it reminds me of the GQ photoshoot, I love that one Thank you so much! I'm still wondering what's the real photo with Lana though
  2. I don't like that much Lana and the other girls "twerking" during Lolita
  3. I didn't know where to post this, is this picture photoshopped right? I'm pretty sure it is but I can't find the real photo and I really don't remember in which picture Lana has that face
  4. Nice question. Lana gave the other part of the crown to another fan
  5. Is it me or she is annoyed in this video because of fans trying to touch her and her hair? It seems there's also her bodyguard (?) trying to get away peoples arms from her. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIDoNiugdi3/?taken-by=dimoswillmadeit
  6. She posted this picture today on her Honeymoon account
  7. This girl, Kasia Szarek, even posted on Facebook about the casting
  8. I bought BTD The Paradise Edition like a few weeks ago and after reading the booklet I found out that in American she says "you were like tall, tan" and not "tall, thin" and the first couple of times that I listened to Kill Kill I heard "I'm in love with a diamond"
  9. 196. There are roses in between my thighs
  10. Is there someone that has this picture without the tag? I don't even understand why there's that tag but I don't think it should be there
  11. I love Radio and I really really don't like HBTB
  12. LDR AKA LIZZY GRANT: Kill Kill, Yayo BTD: Radio, Off To The Races PARADISE: Cola UV: Brooklyn Baby, Shades Of Cool HM: Honeymoon, God Knows I Tried UNRELEASED: Serial Killer, Wayamaya, Angels Forever OTHERS: Some Things Last A Long Time
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