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Everything posted by Cashew

  1. Cashew

    twenty one pilots

    Why is it available in only some itunes stores?
  2. I thought FO4 was great, it just missed a lot of opportunities. Hoping the next FO game is something like New Vegas.
  3. Cashew

    Britney Spears

    Why the fuck is Mood Ring Japan exclusive? Its so good, better than some other songs on the album Screw you whoever was behind this decision
  4. Eliminate: Is This Happiness, FMWUTTT Immunity: Flipside
  5. Eliminate: The Other Woman, Old Money Immunity: Sad Girl
  6. Summertime Sadness and West Coast These two songs really hypnotised me
  7. Cashew

    Book Thread!

    We'll Always Have Paris by Ray Bradbury It's a collection of short stories written by Ray Bradbury. Loved it
  8. Eliminate: Guns and Roses, The Other Woman Immunity: Sad Girl
  9. I tried that but it doesn't work for me admin edit: issue resolved
  10. Hey, can we make Imgur image extension/link work? Because everytime I try to post a picture using the imgur image link it does not end up posting the pic.
  11. Cashew


    queen of deceiving people
  12. off topic but I love your signature gif. where is it from?
  13. "I will never sin again, you won't work another day!"- Swan Song
  14. Cashew


    Honestly I genuinely dislike Titanic, he seems like some pretentious fuck who thinks everything he does is a masterpiece and is way more relevant than it actually is
  15. Female that left, potentially escaped.
  16. Cashew

    Britney Spears

    Glad you were able to move past the tragedy of Britney Jean and see the light of Glory
  17. I think The Blackest Day and Religion are the most boring songs off of HM and I do not get the hype around them
  18. Cashew

    Instagram Updates

    She's adorable in that video clip!
  19. Honeymoon - 23 Music to Watch Boys To - 25 God Knows I Tried - 16 Art Deco - 21 Religion - 25 Salvatore - 18 The Blackest Day - 26 Swan Song - 19
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