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  1. AzizDelGrant liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    SAME, just like she did on Endless Summer
  2. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by AzizDelGrant in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    I pray to god that she is going to announce something at her show
    Because now I'm not that hyped for stargirl
  3. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in American Horror Story   
    That was literally the worst season ever. I hate to be that person, but I'm that person. 
    What the hell was that mess? I called that shit as soon as Lee found Flora in the house. Also who the hell was filming the last few scenes? That can be said for the past few episodes. Yes, there were cameras around before the season finale but some shots were from places that cameras weren't placed. If you're going to do a found footage/documentary show, do that. You can't just pick and choose. I'll literally piss myself if we have a sequel season. The only good part was the Lana Winters special, and how the fuck are you going to tell me they got that Ghost Whisperers knock-off footage was got to be aired? Also what world are they living in?! You cannot show actual deaths on television. This show has so many plot holes, and how can you blame marijuana for the cause of deaths? Did they miss the part where she literally snorted cocaine purposefully? This was so dumb, and it was good at the start, but what kinda mess did this turn into?  Worst season finale by far, and worst season. It lacked so much, and they tried too hard to get in with 2012/2013 horror.  
  4. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Lana Del Rey @ Corona Capital Festival   
    Lanas gonna bring out @eclipse for a duet then announce the next record
  5. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in The crowds at Lana shows   
    I really miss the days of Paradise Tour when people were (at least in Europe!) chill, positive and easy to deal with. The day of my first Lana show was incredible although I've had like 5th row because people weren't as damn crazy about being as close as possible. The experience was beyond. Every person on the 1st row got their time with her.
    Now let's get onto this year's show storytime!
    And then on the other hand I've seen her live for the second time on the festival show this year... Being on the left of the front row was still dangerous lol
    People were pushing to death, me and my friends were honestly terrified we were going to be smashed. I seriously couldn't breathe. No problematic people around, although lack of space was terrible, I've lost my good spot halfway through and tried to hold the fence with one of my hands which I thought the crowd was going to break
    Not to mention my dear friend @heavvyhitter almost died because of the Great Run™ for the stage - after waiting 8 hours for the gates to open we've had to run for a mile to change the ticket for a festival wristband and then after an hour of another wait run another distance. Except for the fact he fell on the first run and got literally squashed to the ground. The bruises & cuts were terrible. Thank god we kept the space for him, I wouldnt forgive myself if he just sat there alone at some random back spot.
    I really hope American shows these days aren't as crazy as the European ones.
    Stay safe you guys...
  6. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Is this happiness is her mangum opus
  7. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    this source told me that this source said that this person totally is accountable and authentic because totally
    - the gullible on lb 2k16 
  8. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by 111 in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    ... Anyway
    In the meantime, queen and I have spoken more. She didn't tell me if the videos she shot during summer and recently were for the lead single but she spilled some more. We are on good terms and I did my best to assure her that I'm the only with those songs. I can confirm she's in a good place right now - she seems happy and excited. I'll give her some time before contacting again for a lil Q&A.
    Btw, you guys aren't exactly helping when you keep tweeting YAIL and SR at her. Even I didn't tag her when I tweeted those months ago. You keep making her worried.
    And, I don't think the album is called Subversive. Otherwise she would have told me, I believe. But we will see.
  9. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Its so weird, i fucking hate this thread but i keep coming back.
  10. Shadowheart liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Did anyone watch the live stream?
  11. lanasgirl liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Can your boyfriend, family, friends or one of the best unis in the UK leak Your Girl?
  12. grabmebymyribbons liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Can your boyfriend, family, friends or one of the best unis in the UK leak Your Girl?
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Can your boyfriend, family, friends or one of the best unis in the UK leak Your Girl?
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