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Everything posted by cheaptrailertrashglm

  1. most of the "activists" online don't care. they care because it's performative and benefits them and gets them likes. I'm not saying people didn't care about Palestine EVER, because plenty of people did, but soon people will move on to the next "cool" thing to be activists for. I stand by my statement. Celebrities can do nothing. We don't know them and nothing they do or anything we do will actually do anything about this war because Hamas doesn't give a shit. They won't stop because that's what terrorists do. Hamas doesn't care what Lana Del Rey has to say. They want Jews and Palestinians eradicated.
  2. kill kill 18 born to die 9 ultraviolence 31 honeymoon 34 nfr 11 cotcc 28 blue banisters 4 (-)
  3. the nightingale by kristen hannah ( i feel like i spelled all that wrong)
  4. not to start shit, but i'm really annoyed with how many people expect/want celebrities to talk about this subject. no celebrity is required to say something about something you care about, which i'd like to argue half the people in the internet didn't care about a 100+ year war until october 7th. i mean, people can't even dictate the difference between being anti-hamas doesnt mean being anti-palestine people. you expect celebrities who aren't permanently online to care about the same shit you do? come on. they're job is to entertain, not be activists for something they can literally do nothing about. nothing lana del rey does or says is going to stop a war that's been going on since the 1940's. stop expecting so much from people you don't know.
  5. pin up galore vs tv in black n white
  6. fingertips vs happiness is a butterfly
  7. Kill Kill - 19 Born To Die - 8 Ultraviolence - 28 + Honeymoon - 34 Norman Fucking Rockwell - 11 Chemtrails Over The Country - 29 - Blue Banisters - 6
  8. wait for live vs trash magic
  9. ann rules' book about the green river killer
  10. brooklyn baby vs west coast
  11. this is, no doubt, one of her best songs ever
  12. tv black and white vs come when you call
  13. back in my day people used to "overdose" on cough syrup to get high. i always assumed that's what she meant
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