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About ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life

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    All hail Queen Elizabeth!
    Lana,Lizzy,Miss Grant!
    Just ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life♥

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  1. You can be the Boss! This song gotta be played on each and every gig!
  2. Another important point that I wanted to make is... Lana should just save hear kindness for real fans! Instead of wasting it for some sellers!
  3. Theoretically yes... The way he moans is quite strange... you noticed that?
  4. No doubt, it's their concern... but it's annoying if real fans get ignored in similar situations, while sellers get such an all inclusive V.I.P package with singing, signing, chatting and so on...
  5. I think it's just a lame excuse, if he said: "Lana, don't take it personally, it's just business and I need the money!"
  6. Lana signing autographs for 2 and a half minutes straight for ebay with direct link! This really makes me puke! She signs everything for her seller and signs and sings for him and asks how he's doing... and real fans are sometimes ignored! Not always but sometimes!
  7. I've started writing lyrics at school since in 8th grade. I felt daunted and frustrated cause I was never part of the cool kids. They mocked me and nobody really cared for me. Writing lyrics was my only way out. However I never dared to present my work to anybody. Only Lana Del Rey could break the vicious circle! First off all I fell in love with her music, yet, I avoided reading facts about her. She was rather like a higher spirit to me. When I met Lana 3 years ago on september, 15 I told her that she is just LARGER THAN LIFE! And that she is a great inspiriration to me! She said I am special! Moreover she insisted that I should get going my creativity! So Lana really kicked my ass!
  8. I think if Lana record label would have more courage they could spice it up and create a real cool feud between LANA and GAGA!
  9. Thanks for the link! Indeed, a very warm and family-friendly video!
  10. Wow! Thanks for the link! Interesting article... really strange...I don't understand why he would devote her a site but at the same time steal her material?!
  11. o, ok, I see... maybe it's just wishful thinking of her...
  12. Cause lana's an Angel! With a lot of compassion for the ordinary human beings!
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