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  1. fl0ridakil0s liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Elis Regina   
    Well, it's pretty different from what we usually see on these boards, but i just wanted to show you one of the greatest female names of brazilian music. I think everyone deserves the right to hear her at least once.

  2. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Unreleased songs that remind you of released ones (sister songs)   
    It's actually unreleased + unreleased, but You Can Be The Boss and Hundred Dollar Bill are extremely similar to me.
  3. daytonadeath liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Unreleased songs that remind you of released ones (sister songs)   
    It's actually unreleased + unreleased, but You Can Be The Boss and Hundred Dollar Bill are extremely similar to me.
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Unreleased songs that remind you of released ones (sister songs)   
    It's actually unreleased + unreleased, but You Can Be The Boss and Hundred Dollar Bill are extremely similar to me.
  5. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I couldn't agree more. I love Lana, but she needs a lyrical revolution... 
    Aaand, i may be dreamin' too much, but i can perfectly picture Lana singing over some ethereal instrumentation, like some shoegazdreampopey guitars (she went kinda close to that with the Ultrareverbs on Ultraviolence, so that keeps me dreaming).
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Oh god, please no. I truly hate collabs.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I couldn't agree more. I love Lana, but she needs a lyrical revolution... 
    Aaand, i may be dreamin' too much, but i can perfectly picture Lana singing over some ethereal instrumentation, like some shoegazdreampopey guitars (she went kinda close to that with the Ultrareverbs on Ultraviolence, so that keeps me dreaming).
  8. Moon Driver liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Elis Regina   
    Well, it's pretty different from what we usually see on these boards, but i just wanted to show you one of the greatest female names of brazilian music. I think everyone deserves the right to hear her at least once.

  9. Kommando liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I couldn't agree more. I love Lana, but she needs a lyrical revolution... 
    Aaand, i may be dreamin' too much, but i can perfectly picture Lana singing over some ethereal instrumentation, like some shoegazdreampopey guitars (she went kinda close to that with the Ultrareverbs on Ultraviolence, so that keeps me dreaming).
  10. yayoop liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Your Dream Setlist   
    Since we're playing with dream setlists, just play her whole unreleased collection.
  11. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Elis Regina   
    Well, it's pretty different from what we usually see on these boards, but i just wanted to show you one of the greatest female names of brazilian music. I think everyone deserves the right to hear her at least once.

  12. True Romance liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in Elis Regina   
    Well, it's pretty different from what we usually see on these boards, but i just wanted to show you one of the greatest female names of brazilian music. I think everyone deserves the right to hear her at least once.

  13. theeternalstars liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Oh god, please no. I truly hate collabs.
  14. evalionisameme liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I couldn't agree more. I love Lana, but she needs a lyrical revolution... 
    Aaand, i may be dreamin' too much, but i can perfectly picture Lana singing over some ethereal instrumentation, like some shoegazdreampopey guitars (she went kinda close to that with the Ultrareverbs on Ultraviolence, so that keeps me dreaming).
  15. Limelight liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I couldn't agree more. I love Lana, but she needs a lyrical revolution... 
    Aaand, i may be dreamin' too much, but i can perfectly picture Lana singing over some ethereal instrumentation, like some shoegazdreampopey guitars (she went kinda close to that with the Ultrareverbs on Ultraviolence, so that keeps me dreaming).
  16. SlowGinFizzzz liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I know it's almost impossible, but i still dream on hearing songs with the joyful touch like Dynamite or Queen Of Disaster.
    Yet, i'd like if she went for some more experimental stuff, like some people suggested here.
  17. SarcasticBeauty liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I know it's almost impossible, but i still dream on hearing songs with the joyful touch like Dynamite or Queen Of Disaster.
    Yet, i'd like if she went for some more experimental stuff, like some people suggested here.
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I know it's almost impossible, but i still dream on hearing songs with the joyful touch like Dynamite or Queen Of Disaster.
    Yet, i'd like if she went for some more experimental stuff, like some people suggested here.
  19. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by blackdiamondeuphoria in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I know it's almost impossible, but i still dream on hearing songs with the joyful touch like Dynamite or Queen Of Disaster.
    Yet, i'd like if she went for some more experimental stuff, like some people suggested here.
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