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  1. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Million Dollar Man is my favourite track on the album. The studio version is so magical, and the live version even more-so. This one is my favourite performance:

    Her belting from 3:16 - 3:33 is so powerful and perfectly done.
    Her falsetto & the notes she hits from 3:42 - 4:10 are breathtaking, just like a midnight mermaid siren.
    She's absolutely incredible when she slips into a higher key from 4:29 - 4:54, and looks so proud after successfully completing the run at the end.
    The ending notes from 5:09 - 5:17 leave me in chills every time, as does the entire performance.
    Everyone, please give it a watch/listen!
  2. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    “Million Dollar Man”


    The “jazzy” track on Born to Die; you either love it or hate it. The truth is this sick love song, composed by Del Rey and Chris Braide, is one the most passionate moments in Lana’s career – and it’s even much more powerful live.



  3. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Radio is a very cute track, I don't get the hate it gets, to be quite honest. It's so hopeful and you can almost feel the hurt she's been through and the sense of accomplishment she must have gotten with the way things were going for her, now that that her talent was being recognized. 
    As for the chorus, it's infectuous. Granted, the song drags a bit towards the end because of the same chorus getting repeated time after time after time but I can distinctly remember warm spring days when I would lay in a garden or a field and listen to this song on loop. It just feels so warm and summery... 
    Lucky Ones is another one of these songs that gets a lot of hate, for some reason. Haha just kidding, everybody has their taste but as far as I'm concerned, I love both versions we have. The demo is a more upbeat and intrepedid interpretation of the song whereas the official one is more luscious. To be honest, I think the latter instrumentation also gives it more depth because there's a certain melancholy that is expressed by the strings, I find, as if Lana has found her one true love but is it meant to last ? "Love grows, but wilts away"... I also find that the strings at the end are a beautiful way to close such a great album. It really feels like the end of a book, a book that you've read chapter by chapter and is now closed, the kind that makes you think about its content long after you've put it down. 
  4. butterflies liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in SZA   
    CTRL out February 3rd apparently

  5. butterflies liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Seriously though this wait is killing me
  6. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    “Lucky Ones”


    This romantic ballad is the last bonus track on Born to Die and one of Lana's earliest collaborations with Honeymoon co-producer Kieron Menzies. Lana has never performed this song live nor even acknowledged its existence.


  7. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Oh my, I didn't catch OTTR !!!
    Well what can I say about this song... In a nutshell, this is a record that still makes me vibrate to this day. There's just something about it, it's so unique.
    In terms of vocal textures, Lana display a full palette of colours, tones and range. Slow and almost monocordious at first, then picking up in pace, in a hectic race (pun intended) before resting a bit... She reaches a climax after the final chorus, where she just ad libs and soars.
    Regarding the lyrics, I must say (and I said that a few times already on this thread, but it's true) I had never heard an artist singing about a similar relationship in such a decor. It feels so ominous, (Riker Island, Cocaïne, Bad and Tough man...), glamourous (swimming pool, cognac, cigar, races) and yet romantic (I love you forever not maybe, you are my one true love, light of his life...). You know what, I just noticed last year that the Rhymes aren't always the best since she sometimes simply repeat a word ("has me by my heart/with every beat of his cocaine heart". Also "he's got a soul as sweet as blood red jam/ he knows me every inch if my tar black soul"). But that just didn't catch my attention because you're immerges into a moving picture, a love story, a dangerous one, full of suspense and it's got ups and downs and such an ending that it leaves you wanting more !
    As for the instrumental... If you think it's overproduced, I won't say "I get it" this time. I LOVE IT as it is. (I still like the BTD Sampler version we got though). But this fusion of luscious strings and hard knocking hip hop beats is just out of this world ! The samples give it that edge, too, ugh it's just too much for words. The ending gets me every time, it's just so poignant, full of hope in a way but also of luring doom and sorrow.
    It's a shame we never got a high end music video for this song but it's alright, it's so vivid that I can picture it in my mind without problem.
    In conclusion, this is one of the BTD songs that makes me roll my eyes when somebody wants to degrade the album, without constructive arguments because it's a masterpiece.
  8. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana and Chuck spotted in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles - January 23, 2017   
    Not new

    But her hair looks so loooooong!
  9. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I'm hoping she stops using that same vintage microphone she used for uv and hm and uses the nice clean one she used for btd and paradise
  10. butterflies liked a post in a topic by terusama in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    YAS I've been waiting! 

    I've seen a lot of people lately dissing Radio but it's actually probably my favorite track on BtD... I listened to it on repeat when I finally moved out from home and moved to Philadelphia. When the Philly skyline came into view I immediately put it on. I knew this was gonna be my own paradise... "Now I'm in LA and it's paradise" only philly haha. And so far I've been right. Moving away was the best thing I ever did, never been happier in my life.
  11. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   


    The happiest track on Born to Die is another collaboration with songwriter Justin Parker dedicated to those guys who told Del Rey she would never make it as a singer.


    “How do you like me now?”


  12. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    I'm sorry, my post was getting to long so I'll just post another one for "This Is What Makes Us Girls" 
    Okay, so regarding "TIWMUG". This is the song that took me the most time to appreciate. Apart from that one, I LOVED the whole album, every track, with no exception. But somehow, this track never appealed to me. So I deleted it from my music library and just stopped listening to it. 
    And then, on a warm spring day, I put on my BTD CD in the car and listened to it from start to finish. I was about to skip the track when I decided to give it another go. So I did. And... I liked it. Not a big fan but I realized that there was a real narrative in the story. Listened to the album some more and then jumped forward to the track, listened to it another time, then again, then again. Next thing you know, I was jamming on the outro like nobody's business. 
    Honestly, I get why people say it's overproduced, it does sound loud at the end and everything but like any other track on the record, I think that's precisely what makes it unique. The sound she had before, with those bass and strings was unique in its own right, just as this fusion of hip hop and orchestral strings is, so the more the better ! 
    I find it interesting that she chose to close the album with "This is What Makes Us Girl", for the standard edition. Since I forgot about it for a long time, "Summertime Sadness" closed it (or "Lucky Ones", depending on the way you look at it). It must be quite significant to her, yet she never sand it live... I wonder why that is. Could it be that personal to her ? Or does she simply not like the song anymore ? 
    Anyway, a track that I learned to appreciate and now officially thoroughly enjoy. 
  13. butterflies liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Blue Jeans:
    Give me a moment since this is the song that made me stan. So I had watched the "Born To Die" music video (hadn't watched "Video Games" yet, actually) and at first, I didn't like her voice. However, something had caught me in the visuals and I felt the need to watch it again a few days later. And a second time. The next video suggested was the home made video version of "Blue jeans". I clicked. And fell in love. I was stunned by her sheer beauty, I'm sorry but this white shirt, red locks look will forever be one of my fave. There was something about that song, that video. Just the first few notes, punctuated by that "Our Father" that caught me off guard and mesmerized me. Never had I ever seen such a collection of heterogeneous footage that worked so well together, with its flaws and all.
    How many times I played that song in front of my laptop, on the subway, walking down the streets, in my car... The melody is so infectious, my favorite part being the second verse. She really masters her way of telling stories in it, I find. 
    "Big dreams
    Said you had to leave to start your life over (it begins)
    I was like "No please, stay here
    We don't need no money
    We could make it all work"
    And then the rythm just picks up, and the words flow like a waterfall
    "But he headed out on Sunday
    Said he'd come on Monday
    I stayed up waiting
    Anticipatin and pacin"
    (There's something so compelling by that almost assonance that she creates with "c" and "in")
    "Caught up in the game
    That was the last I heard"
    BAM. I'm sorry, people are maybe snickering behind their screens but never had I heard somebody sing of a hopeless love in such a fashion. 
    And who can forget the poignant:
    "But when you waled out the door
    A piece of me died"
    The official music video is beautiful, too. I have my days, with it, sometimes I find it gorgeous, sometimes a bit stale cause there's a lot of the same thing going on but overall and with time, I can say that it's got some beautiful shots and a nice storytelling. Oh and a fantastic instrumental introduction. 
    This explains my username, I guess.
  14. butterflies liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Back in 2011, when Video Games was on the radio all the time, I didn't really like Lana. After the Video Game hype declined, I pretty much forgot about her until summer 2012, when Summertime Sadness became her next big radio hit. I liked it a lot, so I decided to give Lana Del Rey another chance. So I went on YouTube, clicked on the first video I found, which happened to be Blue Jeans - and WOW! I was literally blown away by this song! I don't know if I would've ever listened to Born To Die and therefore gotten into Lana's music without this song, so it means a lot to me. Even until this day, I think it's an absolute masterpiece, the lyrics are amazing and it's among her top 5 songs, IMO. I would also like to mention that the Kris Menace, Club Clique and RAC remixes of Blue Jeans are amazing. 

    This Is What Makes Us Girls is also a great song, however I don't like the album version that much; in fact, it's probably my least favorite song of the album. Hearing the demos (especially demo #2) just made me realize that it could've been way better. I don't understand why she didn't keep the Get us while we're hot/We don't give a whaaat? line. But like I said, it's still a great song on the best album I've ever heard. 

  15. butterflies liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    I didn't have enough time yesterday, so today we celebrate two songs!


    “Blue Jeans”



    Drama, intense production, drugs, alcohol, lyrics full of retro American imagery – “Blue Jeans” is Lana Del Rey at her most Lana Del Rey. The song, a project between Dan Heath, Emile Haynie and Lana herself, was compared to Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” due its passionate, high-pitched chorus and surf rock-influenced instrumentation.


    Its video, directed by Yoann Lemoine, was shot in black and white and features Bradley Soileau as one of Del Rey’s troubled lovers, represented by a crocodile.



    “This Is What Makes Us Girls”


    The last song on the standard edition of Born to Die is an up-tempo story about 16-year-old girls skipping their classes just to “party up all night” and “steal police cars with the senior guys”. In the end, the group gets divided and Lana learns that living that kind of life doesn’t last forever.

  16. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Lolita is amazing, i love the cuter sounding demo version, but i love the sexier Spy/Bond sounding album version too.
  17. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Masochism in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    I adore the vibe Lolita has. I always emapthize with it   
  18. butterflies liked a post in a topic by WaitForLife in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    Dark Paradise was my fave song on BTD until Summertime Sadness grew on me in Summer 2012.
  19. butterflies liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hate the fact that it's an iTunes exclusive track. I wish it were included on any physical edition, even if it were just a promo CD or a Japanese deluxe edition or something, then I could at least spend a fortune and import it.  If Lana ever releases some kind of greatest hits album, I hope Burning Desire will be on it. 
  20. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Being active - 

  21. butterflies liked a post in a topic by reputation in Instagram Updates   
    Miss Nodland flollowiung in her footsteps
  22. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Lana Del Rey from the U - S - of A

  23. butterflies liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Weyes Blood   
    Natalie Mering, known professionally as Weyes Blood, is an American musician. She has released three albums and an EP. She is noted for her collaborations with Ariel Pink.
    The Outside Room (2011) https://open.spotify.com/album/3mu74KbAA5LwCwIBu1VhWs The Innocents (2014) https://open.spotify.com/album/3f5dYbN2b1Vm6Izqd6Qe1P Front Row Seat to Earth (2016) https://open.spotify.com/album/0C5B78Md4VINWGAdgv1sF3 Titanic Rising (2019) - Coming on April 5st EP's:
    Cardamom Times (2015) https://open.spotify.com/album/1TCRXm9WneMVw7UKYPUEed  
    Check her out she's great, and has some vintage feels in her music and visuals. 
  24. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by butterflies in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Lana is queen of soundtracks and movie seller. If she was on it, they would already announce her to build some hype for the movie.
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