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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. no bc the worst thing she ever did was cheat on huck… one of THEE hottest men alive fr
  2. it’s potentially coming Dec 1st, 8th or 15th im so excited finallyyyy
  3. Most female rappers. It just ain’t hitting… at all. most male rappers are trash too. I guess it’s just not the genre for me.
  4. Psychedelic Pussy


    If it’s anything like the last 5 or so songs she’s put out she can KEEP IT.
  5. Psychedelic Pussy


    we need David.mp3 to leak
  6. her last two albums were shit we need either froot 2.0 or a new Electra heart sellout era. Bring back the bleach blonde hair and the cunty lyrics girl
  7. I’m not feeling any of the Orquideas songs so far tbh. I imagine her Spanish fans are probably absolutely loving it, but the sound just doesn’t hit for me at all. I was really hoping we’d get something a littttle closer to Sin Miedo (her best album wbk) so I guess I’m just seated for KU5 next year I’m sure orquideas will have one or two songs I enjoy tho at least
  8. EXACTLY. I think about this girl often omg I need to know what she thinks abt this Palestine situation
  9. Personally I think the drug use permanently fucked up her brain
  10. girl be fr.. this is one of the worst photos of the set & in general its giving an even-more-lesbian version of Nikki Lane
  11. this interview is.. total bullshit. Like great to know a bit more about the inner workings of her mind and where she’s at in her life but the interviewer talked so much about the “persona” thing (yawn, 2012) and furniture/her house…… and half the pictures are SO unbelievably gorgeous (the white bra!) and then some are so fucking bad (the vintage shirt and wig?…) Urgh… literally no news about ldr10 in this I’m so angwyyyy
  12. is this post a joke because how is she the most devastated person in this situation omg how is saying she’s devastated = her doing something
  13. If she knows what’s good for her, IF she’s making a country album she’ll surprise drop it so we aren’t spending 6 months in pre-country album HELL
  14. More pointless discussion….. someone @ me when she announces LDR10 or gives us actual news. Thank u!
  15. In very specific circumstances, sure. This comment comes across rly tone deaf babe
  16. This is so fucking absurd to me, like how was this even allowed to happen
  17. I saw online people saying it was as hot as 62 Celsius in there, and that the grass was covered with a metallic flooring ? What the fuck. And they had flames and shit pumping out for effects… like this sounds like taylor did a show in the pits of hell, I cannot fathom how much that crowd must’ve suffered. Really fucking horrible.
  18. Any concert on a day that surpasses 40 degrees should be cancelled tbh, the fact that it was FIFTY degrees and went ahead is incredibly reckless & shows a complete disregard from *ALL* parties for the health and safety of the concertgoers. Even in a venue where there is air conditioning etc, as soon as you put thousands of people in a mosh pit crammed together it raises the temperature in the mosh by a considerable amount. and to whoever it was who said “ummm ackshually I heard there WAS water!!!!” get out of here with that victim blaming bs. Even if there WAS water, YOU tell me how someone is supposed to turn around and wade through hundreds and hundreds of rows of tightly packed people to get outside of the pit and go get water ? It’s literally almost impossible, especially if you’re near the front of the pit. NO concert should be occurring in such intense heat. Period.
  19. stop arguing TWINK!!!!! start LEAKING ur hard drive. We know u have some UV outtakes/demos bitch
  20. i think I’ve listened to MEG b4 but I’m not super familiar.. The only other Nakata stuff I’ve listened to is Capsule I think (which goes so hard tbh)
  21. umm yes I need a UV 10th anniv with dragon slayer, your girl, pink champagne, etc etc etc and all the original bonus tracks. even some demos.. pls Lana…. I do not give a FUCK about rereleases for any other album except that. It’s literally 10th anniversary next year it will break my heart if we don’t get something amazing
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