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  1. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Do you think that Lana was really mistreated by US critics or she is exaggerating and valuing the critics for some other reason?   
    Yes she was mistreated. Her performance on SNL was completely blown out of proportion. Yes we all agree it wasn't her best performance and many people felt that she was unfairly given the opportunity as only the second artist to be on SNL without having a recored released. Just bad timing. More people are watching SNL in January and because Harry Potter was the host it was a high-profile show.
    She does get unfairly criticized because she got some help from her father, but parents do stuff like that for their kids all the time. Sure she came from some money, but there are lots of parents who bankroll athletic careers. Look at the parents of tennis players, and gymnasts and ice skaters. They don't get criticized and some of them come from money.
    Lana is not a crybaby. If she's having more success in Europe now then that is where you go. I suspect she'll go to Asia as well. I don't think she hates America. Far from it. Being an American is what sells her in Europe.
    America is the country of second chances. If Britney Spears can be get a second chance then Lana can also. Her music is good and she is a good person. She would easily sell out a smaller/club venue tour in the US. She sold over 500,000 records in the US. Lana may never be a top 40 radio phenom, but she can sell millions of records in the US during a career.
    I really wish she would tour the US. I think she would see that thousands of us across the country would come to see her and she would have a successful tour. We don't expect her to sell out Joe Louis Arena or Madison Square Garden, but she would sell out small to medium-sized venues.
  2. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    That's a good question. In all honesty It's most likely for her benefit that things worked out the way they did. There are so many bands and artists that sign to a major label that don't make it or sell records and don't make any money due to how record contracts are structured. An advance is just that an advance. Bands have been advanced tens of thousands of dollars for recording and to buy a van to tour and they end up either not making any money or just barely anything and this is without benefits.
    I have a feeling that a major label would try to sell her as a Florence and the Machine or Fiona Apple or an Alanis Morrissette. Nothing wrong with that, but the chances for success would have been less since musical tastes tend to run in cycles.
    I actually think that "failing" as LG aka LDR was a good thing to happen to her. Gave her a chance to reboot her career. There is no rebooting of a career if you fail with a major label--none.
    Things worked out for the best. She got a second chance.
  3. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    That's a good question. In all honesty It's most likely for her benefit that things worked out the way they did. There are so many bands and artists that sign to a major label that don't make it or sell records and don't make any money due to how record contracts are structured. An advance is just that an advance. Bands have been advanced tens of thousands of dollars for recording and to buy a van to tour and they end up either not making any money or just barely anything and this is without benefits.
    I have a feeling that a major label would try to sell her as a Florence and the Machine or Fiona Apple or an Alanis Morrissette. Nothing wrong with that, but the chances for success would have been less since musical tastes tend to run in cycles.
    I actually think that "failing" as LG aka LDR was a good thing to happen to her. Gave her a chance to reboot her career. There is no rebooting of a career if you fail with a major label--none.
    Things worked out for the best. She got a second chance.
  4. Mileena liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    That's a good question. In all honesty It's most likely for her benefit that things worked out the way they did. There are so many bands and artists that sign to a major label that don't make it or sell records and don't make any money due to how record contracts are structured. An advance is just that an advance. Bands have been advanced tens of thousands of dollars for recording and to buy a van to tour and they end up either not making any money or just barely anything and this is without benefits.
    I have a feeling that a major label would try to sell her as a Florence and the Machine or Fiona Apple or an Alanis Morrissette. Nothing wrong with that, but the chances for success would have been less since musical tastes tend to run in cycles.
    I actually think that "failing" as LG aka LDR was a good thing to happen to her. Gave her a chance to reboot her career. There is no rebooting of a career if you fail with a major label--none.
    Things worked out for the best. She got a second chance.
  5. dopeparadisexx liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Ride   
    My favorite set of lyrics in ride
    I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy

    I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes

    All I got to keep myself safe, baby

    So I just ride, I just ride

  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Ride   
    My favorite set of lyrics in ride
    I'm tired of feeling like I'm fucking crazy

    I'm tired of driving 'til I see stars in my eyes

    All I got to keep myself safe, baby

    So I just ride, I just ride

  7. cola liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Are Lana's Iphone Cases only for females   
    It depends on the design. With the six in the first post I say numbers 2 and 3 are for guys since they are the most seductive poses.
  8. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in What should Lana's fans be called?   
  9. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in HYPOTHETICAL: MTV Unplugged with LANA   
    I remember when Mtv played videos. I have the mtv hits channel which still plays videos but I haven't seen Lana on it. If Mtv was programmed like it was back in the 80s and 90s I have a feeling that Lana' videos would be in heavy rotation.
  10. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in HYPOTHETICAL: MTV Unplugged with LANA   
    I remember I was at a friend's house and they were playing Nirvana's "Heart-shaped Box" and it just struck me
  11. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in If you were to have dinner with Lana where would you go? What type of food?   
    Buy a hotdog kiss her in the dark
    For dessert cotton candy
  12. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana's greatest love song   
    If you had to pick only one as Lana's greatest love song which would it be? I think it would be Blue Jeans. Since it has the lines
    I will love you till the end of time

    I would wait a million years

    Promise you'll remember that you're mine

    Baby can you see through the tears?

    Love you more

    Than those bitches before

    Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember

    I will love you till the end of time

    A close second is video games. I think that I actually like video games more as a music video though, but as a song Blue Jeans is more of a love song.

    But my favorite Lana song is Ride.

  13. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Vintage in Which song by Lana Del Rey best describes you?   
    Ride. Just looking for freedom and happiness. Wanting to be with my people.
    And in some aspects, Jump because I'm crazy and I do crazy things.
  14. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in First impression of Lana?   
    I think my exact comment was "She's so hot!! :drool: "
  15. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Hello Heaven in Do you drink more Diet Mt. Dew and Pepsi?   
    I just drink the same amount of Pepsi now as I used to, I usually get Diet Coke actually but I don't care which one. I don't know why people are so fussy with whether it's diet or not or Coca-Cola or Pepsi. This actually really annoys me.
    As for Diet Mtn Dew, I've only ever seen Mtn Dew being sold but I've always liked it but I guess ever since being a fan of Lana, I've secretly got the song stuck in my head after buying/drinking any. :grin:
  16. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by DanCastro in First impression of Lana?   
    Back in September 2011 I remember thinking she was amazingly hot and mysterious. Hasn't really changed.
  17. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If you were to have dinner with Lana where would you go? What type of food?   
    Do you think she likes Sushi? What about Korean BBQ? Indian Food? Afghani? Greek? Or maybe Mexican or caribbean/cuban?
    Do you think she likes steak places? What about Taco Bell? Culver's? Maybe she's just a Wendy's type of girl?
    I would take her to Sushi. I imagine she likes sushi. It's healthy and expensive but still casual. You figure you'd want to take her to a classy place.
    Then Basken Robbin's for dessert.
  18. Your Girl Lana liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in If you were to have dinner with Lana where would you go? What type of food?   
    Do you think she likes Sushi? What about Korean BBQ? Indian Food? Afghani? Greek? Or maybe Mexican or caribbean/cuban?
    Do you think she likes steak places? What about Taco Bell? Culver's? Maybe she's just a Wendy's type of girl?
    I would take her to Sushi. I imagine she likes sushi. It's healthy and expensive but still casual. You figure you'd want to take her to a classy place.
    Then Basken Robbin's for dessert.
  19. Viva liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    1. Will you go out with me?
    2. How did growing up in Lake Placid influence your music?
    3. Do you have a thing for men older than you?
    4. What are your goals for the future?
    5. What role did or does your religious background play in your music?
    6. Who are your influences musically?
    7. What qualities do you look for in a man?
    8. What have you learned from your previous relationships and how has that influenced your music?
    9. What's your favorite ethnic cuisine?
  20. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Why do you love Lana?   
    Well there are the surface reasons like her visuals and style, her voice, her sweet personality, her technical ability with creating good music.
    But why am I so deeply enamored? It's her mystery, guys. This woman is so fascinating in the most unintentional of ways.
  21. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Pawn Shop Blues   
    You can take to the request thread under the audio section and ask for someone to PM you the whole lot, or have a search around google for a download. It's not uncommon, so there's no real exchanging going on.
  22. PennCentralFan liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I love the picture on the blue jeans remixes vinyl, both the BDSM choke hold and the pro-bulimic with his fingers in her mouth. It's just so sensual, in a very submissive and "wrong" way
  23. ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Lana: Where's your Christmas Album?   
    Thanks, Yes I'd say religion has played or plays an important part of her life. She has lyrics referencing her Roman Catholicism. She's not over the top like Madonna and Lady Gaga though which is refreshing.
    Catholic artists like Lana, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Sinead O'Connor tend to pay more detail to visual images in the videos and in the look they send out. The music, art, fashion, video, photos, and mood tend to be more of a package deal. Like the Catholic Church has a greater emphasis on the visual and musical and spiritual. Go to a Catholic Church and compare it to a Protestant Church and Catholic churches place a greater emphasis on the visual with statues, icons, candles, colors, mosaics, lighting (cinematography) and incense. There's a whole package deal.
    I don't think someone like Taylor Swift can ever make a video or production as visually sophisticated as Lana. Lizzie adopted a new name to send an image associated with her music. At confirmation you choose a confirmation name and when some people enter the priesthood or a religious order they often adopt a totally new name to signify their new life.
    Maybe I'm over analyzing, but religion whenever or not it's a big part of her life now is an obvious influence on her as an artist.
  24. cola liked a post in a topic by PennCentralFan in Paradise Singles   
    I love gods and monsters. That should be the second single.
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