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  1. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Rafael in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   

    UV Booklet:
    Might be farfetched, but there's something going on with those damn long trees and that filter. On other hand, I do recall seeing them in the music video for "Summeritme Sadness" as well... But that's a thing I've been picking up a lot lately. Another visual aesthetic move? Or just my paranoia? 
  2. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Lanakai in The Source Family, Ultraviolence & Lana Del Rey   
    From IMDB: The Source Family was a radical experiment in '70s utopian living. Their outlandish style, popular health food restaurant, rock band, and beautiful women made them the darlings of Hollywood’s Sunset Strip; but their outsider ideals and the unconventional behavior of their spiritual leader, Father Yod, caused controversy with local authorities.

    Before we journey down the rabbit hole that is the Source Family, their leader Father Yod and the influence all of this may have had on Lana Del Rey and her album Ultraviolence, here is some background information of who they were and what they did:

    There are also many excellent articles on Jim Baker, Father Yod and the Family available online. While I will be linking some of them here as references, I will mostly be focusing on the Family and their own personal interpretations of what was going on during the time they were active as I believe this is where Lana gathered most of her inspiration from. There are a lot of negative articles written about what actually was going on behind closed doors at the Family homes and while I'm sure some may be accurate, and will lend support to some theories, the writers of the articles were not a part of the Family and did not experience first hand what went on. While most former Family members do have criticism toward Jim Baker, the man, they speak very highly of Father Yod as their Earthly Spiritual Father, enough so that I don't doubt they would embellish. I recommend reading all evidence and articles with a grain of salt as all of it is personal anecdotes and there is no solid facts to back up any claims made.
    I encourage every member of Lana Boards to dig in and discover any other pieces of evidence you may find regarding this topic. I will add to this post as new evidence is found with credit to the finder!

    Here is the original post that I made in the Ultraviolence lyrics thread so please have a look at that for an idea of what started all of this:


    So hopefully now you have an idea of the Family, we'll jump into the evidence we have. Some of it will be stuff that I and other users have already posted on the UV thread, some will be new. Please note, this section will be updated as more info is discovered.

    The Source Family and their Influence on Ultraviolence

    General Evidence

    Lyrical Evidence
    While I believe some songs on UV are inspired by the Source Family, I don't think that all songs were inspired by them. So you won't see Old Money on this list for example, as it is clearly written for the Great Gatsby, inspired by the character of Daisy and written as an epilogue to Lana's Young and Beautiful.

    I also believe Lana is inspired from many different things and she weaves them into her own story, either by becoming who she is writing about or imagining herself in a similar situation. She has said before that is in the habit of writing about several things in a song and tying them all together. For example, Video Games being about two different men, etc. So while some lyrics fit the Source theory, others will not as they are probably influenced either by her life or something else.

    Cruel World


    Shades of Cool

    Brooklyn Baby

    Aesthetic Evidence
    This section is about the pictures used for Ultraviolence vs pictures from The Source Family Archives as well as the soundscape Dan Auerbach and Lana came up with. Lana had stated that her new take on the UV album was "Unlistenable" with many different sounds, tempo changes, etc. Some of the Ya Ho Wha recordings sound very similar to how Lana re-did UV with the layered sounds, experimental vocals and tempo changes.



    As I stated above I will continue updating this post with more evidence as I find it. Please feel free to post any similarities you might find and I will happily add it with credit to you!
  3. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Lana and the Illuminati   
    This sounds super cool put together but I'm actually pretty scared by the dates on twitter being the group spell casting at Trump 
    Not to mention the satanic book the stalker allegedly stole from her house among other evidence in this thread 
  4. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana and the Illuminati   
    Queen of Space, Queen of Alchemy and Queen of Meaningful Occult Symbolism
  5. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana and the Illuminati   
    I've been meaning to post this for a while, but it seems Lana has been inspired by Baphomet (symbol for an alternative idol/deity) by quite some time. I first blatantly noticed this in 2014 when I was watching the Carcassonne concert and noticed her doing the two-finger gesture multiple times during the show. After searching about Lana & Baphomet, it was brought to my attention that she has made this gesture in many music videos, performances, etc. After posting her "solve et coagula" bio, which is written upon Baphomet's arm, I knew that this was more than just a theory. I'm not sure if this has been spoken about before, but it's just something interesting I thought I would share.


  6. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Lana and the Illuminati   
    people forget that entertainers are actually puppets. They are used to push whatever agenda is wanted to be used upon people.  Britney Spears is the most clearest example, her 2007 meltdown was sign to the public that she is trying to break out, by shaving her blonde hair, which is important to her image, but she knows what will happen if she actually speaks out about it (death).  
    Rihanna too in the sense that (before ANTI) she sang songs that were given to her, and many of her songs have double meaning.
    They are not part of the Illuminati or whatever secret cult.  most likely it's not even a "cult/secret society", as it is a simple group made of wealthy connected families(with incest involved) powerful politicians(ex: Hillary Clinton) and businessmen (ex: Mark Zuckerberg) that dictate what route the planet will take on next.  Do they control every government, terrorists attacks and the weather? maybe
    Just remember that just because someone is a movie star doesn't mean they have a direct connection to the illuminaughty.  All entertainers are approached whether knowingly or not.  if they do take the "opportunity of a lifetime" they are propelled to stardom yet are chained down as they have to do what they are told (what song to sing, roles to play, what products they can sell etc.)
    Also (not too sure about this) MK Ultra victims can be so well controlled that they don't show that they have actually been victims aka they can hide it pretty well.  
    As for Lana, something tells me that she isn't part of any of this "circus" even tough there are many clues that can lead otherwise, specifically her getting that interscope deal and being bought out of 5points in a short time.
  7. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana and the Illuminati   
    Wake up sheeple

  8. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Lad in Lana and the Illuminati   
    I went through a phase were I was really interested in this but I got over it. Like, cool if I'm being brainwashed, what can I do to stop it anyway.
    I mean, even the sites exposing the Illuminati could have a conspiracy theory thrown at them, like what if they are the "real" illuminati but they brainwash us to think musicians / actors / public figures / etc are the ones to look after so they can push their agenda without us noticing?
    Of course there are agendas, and celebrities help to promote them, but there's no need to follow a secret cult for that.
    That's just my tea, I understand if some believe in it.
  9. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by CriesMarmalade in Lana and the Illuminati   
    These accusations that (mostly female) entertainers are part of a Satanic cult out to corrupt our impressionable youth is nothing more than a modern variation of the witch hunts, just like the Satanic Panic of the 80's and 90's. A great example for anyone who thinks that humanity has become far too rational and enlightened to fall into the traps of superstitious thinking like our ancestors did.
    Of course the government and new world order proponents aren't beyond using whatever means they can to control and influence the public, but this whole illuminati symbolism hunt/listening to songs backwards/overanalysing trite lyrics nonsense is laughable. It's obvious these musicians are deliberately playing on this shit--it's a great publicity gimmick for 'artists' who only rely on gimmicks in the first place, and don't forget how dark and edgy it makes the Disney kids who desperately want us to view them as grown up. There is nothing remotely new about this either; there was a fascination with esotericism/mysticism in Hollywood as far back as the silent era and dabbling in occultism became really trendy in the 60's (Anton LaVey even became something of a celebrity because of it).
    It makes me glad Lana isn't more famous because there are plenty of potential 'Illuminati clues' people would love to read into if they knew more about her. Like the Daily Mail interview where she said she wished she was dead and that she doesn't want to keep performing but she has to.
  10. renaissance liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  11. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is off topic and somewhat narcissistic but look at my icon. It's beautiful. Stole it from China.palace but I love art and I think it looks so cool. Does anyone know who drew it?
  12. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by LDR5 in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
  13. Cashew liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  14. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Your Girl   
    Randomly checking this thread being already familiar with the lyrics circulating and seeing this:
    HAD ME CHOKIN Why is this stILL SO funny to this crazy extent in my head someone call an ambulance
  15. kitsunegari101 liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in What Lana songs would fit other artists had she sold it to them?   
    Children Of The Bad Revolution's lyrics would've served great coming out of Nicole Dollanganger's mouth. Her unique production would compliment the track in general too.
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    My favourite fan art of all time through all these years. I've seen it on and off online and I'm as mesmerised as always when I come across it. Every damn time!
    "Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it"
  17. Melmoth liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Thank you so much!
    I almost forgot The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The book is PHENOMENAL. Go read it luvs. Haven't seen the movie though, but I guess it's great too.
  18. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lmao people thinking Lana would even consider a collab with Ariana
    Ariana probably respects Lana for her work but Lana would've been frightened to open her mouth and spill a note with Ariana in the room
    I'm sorry mommy
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  20. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Thank you so much!
    I almost forgot The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The book is PHENOMENAL. Go read it luvs. Haven't seen the movie though, but I guess it's great too.
  21. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  22. AngelManeman liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in So… Is "Kids" our fanbase name now?   
    Nothing is worse than Gangsters and I've seen that once or twice around the web
    15 year olds thinking they're cholas with their tiny white asses and homework to do
  23. terusama liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  24. American Money liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's my favourite Pixar movie tbh
  25. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for Lana's backdrop for when she performs Love live! I wonder what it's gonna be like, cause they are all usually amazing. 
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