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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. She would be so smart to surprise drop this for Christmas. Unchained Melody is a must
  2. I literally had tears and the biggest smile on my face at the end
  3. I can't decide between Barcelona and Porto (assuming she goes there)
  4. Has anyone been to Primavera Barcelona before and if so what's it like? I think I might go
  5. I just don't understand how a journalist gets the chance to sit down with THE Lana Del Rey, and they decide to go with the authenticity angle lol. Like what a waste, get with the times
  6. Was this the interviewer's first time hearing of Lana Del Rey lol. The article was awful but we shouldn't have expected any better from Harper's Bazaar
  7. As per Spotify, Violet is a podcast All jokes aside, Violet is not a studio album but some people dismiss the musical aspects of Violet too much. It doesn't just accompany the poems in the background, sometimes it fully drives the entire mood of the writing. Bare Feet on Linoleum is a completely different experience on paper vs on the recording. If we removed Lana's voice, then it would obviously be an instrumental musical album, and I don't think the poetry fully takes away from that. So no, if we're counting studio albums Violet isn't one of them. But I think Lana obviously thinks of it as an album in her overall artistic output.
  8. DCooper

    Dua Lipa

    Lyrics are kinda basic and I wish she took it further but it's definitely an addictive bop gonna dance up a storm with some drinks this weekend I hope the album is more complex but it's a great intro to the sound!
  9. This is obviously speculation since I have no idea how she actually feels, but I could see her casually signing a letter that supports Biden without thinking too much about it because of how aggressively people have accused her of being a Republican and wanting to distance herself whenever she can from those ridiculous claims. The letter focuses on getting the hostages back so maybe that's all she was presented with and thought "yes I am a Democrat and yes I want the hostages returned safely." I believe fully that her heart is in the right place as always, but she should absolutely educate herself further on what Israel is doing right now if she's unaware of how dire things are. I think anyone who supports Israel's right to defend itself has the responsibility to see what that currently looks like. Some of the videos I've seen from Gaza in the last two weeks are beyond horrific and etched into my memory, and there is simply no justification. What Hamas did was horrific and unacceptable too, but the situation in Palestine is worsening every day and must be stopped. The fact that people are losing their jobs for reiterating things that major human rights organizations are saying is truly insane.
  10. I'm sure that she meant well and doesn't grasp the full reality of the situation. Definitely disappointing to see and I hope she learns more, but I won't hold it against her for now. My mom and a lot of other people I love would have certainly signed the same thing thinking it was the right thing to do, but I have been doing what I can these past few weeks to learn and share that information with others.
  11. This thread is spiralling
  12. Yesss I loved it! If you haven't seen it it's best not to know too much about the plot. It's also quite explicit which may turn some people away, but I thought it was amazing
  13. Manifesting the longest album ever made
  14. In my dream last night she dropped a psychedelic rock song called Babylon and it was amaaazing
  15. DCooper


    Omg the Slowdive show last night was truly incredible!!! Mindblowing
  16. @Elle omg that's soooo cute!!! so happy for you, what a wonderful experience
  17. Manifesting that she really brings the Lynchian vibes she mentioned to the front and center
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