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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Oh nooo! You should contact Sonic Boom and ask if they have any leftover, it seemed like they had a lot
  2. I almost wish I had the smaller one, where the hell am I gonna hang this
  3. Omg!! I just had a psychic moment where I was like hmm that doesn't seem right so I unravelled anyways and mine is 20" by 28" LOL
  4. Haha I was across from the carpet! Beside that cardboard cutout that people kept bumping into
  5. I didn't notice anything different! I honestly wondered if they were playing the leak at one point cus Margaret seemed like it had the 15 seconds of silence at the beginning lmao omg! I was sitting alone near the back of the store downstairs, maybe we passed eachother without knowing lolol
  6. Does anyone know the dimensions of the poster? I wanna get a frame but I don't wanna unravel it lol
  7. omg WHAT! I was thinking oh I'll decide in a few weeks if I can go...
  8. What were the vibes like for people who attended already? Were people quietly listening or was it more social?
  9. No matter how many times it's explained to me, I will never understand how Metacritic works
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