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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. DCooper


    Omg the Slowdive show last night was truly incredible!!! Mindblowing
  2. @Elle omg that's soooo cute!!! so happy for you, what a wonderful experience
  3. Manifesting that she really brings the Lynchian vibes she mentioned to the front and center
  4. omg I always thought instead of "the rumblin' from distant shores" was "the wrong Boleyn from distant shores" and just assumed it was a historical reference I didn't understand. I always meant to look into the meaning one day but I suppose that's not necessary anymore LOL
  5. It may grow on me but first listen was kind of lacklustre It's not bad, just a little flat.
  6. DCooper

    Olivia Rodrigo

    It's good! A mix of great moments and cringe moments. It sounds a little too young and derivative for me at times but it's a fun album and it's definitely growing on me since the first listen. Logical worst song she's released, should be deleted from the album.
  7. I think this quote is misconstrued, I don't take this as suggesting something is off with this album at all. To me this indicates even more so it's importance to Lana. It's something she had to do. It was her first big step into really personal songwriting and she was nervous for people to hear it, especially coming after a period of intense public scrutiny, but she had to say certain things on this album as a part of her healing process. It's a gorgeous record and I think it means a lot to Lana.
  8. It really is!! I am amazed, I just heard it last week for the first time and it's getting better and better
  9. Obsessed with Christine and the Queens latest album right now
  10. I've only known of Christine and the Queens from a couple Charli XCX features but they're playing at my favourite venue in October so I spontaneously bought a ticket a couple weeks ago. Last night I finally gave Paranoia, Angels, True Love a listen and OMG what a fucking album!! I was honestly floored, I listened to the whole thing on my balcony during a thunderstorm and it was a RIDE. I am so excited to listen more and now I can't wait for the show
  11. Fan votes like this are so dumb, like obviously Candy Necklace is a better video. It's a full blown atmospheric FILM with a powerful message. The Paramore video is fine but like let's be real. They should just award it to the better video, not whoever has more rabid fans with more time on their hands
  12. Scalpers are such assholes, get a real job
  13. When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing is one of her best songs
  14. Venice Bitch, A&W, Kintsugi these 3 come to mind now but there is an endless number of combinations that would be amazing
  15. I personally don't want Lana to just deliver the bare minimum, but she's also never going to do that so it's not a concern of mine
  16. I think that depends on what boundaries you are considering. Sonically it may not have broken fully new ground (though I don't see that as a criticism at all, the whole thing sounds stunning) but from a storytelling perspective I would say it was very much boundary pushing and showcased her creativity in amazing ways. She centered the album around a comparison to herself to an abandoned tunnel, and then structured the album in a way that took us on a ride through said tunnel, reaching the darkest emotional peaks of her whole career with the gut punch of Kintsugi/Fingertips before bringing us to an unexpectedly strange ending on the other side. She took so many different sounds and blended them all into a very cohesive and impactful journey. No one else could have pulled off what she did on this album and it's a testament to the different ways in which an artist can be unpredictable.
  17. Omg in my dream last night she dropped the lead single and it was called The Exorcist and I remember thinking it sounded like a mix between Dark Child by Marlon Williams and Into the Night by Julee Cruise with this spooky wind sound effect in the background throughout.
  18. Agreed! Lana delivering an old-school country album with her own dark twist could be exquisite
  19. The way she probably actually is working on a country album
  20. Well they should leave it to the experts
  21. I will never understand why people still want Lana to be a popstar. She has always referred to herself as a poet and she's been developing such an expansive story her entire career, constantly building upon what came before in creative and thought-provoking ways. Her output is astonishing and every single album is very much a part of the journey she is on. She is one of the few artists who is continuously at the top of her game in my opinion and I am so grateful that she doesn't listen to the noise. Nobody does it like her. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but stop pretending Lana is doing something wrong just because you don't personally resonate with her latest music. She's not making it for you, she's making it for herself and the legacy that she wants to build, and it's clearly working for a lot of people as she's never been more popular. Truly a living legend. I personally think she has a ton of twists and turns left in her, her creativity hasn't wavered at all and she will always find a way to surprise in her own unique way. I can't wait to see what comes next!
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