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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    video games vs. old money
  2. Yet Cherry is everyone's favourite song so far D:
  3. The only reason I can think of for her not putting it on the standard tracklist is because it's so different to other songs, particularly Lust For Life, like she said in the latest interview But even that's a stupid reason. She said she was taking risks with her music. And did she forget that like 10 of the 14 songs on honeymoon were STRIKINGLY different to High By The Beach? I don't get it
  4. WHAT IF she actually becomes a producer and does soundtrack scores and sings for them too. Every single movie would be after her tbh I want this.
  5. Yosemite is in a high voice?? YAAASSS LIZZY
  6. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    ugly but smart! Fireplace or system heating?
  7. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    Never seen the original but I like 1997's aesthetic better anyway Unicorns or Phoenixs
  8. Lana still refraining to talk about Halsey who has been chasing her for years
  9. My bf wants to go see Baby Driver just cause of the cars, but now i'm KEEN bc I had completely forgot about this song and Sky in the movie Oh yeah its on youtube now btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esV8bKn8_Js
  10. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs. National Anthem
  11. A year ago but im going again next week! When was the last time you wore lipstick?
  12. 3 weeks ago? Wonder woman When was the last time you drank alcohol?
  13. I translated it once and Del Rey was King. Lana the King? I think in an interview she just said she liked the way it sounded and it reminded her of a nice seaside aesthetic or something. I don't think she researched the name much
  14. maybe 2 months ago its been too long when was the last time you listened to a full album?
  15. Seriously though. Imagine how she could create the set for this
  16. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry vs. West Coast
  17. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    CHARLI cruise or safari?
  18. True, or if they got her to sing any other song than Blue Jeans. tbh ive never come across a Blue Jeans performance i like
  19. this ^ is the only reason i like Noir. Other than that ive listened to it like 5 times ever, but only on youtube. i dont even have it saved/downloaded anywhere
  20. I think this was the FIRST interview I ever watched of Lana, and that response made me respect her soooo much
  21. Lana: I gotsa taste for men who are older Old guy: That's right baby! ^he was my fave Srsly tho, older people would really enjoy her music if they had access to it. Elderly's dont exactly go searching for new music to listen to. I want more of these videos with more old people!!!! Or at least people over 50
  22. If this had the strings and fireworks at the start then yeah, it would totally be the best. I do have a special place in my heart for this version Unpopular opinion: I actually think 24 has her best vocals on Honeymoon, not sorry. And even tho MTWBT has the most boring vocals, it's the best instrumental on Honeymoon. This is exactly why that album has confused the hell out of us.
  23. for some reason i thought this was gonna be all of the album covers over-layered each other
  24. But this is so true. I could share a tmi story about that but I think I'll keep clear
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