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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs. Mermaid Motel
  2. Have no access to pop culture Would you rather be blind or deaf?
  3. I've been more interested in getting symbol tattoos, but I probably would get a small lyric somewhere once I get all the picture tattoos that I want. Something like 'just ride' means a lot to me and would remind me of everything ive been through, and hence i can make it through everything to come, etc. Or on the sweeter note, 'angels forever' means a lot to me. I dont know if i believe in angels in the christian sense but those words make me think of those inspirational people who left a mark or message behind when they died, and how i am striving for that kind of mark. No idea where id get the lyrics tattooed tho
  4. Love all of it! But since I actually know Bjork, those are just soo perfect <3
  5. ALWAYS She can also pull off this really well
  6. Ultra Violet


    Trainwreck instrumental is the only leaked one that isnt on youtube The drive that uploaded it is gone now too
  7. I think it was Hit and Run actually, the first version that's really upbeat. Or maybe it was Serial Killer, either shortly before or after?
  8. well since we came to a quick halt, ill just put this song here
  9. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    THAT IS SO HARD, but probably Skittles cause i know for sure theyre vegan now Salted Caramel or Triple Chocolate?
  10. yes! I own a few cheap ones Do you own any paint/paint brushes?
  11. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs. Coachella
  12. I refused to listen to Cola for about a week after hearing the first verse, then felt like a sinner so I did and became addicted. I used to hate Body Electric. Thought it was weird and repetitive, but now it's so iconic and the videos my second fave. In fact I hated most of Paradise at first but it's definitely my favourite now? I'm so glad I came into the light Oh yeh I thought National Anthem was the white trash anthem it's iconic tho
  13. That all actually sounds really appealing hahaha
  14. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    Only old Cadillacs Air flights or sea travels?
  15. Anyone else watched Skins? Does Angel on Fire also remind you dead-on of Effy ??? Like i really want someone to make a fan video of this! I'm just too lazy hahah
  16. Ultra Violet

    This or That

    So hard but UV cover Flowers or Diamontes
  17. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Born To Die vs. Serial Killer
  18. No :') It's probably my least favourite junk food. I dont really crave sweet things Do you agree that ginger is actually nice?
  19. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    Yayo vs. American
  20. I used to have the biggest fascination for horror and thriller horror when I was a young teen. They were the only movies I watched. The only thing bad about it is that from 16 onwards NO horror movie has managed to scare me due to watching so many when I was 13-15, and how every single one I watched disappoints me. I like horror that is interesting, with a twist, so that I am actually intrigued, and not just repetitive cheap jump scares that are over in a second. Movies like The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Omen (remake), Ginger Snaps, The Mothman, The Witch, etc. These are movies that can scare people, but I felt very involved and they really captured my interest with their originality. Even all 7 Saw movies are kinda interesting... I always look at reviews before watching Horror movies these days, so if people give them good reviews that aren't just "SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND MY FRIEND", then I know it should be decent.
  21. No It's a type of plant thats related to a cactus ( i think theyre succulents too ) Do you own a yellow piece of clothing that arent undies or socks?
  22. Ultra Violet

    Song vs. Song

    YAYO aka vs. Pawn Shop Blues
  23. She better on June 21. Its her birthday and the Solstice, and theres just so much significance around June 21st around the world. I am begging
  24. I think it's just taken straight from the movie, with the voices of the characters talking filtered out. It wouldn't be on the record because it was just in a movie scene as background music, not as the main score? A shame we never got the full, hd version tho She looks like how she does in the Video Games homemade vid tho. The hair and face
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