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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. What are your favourite side-by-side tracks? As in, they are best listened-to as a pair. I really love MAC/VB, Cola/Body Electric and MPG/FMWUTTT,
  2. 100% yes, MAC followed by VB is one of the best side by side track situations she has. and 13 beaches for LFL would have made the best opening.
  3. Totally agree . And this goes even for opening tracks because Ride and Cruel World were perfect as well. Whereas Love was like huh okay cute I guess. I don't hate LFL either but it's so damn skippable, so is Love and so is NFR, and that's not what you want from an album opener or title track. You want to feel completely enveloped by the album.
  4. Ultra Violet


    So was the baby real or
  5. The fact that these lyrics are really repetitive, yet strike me with far more emotion than her work since...
  6. Wow if I actually could, I would certainly go back and listen to this album fresh. I remember hearing cruel world then ultraviolence for the first time. I was AMAZED .all the way through to Old Money I was taken (I started loving the other woman soon enough, dw). I treasure this album so much. Nothing will take it's place.
  7. I agree with Change. I've very much grown to love that song and it's meaning.
  8. I say absolutely. Not that it's onlyfans but when I watched the Netflix film CAM, half the time I was like YAS Lizzy trailer aesthetic but even better. Part of me is like "but would Lana do that?" But she actually admitted to dancing for money so like totally 99% yes Random Lana Discussion at it's best
  9. Yah quoting myself cause I've been thinking about this more in the last 24 hours. When Lana released Coachella-WIMM, I was very pleased for the first week, cause that was the first time she showed interest in the outer world and humanity. I was so excited for her fans to see that it's good to be woke, and I was deadass convinced she would start a little awakening in her young fans. Then it started to become more realistic. It's great to show your good intentions, but I feel that its useless if you're not gonna put it to use and fight for what you believe in. In no way am I saying that Lana is not allowed to share her whole process and has to hide her uncertainty, but in these times, ambiguity only encourages complacency and inaction. It's not good enough to just be aware, we have to do something. I love love love When The World Was At War, but it adds up to nothing .what is the message? Is it good? Is it bad? We got so close with Hope Is A Dangerous Thing, but in the end I had no clue what she was talking about, like Lana just SAY IT. Who or what has let you down? What's disturbing you? We need to know. And I'm sorry if you understood the message of these songs right away (please do share with me if you think you get them btw), but it's not a good political song if it doesn't have a clear message. I would LOVE for Lana to really share what she believes in a political song. Because over the last few years she's basically been teasing us with it and then just being like "nope, I'm not gonna say it because I'll get in trouble". And oh shit maybe we've lost that chance because of the latest Instagram drama ahhhh.
  10. Wow, I want that. Glad I wasn't on Lanaboards at the time or I would have been ranting about it for pages, kinda like I do now
  11. I think the reason I hated the Paradise cover at first was because I ordered the BTD standard album off eBay and I really liked the BTD album cover cause it was so bright and that was visually a nice change for me at the time, but when the album arrived it was the PARADISE album-the first sales that messed up the tracklist and left out the 3 BTD deluxe tracks. I was pissed at that but I grew to love that album cover just as much, and at least I got the Paradise EP free with that purchase
  12. I like that you think that way, and I honestly wish I did too. Trust me, I hate that I don't like nfr, because everyone else is enjoying it so much and I'm here trying really hard to as well. From my perspective, the way she turned to the outerworld seemed rather forced, and not a natural or authentic progess, as if she felt like she had to, not that she wanted to, and because those she surrounds herself with were influencing her. The way she writes about the outer world doesnt seem anywhere near as mature and interesting as, for example, Father John Misty, Garbage, or basically any artists she herself listens to and loves. It's like there is no message or stance in her 'outer-world' songs besides "I'm just thinking about it". I wish she'd be a little more direct, the way she is with how she feels, or at least have waited until she knew what she was trying to say before singing about 'outer world' matters.
  13. I find that yes, I hear more maturity in her recent albums, but I don't think maturity always equals better song writing. He old lyrical style evoked so much more visuals and emotion in me. It wasn't just the instrumentals, as the acoustic demos get to me just as much, if not more. Can you tell me a bit more about why you think her writing has gotten better? I'd really like to know tbh And btw I like your comparison of old Hollywood vs indie film!
  14. The only time I really loved listening to it was one week before it was released when I had the low quality leaks. It was glorious sitting in the sun on my veranda with a cigarette, listening to the songs brand new. I only let myself do that 3 times before the release. It was nice to hear them in high quality but the album really never spoke to me again.
  15. i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album i will die listening to this album
  16. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/#petitions I can't remember where I found this link to petitions but not harm posting it twice. I nearly got to the bottom of the second page before change.org stopped working. Maybe there's a daily limit of signing petitions and I passed it? I'll try again tomorrow.
  17. Quick PSA to any Australians on Lanaboards, please educate yourself on a very similar issue that we have with Indigenous incarceration. Latest news article example: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-03/outrage-continues-over-indigenous-sydney-teen-arrest/12313416 Examples of Parallels of the American BLM to Australian BLM: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-01/david-dungays-family-traumatised-by-death-of-george-floyd/12307414 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-02/us-riots-indigenous-deaths-in-custody/12309010 Very important statistics on Indigenous Incarceration: https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/law/aboriginal-prison-rates I hope this BLM action helps raise awareness to what's going on here, and is also getting worse. Our country is NOT any better so don't ignore it. I'm still trying to find the organisations to donate to to help, but in the mean time we can still talk to other Australians about this, especially if their reaction to the American BLM movement is "I'm so glad I don't live there" or "I'm so glad Australia isn't like that".
  18. Shoutout for including the 'is superior' part of the definition. A lot of whites conveniently ignore that essential part when trying to convince someone that saying 'I hate white people' is racist. Except, I don't think saying 'but she loves black culture' is a valid point to show that someone is not racist
  19. At least we haven't seen her with a vape in a while
  20. I am all here for Lana to sing in the lyrical style she used to. And I sincerely hope that that is what we will get in COTCC, as she said we would, and NOT anything that's related to the mess that is still dragging on now. If I try real hard to ignore everything else she said, I am glad that she still acknowledges her old style as her true self, and not something she 'grew out of'. It makes me happy that what I feel was the blandness of NFR and most of LFL is not her final Lana.20 or anything, and that she still wants to write the way she did, and maybe always wanted to go back there. I don't want her to want to forget how she started, because we certainly aren't. I think I'll cry if we get an album that matches her work pre LFL, even if it's all piano ballad's or acoustic, like idc, I just wanna feel that.
  21. I don't know the right answer but I'd be keeping an eye your friend as they seem far less concerned than you about it.
  22. She probably thought people would be like YAS QUEEN, but like??? She could have said "You have to be a piece of shit to be a cop" "You have to be fucked in the head to be a cop" "You have to be a bad person to be a cop" "You have to be racist to be a cop" "You have to be [insert anything other than mental illness] to be a cop" Why people are not thinking about the effects of their words these days... Maybe her and Lana can talk about this together and make a pact with each other to think before they post
  23. Ultra Violet

    Melanie Martinez

    I am really glad Melanie has not stayed silent about this, and is even doing more than sharing posts on her story. Honestly, when it comes to encouraging growth and learning, Melanie is a good role model and I'm thankful someone like her is influencing her young fans.
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