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  1. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by James19709 in Yayo + Paradise (EP)   
    Body Electric
    Blue Velvet
    Gods & Monsters
    Bel Air
    Burning Desire




    Body Electric

    Blue Velvet

    Gods & Monsters


    Bel Air

    Burning Desire

  2. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Oh that would be so grand kind sir...

  3. Elina liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I am so glad that my headphones came into today! To be able to listen to these songs in my bed in the dark. .. just my body and the music.

  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in What Are You Listening To?   
    Unusual You - Britney Spears
  5. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Design a Lana Del Rey T-Shirt!   
    [insert obligatory judgemekillyou.gif here]
    Hours and hours of profiling criminals, have finally taken its toll on me.
    Copla recreational hours later are these #BonkerKeepCalmOLyricTees.
    There's just too much and endless possibilities with Lana's lyrics. #struggle
    I swear I didn't intentionally left out the female demographic of this forum.
    The #SurfNoirMan is included to add that extra creepy-sugar-daddy-factor in the mix.
    And don't you think the #CarmenBoi could look like a young PapaGrant?
    WARNING: rather image heavy, hence the spoilers
    ps: Shall I continue with the rest of the lyrics?
  6. greymillenium liked a post in a topic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    And I don't disagree with that. I just think that from a technical POV, she is not producing consistently good shots which is the goal, no matter how commercial or high fashion your personal brand is.
    I'm just not a fan of this. one + two + three + four
  7. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Lana Del Rey announces 2013 European Tour dates   
    lol stop singing about the u.s. b*tch if you aren't even gonna tour it properly
  8. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by youcallmelavender in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    if any US peeps are wondering (cause I had been for ages,) along with amazon (^) it's also available through barnes & noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/paradise/25313005?EAN=602537204687 for pre-order and avail. nov 13th for $9.39 for the stand-alone explicit ver. CD
    wayyyyyyy way too fucking excited agh rlgth340tuc[-'d'v-29uvzswertcvb./
  9. James19709 liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    . . . and I WEEYL. . . the night time is a-aaAaalmost ours
  10. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Oh man, I'm really weird about this.
    I'll stop there.
  11. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by M.I.A. in Lana Del Weed   
    Omg what the fuck is this.
    This girl is smoking weeeeeeeeeeeed and lana looks so fuckin high
    I never saw this picture, wtf this is my life

  12. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    I think this is the most anticipated part of all the lyrics in all her songs for me

    It's so perfect.

    He said, “Lana Ray, will you serve me lemonade”

    and I said, “Yes, Bill, I will, it’s the day of the parade

    And you look even more handsome than you did the day that I left you

    How do you spend your nights, honey, still watching TV

    I long to be in your arms honey, come back to me please”

  13. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by NEAL in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    You tell me that it was good to be crazy.
    See, that song ~connects to me in so many ways. x]
    And excuse me but I can't help it, I just can't, I know this has been posted,
    but this particular B-LDR-MM is currently on loop (again):
  14. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    The bizarre middle-8 in "Match Made In Heaven," where she sings the part about "I am your Queen, AHHHahhhAHHH!"
  15. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    This is a GREAT thread topic <3 I have dozens and dozens and dozens of these moments. This is the kind of shit i live for. I’ll come back later with a list of moments, but...
    YES YES YES! Well said. This is my #1 moment too! I wrote about it once on LDR.FM, how that part is otherworldly, on another level entirely. I sincerely believe that it’s one of the best moments in pop music of the last, oh, 15 years. MM is what i use to first introduce my friends to Lana.
    I’m honestly really terrible when it comes to harmonic theory and analysis, so i’m not exactly sure what’s going on there. She’s obviously changing the melody of the chorus, but there’s more going on. I used to think the song changed keys there from its home key of D minor, but now i realize there’s no modulation there, she’s just flatting the fifth (in this case the A become an A flat) which makes a tritone (the interval that was once viewed as the devil in music, its use prohibited by the church!) and creates some diminished harmonies, introducing some really nice dissonance. That’s as much as i can tell you, if you know theory at all this tells you almost nothing, and if you don’t know theory, then this tells you nothing at all. Any musicians here? Anyway, this section is FUCKED and totally, totally, totally, totally, totally brilliant. Sitar, to say that it sounds “turned inside out” is a very keen and intuitive observation because the tritone is the most unstable interval in music and is always looking to resolve; it's used mostly to create musical tension before a release/resolve.
    Let’s start a petition for Lizzy to work with Kahne again even though she probably doesn’t want to! Give Emile the boot!
    Highest note she's hit on record, i believe. Lana enters the false register.
  16. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by RileyThomas in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    Out of all the Lana songs, the Blue Jeans bridge is my most anticipated part, "We went out every night, and baby that's alright, I told you that no matter what you do I'd be by your side, Cos' I'm a ride or die, whether you fail or fly, well shit at least you tried. When you walked out the door, a piece of me died, told you I wanted more, that's not what I had in mind, just want it like before, we were dancing all night, then they took you away, stole you out of my life, you just need to remember." It get's me everytime.
    Also the bridge of 'This Is What Makes Us Girls' is just stunning too. "They were the only friends I ever had, we got into trouble and when stuff got bad, I got sent away I was waving on the train platform, crying cos I know I'm never coming back."
    I must have a thing for bridges because the Backfire bridge is another one of my favorites.
    I also love the piano in 'Every Man Gets His Wish', it's definitely on of my favorite elements to the song.
    Bridge of National Anthem, "It's a love story for the new age, for the six page, we're on a quick sick rampage. Wining & dining, drinking & driving, excessive buying, overdose and dying."
    The opening like to Born To Die, "Feet don't fail me now, take me to the finish line. oh my heart it breaks, every step that I take, but I'm hoping at the gates they'll tell me that you're mine." I also love the orchestra in that song too and the end.
    So many good musical moments!
  17. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    But Lucky Ones is about finally being able to fall in love again after having your heart stomped on for the umpteenth time.
    "Feels LIKE falling in love for the first time" (emphasis mine)
    Crazy-ASS. Long before she had a <3 shaped ass, she was crazy-ass. And now you confess that you are too.
    The first step to healing is admitting you have a problem... except that sometimes it's good to be crazy :love:
  18. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by FREEDOM in 'Ride' - Music Video Released   
    hmm...i don't agree although you could be right, i don't think she was a prostitute, maybe an escort, but she mentioned in an interview that she randomly picks up guys and hangs out with them for the kicks. I think the video is more about her lovers and how each of them brings out a different side of her, i know the video shows her getting into a car with a "stranger" but i don't think he was a stranger i think he was one of her many lovers that she had at the same time. On face value it can look like prostitution but i think she was just quite promiscuous looking to be loved in different ways and presenting herself in different ways, young girl, bad girl, wild girl, different ways of feeling free and empowered.
  19. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Del Rey interviews with Singapore MSN!   
    But what about the sleepover Gaga organized.....
    ..........that Lana never showed up for :badbitch:
  20. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Lana Del Rey interviews with Singapore MSN!   
    I hope they are vocal soundtracks.
  21. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Unpopular Lana Opinions   

  22. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I'd like to, but i can't, really. It'd be too long, and i don't have the time. It's something i've been mulling over for many years and i have material collected in my mind for an essay of sorts! I don't think this forum is the avenue for that nor is it the time right now.
    I definitely agree that The Beatles are a better band, but the level of acclaim that they receive in proportion to their merits is much more skewed than anyone in music history. The Beatles can be a GREAT band if one so wishes to call them that, but that doesn't have to exclude how overrated they are. Given where they have been and continue to be placed in music history (and beyond, because their stature extends into many aspects of culture, not just music) there's nothing left for them to be other than overrated--no one can be that good. How can they not be overrated when you consider how cult-like the view of them is? One of the more frustrating things about Beatles idolatry is how it diminishes the efforts of everyone else--people who made significant contributions to popular music and innovated just as much if not more, people who either pushed popular music forward, or just plain wrote better songs. The Beatles, as they've existed since their demise, are a global enterprise, it’s marketing, very effective marketing. It’s scary. I think people just repeat the baby boomer rhetoric--that started developing when rock criticism was starting to be a more serious thing, when it became an industry--because it's so culturally ingrained and, year after year, only solidifies itself more and more. Repetition is a very strong force. Capitalism continues to do wonders for The Beatles, so it works out. There is longevity there. What do i really think of The Beatles? I think they're all right, they have good songs, but they mostly bore me. I think they had, and continue to have, mass appeal because their music is easy and very digestible while having the advantage of being seen as Art. It challenges the general public enough to engage them, but it's still safe. There's also so much nostalgia built into this machine. Consider also timing, luck, looks, style, attitude, personality, etc., wrap it up in a nice package and have it spit out to the public via ceaseless aggrandizement from every corner of the media, and you get the worldwide cult of The Beatles. It's a weird, successful formula that allows them to stay right where they have been for the past four decades. It's a weird thing to listen to their music--it's not really like listening to music, but more like listening to a cultural phenomenon or a sermon. Who the hell wants that?
    On to something else: Hipster culture. It's not one defined thing, but rather multifaceted (Nabakov is undoubtedly revered by certain sects of contemporary hipsterdom). When you consider just how much its meaning has changed since 1950s beatnik culture, you realize that, ultimately, the term is pretty useless. It's too open-ended to have any real value. It means different (generally derogatory) things to different people and different generations. It's a catch-all term for easily censuring a group of people whose tastes, interests, and "identity" rub us the wrong way, usually because of their insincerity. That, to me, is what hipster culture is--a culture of insincerity, a culture of cool. I've noticed it comes up around here a lot and how, from person to person, it means totally different things. I myself would never consider Nirvana to be part of hipster culture as we know it today. What's odd about hipster culture is that ANYTHING can be hip, nothing is off limits, anything can appropriated and made "cool" or so uncool that it's cool, or ironic. Let's look at the person for whom we are all here right now. Depending on who you ask, LDR is almost emblematic of hipster culture (probably because, what, she likes "old" things?). But i get the feeling that "real" hipsters scoff at the idea of Lana Del Rey. Yet others probably embrace her only ironically. How do we establish a common meaning? Does it even matter? How about forgetting all that shit and not wasting thoughts and energy on it?
  23. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Matt in Movie Discussion Thread   
    Flawless horror film is now entering the Criterion Collection:

  24. greymillenium liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Haven't seen any of his performances so I wouldn't know, but yet I am somehow in love with him. Love his bad boy style and he's gorgeous!
  25. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by greymillenium in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    you start looking for a sugar daddy to fund your personal and professional endeavors.
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