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softcore babyface

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About softcore babyface

  • Rank
    Miss Universe

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    The Wynn
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  1. I have been DYING for Lana to sing with real back up vocalist for so long...now she needs to bring them on tour
  2. Lana stans have no boundaries.
  3. I worry about trump losing will cause a violent outrage. You are right tho about how cult like his followers are. I thought Obama supporters were a little nutty, but nothing compared to trumpies. At least I understand why folks were crazy for Obama.
  4. God please let Biden win I’m sick of trumps ugly ass kids
  5. I haven’t cared about any unreleased song since color blue leaked. Like nothing can top that.
  6. Actually it’s in the 4 digits
  7. Me too. Dating the cop was the only she’s ever done that I was really like yikes towards tho. I listen to so many musicians that are ‘problematic’ (like actually bad people) it would be unfair to hold Lana up to that same standard. I just don’t care. I’ll stop being a fan when she stops making good music and that doesn’t seem like it’ll be happening anytime soon lol.
  8. I’m simply a better and more enlightened person it’s hard....
  9. I don’t about y’all but I am above caring about this.
  10. California resident Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, 35, is single handily keeping the spread of covid-19 alive
  11. Omg Lana wore the wrong kind of mask she must be a raging conspiracy theorist qanon believer unstanning and deleting her music forever
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