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The Missing Shade of Blue

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Everything posted by The Missing Shade of Blue

  1. I'd be an academic at LDRU. I recently completed my PhD in Honeymoonology and am currently teaching the following courses: - Young and Beautiful: The Obsession with Youth in Popular Culture" – A philosophical and sociological examination of how youth and beauty are idealised, focusing on Lana’s reflection on these themes. With a specific look into The Virgin Suicides and The Picture of Dorian Gray. - Blue Jeans and White Lies: The Construction of 21st Century American Iconography" – Exploring how fashion, symbols, and cultural references create a modern mythology in her lyrics. With a specific look into Bonnie and Clyde and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas.
  2. I'm not saying that Coachella should have been scrapped, but it needed more time to be fleshed out organically. I absolutely love its concept, and the whole idea pondering over the repeating of history. Young people who just want to relish in a carefree space while listening to incredible musical artistry, and yet they are condemned to live is a world of hatred and discord that will soon make them scared, cynical and disillusioned like all generations before them. Lyrically, the first verse and chorus are stunning. But holy hell the production is beyond atrocious. The percussion sounds cheap and the instruments don't blend together well. I know it's easy for everyone to dunk on this song but it's just so obvious how rushed it was to make it onto LFL. And this honestly just lends itself to my biggest gripe with LFL not knowing what the hell it wants to be. When I shuffle through Lana's music there will be songs that I skip from time to time. But when I listen to her albums, I listen to them in full because I admire the cohesion of the stories each album is trying to tell. But I will always skip Coachella when listening to LFL
  3. Kinda surprised this is hitting mainstream news. Has it been confirmed yet that they're dating? Remember when everyone reported she was engaged to Evan? Lol
  4. This album found me in a very dark time in my life. In May 2014 I entered this kind of fugue state. Everyone’s faces began to blur into obscurity, voices dissolved into indistinguishable static, every step I walked felt like a weightless drift, and the days blurred into a seamless continuum. It felt like my insides had been hollowed out, and the thought of taking my own life became a relentless reverberation in my mind. I was only 18 years old and in my first year of uni, and I had to be brought back home. I still remember the freezing winter evening when UV leaked on Tumblr. I was babysitting and had just tucked the kids into bed, leaving me alone in the living room with nothing but the warmth of a crackling fire. How special it was to be able to sit in that kind of serene stillness while listening to this album for the first time. My mental health nonetheless worsened and I was admitted into an inpatient mental health facility. UV was my salvation in there. At the risk of sounding parasocial, it felt as if the album was crafted just for me, particularly Black Beauty. "Darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue." I'll never forget sitting in the art room for hours on end, creating mosaics and listening to the songs over and over. But things did get better. And here I am, 10 years later. I’m engaged, pursuing my postgrad in psychology, and on a meticulously crafted cocktail of meds lmao. And I truly am so happy now. The magnificence of the sun and the ocean blue finally make sense to me. Happy 10th birthday Ultraviolence, thank you so much for being there for me.
  5. @Psychedelic Pussy @taco truck self-aware queens, we love to see healthy conflict resolution skills
  6. RIP Lasso say hi to Rock Candy Sweet and Tropico for me x
  7. I genuinely didn't think I'd be such a fan of blonde Lana wearing beige but she's kinda killing it?
  8. Her dress and headpiece is very much giving the idea of idea of "going back to your roots" for Garden of Time omg she slayed the theme so hard
  9. Guys my sleep meds are starting to kick in I don't know how much longer I can fight against it
  10. I could never be a host for this event because I would not be able to fake my interest in the majority of flop outfits
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