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Everything posted by Madrigal

  1. Madrigal

    so fierce! i love the roughness of her vocals, and the lyrics are....well, for lack of a better word....way less basic. the "sidewalk" line makes more sense with the added context of this version.
  2. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    i haven't watched a music video all the way through in a long time, and this one was totally worth it. i gained back some of the respect for her i've lost since the album dropped, and damn, that was a cold one. she seems to have a remarkably astute view of the music industry and internet culture as a whole, for someone of her age and career. i'm interested to see what she says about it in interviews - i feel like this is the most interesting / genuinely provocative thing she's done in a long time.
  3. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Since you asked, @@SitarHero. The reason I got tired of Marina was a mix of things. Part of it was (I think in retrospect) that I associated her music with a very specific time of my adolescence, and as I grew up and wanted to distance myself from the person I was at that point. So, as I remember @@PrettyBaby mentioning a long time ago, cognitive dissonance is indeed a dear, dear friend of mine. Another part of that is that Marina's music from the first two albums seems to cater (at least in the circles i'm in) to a demographic i do not want to be associated with. And I don't think that I realized that at the time, but whenever I meet someone who says they listen to Marina these days, chances are they fit a certain stereotype. Marina (at least, on her first two albums - i have not listened to the new stuff, and though i think i will eventually, i'm not going to speak for music i haven't heard) and now Charli both seem to me to make music that will one day sound like period pieces. this is true for plenty of songs that make it onto the radio - it's as if they sacrifice their ability to transcend petty trends or fads in order to reach a broader audience. And it's true that time alone can test the longevity of music like theirs - we'll know if it's made it if in twenty years people still refer to theses albums as works of art truly valuable. i know this is a hard claim to qualify - and i don't usually think about it in these terms. i have realized, though, that as a teenager, i go through all kinds of phases. Like Lorde talked about in her debut liner notes, being my age usually means that we change our stances on things very strongly. we love something, and then we hate it; we really care about something or someone, and in a short time might loathe the same person or thing with a burning passion. and i hope that someday i won't be like that - i think that'll come with being an adult. but one way i have tried to combat this is by listening to music that has already entered a canon of acclaim. Which is fitting, for there was a time when all the music I listened to came out within a three-or-so year window. The beauty of the internet, though, is that it allows us to tap into the knowledge of our past clearer than anything before, and gives us the chance to find out about what was en vogue a decade ago with a few clicks of a button. TL;DR: I don't really know. I'm tired, decided to log on and answer this question, and end up ranting about the digital age and the concept of canonization. Love y'all.
  4. Yes, and it's the same one that's in some random A*M*E song...I think it's in 'Fugitive'. :wat:
  5. Madrigal


    Oh, they're quite the qute little Jewesses. I really do like their album, but not as much as I kinda wish I would. I am willing to cede that yes, it's definitely ~good~, but at this point, their music just refuses to transcend my expectations like I want them to. However, I love them for what they do, and they definitely work with the right people.
  6. Still waiting for Jordan to get back here after what I'm sure must be, in the least of terms, a stan overdose.
  7. Madrigal

    Best Coast

    Eekk, I don't think any of them are working.
  8. Madrigal

    Best Coast

    Ugh, I want a link for their iTunes session so bad.
  9. Madrigal

    Halloween Music

    The only Halloween song worth listening to, t.b.q.h. I mean, just look at its musician count. Arcade Fire's Win & Regine + Redd Kross' Steve McDonald + Beck + R.E.M.'s + Joey Waronker + Buck 65 + Rilo Kiley's Jenny & Blake + David Cross + Roky Erickson + Devendra Banhart + Sloan's Chris Murphy + Elvira, Mistress of the Dark + Smoosh's Asya & Chloe + Feist + Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore + Gino Washington + Sparks' Russel Mael + Les Savy Fav's Syd Butler + Subtitle + Islands' J'aime + Sum 41's Stevo + Malcolm Mclaren + Tagaq + Peaches + That Dog's Anna Waronker + Postal Service's Jimmy Tamborello + Wolf Parade's Dan & Spencer + Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Karen O
  10. Madrigal

    Washed Out

    Oh, the guy who did the song from the 'Portlandia' theme!
  11. Oh gosh, of course you do.
  12. Madrigal

    Tove Lo

    I wish I could find an HQ copy of 'Out of Mind', and it doesn't help that I can't watch the video b/c it's ~unavailable~. Suffice to say, I am very excited for her & whatever else she ends up putting out.
  13. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Then I hear about how much she over-writes for each album, and I completely stop thinking thinking about 'Mess' so when it never turns up I don't die of depression.
  14. Someone make a master post with every piece of fan art made for the album so far, please. *Gets ready to print out replacement cover*
  15. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    I think she's an only child, even though she almost never talks about her family at all. . .
  16. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    Yes, there are HQ versions of all of the songs you mentioned! If you'd like downloads for them, I can ready those for you as soon as you'd like ~ just let me know if you'd like them.
  17. Madrigal

    Charli XCX

    She hasn't even had a true leak yet. Literally not one song that has not either appeared on a promo disc, been posted to a producer's site, or posted by herself online prior to her removal of the same piece has yet appeared online - thereby, none of the unreleased songs we have can be truly considered leaks.
  18. So sad about that, TPD. Any way, on that less-than-lovely note, Pitchfork alerted us of a new song she did on her tour with Blake Mills! It's really good, too. article
  19. 'Minnie' is like 'Holly' Pt. 2. It's so good...when I finish digesting it a little more, I'll write up more of these incredible feelz.
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