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  1. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Project "Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant"   
    Look what boredom just created...

    I tried quite hard to find a picture as similar to the original(?) back cover as possible but I just could not find a photo taken from those weird stands or tribunes or whatever like the one from the original cover. I only found out that the location is called Morey's Pier, in case anybody wants to know.
    I'd really like to hear your opinions, suggestions, criticism etc.
  2. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in German Lust For Life Interview   
    I'm not good with translations so please tell me if something doesn't make sense/ sounds off and I'll change it. I think there is some pretty interesting information on Change.
    "I've got more fun in life now"
    5 years ago shooting star Lana Del Rey amazed and enchanted the world of music with her debut album. On July 21 her fourth record will be released. Which's title is program.
    I: Mrs Del Rey, your debut record five years ago was called "Born To Die", the new one is called "Lust For Life". Are these album titles documenting where you were standing in your life during the respective time?
    LDR: Yes, I've developed in a quite good way, considering my overall feeling of happiness.I am still on the way and growth and chaos will keep me company through my life. But nonetheless I can clearly feel the change. I've got more fun in life than years ago.
    I: Is your new song "Change" about this transformation?
    LDR: Exactly. "Change" is the last song I wrote for this album. The four words I sing during the chorus are basically saying everything: honest, able, beautiful and stable. That's how I want to be. My whole life is defined by this quest, the quest to belong somewhere, to be part of something. I progressed a lot on this path.
    I: How do you know that?
    LDR: Because of my behaviour. And the way I deal with people.I've become a lot more relaxed and open-minded. I'msurely more self-assured aswell. In the beginning, I was very afraid, I did not know what people expected from me.I was under heavy surveillance, I lived under a cover everyone wanted to peak under.
    I: Why?
    LDR: The people were a lot more wary of me than with a lot of other artists. "Video Games", my first single, was very polarizing. I still don't really know why though. Because of that, I had the feeling that I was present in the world of music, but not really a part of it for a long time. By now I'm not afraid to approach people. It's no coincidence I invited a lot of other musicians to be on my new record.
    I: Like Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks, who's joining you on "Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems"
    LDR: Stevie is a friend of my producer Rick Nowels. She's so great, I'd call her a friend by now. Stevie's been doing music for 50 years now, she#s been around in the 70s, she's seen everything. One could be jealous. The Eagles, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - this whole sound of that time, I love it to death. Since I ive in L.A., I've been looking for other artists - other people - who feel the same.
    I: Did you already got to know a lot of 60s- and 70s-pop fans?
    LDR: The funny thing is, I've build a fantastic circle of friends in L.A, who all share this passion. Father John Misty and his wife Emma Tillman belong to those friends. Or Miles Kane and Alex Turner, the two boys from The Last Shadow Puppets. We're some sort of small folk-community. We spread this Laurel-Canyon-vibe I like a lot.
    I: Sean Lennon's on the record aswell, participating on the track "Tomorrow Never Came". How did that happen?
    LDR: I'm talking about my ideal relationship on that song. The song is one of the few on this album that's now about me. I use John Lennon and Yoko Ono as an example. I imagine the two of them, sitting on a bank in Central Park intimately, this couple prompts romantic feelings for me. So it immediatly suggested itself to ask Sean, since I also really like his music. And he immediatly told me he'd be there.
    I: When was the last time you danced on the "H" of the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles , naked, like you discribe it in the duet "Lust For Life" with Abel Tesfaye alias The Weeknd?
    LDR: (laughs) Never, that's pretty high! You can't just reach it with a ladder. But there are some pretty cool cafés and the Beachwood Canyon, which has some beautiful, hidden corners.
    I: Your voice and The Weeknd's voice go together perfectly by the way.
    LDR: Thanks. Our chemistry's right. Abel was one of the first to post the clip for "Video Games" in 2011. I've contacted him and we became friends.
    I: a few weeks ago, you've revealed you put a witch-curse on Donald Trump. Did it work?
    LDR: (laughs) I don't know. Everything we see of him now is the same as it was during the voting campaigns. He's actually continuing to be the same. Because of that, I'm afraid the curse hasn't worked yet. I'd really wish for a peaceful, chill time, that's what I talk about on the track "Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind" for example. Where did it go, the golden hippie-age? Instead there are threatening scenarios and Trump keeps on adding fuel to the fire. He said some things, women should be afraid of. I just hope nothing bad happens within the next three-and-a-half years.
  3. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Les Inrocks 2017 - Full English Interview   
    You haven’t released anything since Honeymoon in 2015. How do you know or feel when you are ready for a new album?
    My problem is not to begin, it is to stop. Even when I think I am done with an album I continue to create, I always want to add one more song, and again one more. If I am not occupied with mixing in the end of the creation of an album, I continue to write. For example, two songs from the new album were composed during the finalizing of the predecessor. I can’t stop myself from working, I adore being in the studio, it makes me feel good. It has been like that for five years in the same place, in Los Angeles, where I work with the same small equipment at the studio of producer Rick Nowels. We spend our life there, as a gang.
    So this means you have never known the fear of a blank sheet?
    It was a fear which overwhelmed me before I started to record real records. It was very present during the period before my success when I recorded simply for my own pleasure, when I wrote only for myself. I had the certainty that inspiration was gonna slip away and it was like that regularly, sometimes I was incapable of composing for six months.  But for 10 years now, I find inspiration easily – or it finds me. I have learned to be stimulated by it. Especially refusing to be lonely, I meet friends, I observe what is happening without any stress. I use my phone non-stope in the dictation mode, I have recorded countless melodies and words… It’s a bit scary, I must have 700 rough drafts of songs on my phone. I know the experience when a melody pops up in my head, I run towards my phone to record it, even if it is in the middle of the night. A good melody does not knock twice on your door. If you don’t welcome it, it’s gonna show up at another door. For example, during the recordings of Honeymoon, I always heard a melody inside my head which tortured me and which I did not capture. It sounded like the music of the Renaissance… I hummed this melody for months before it ultimately became Terrence Loves You (Sings for a long time)
    Teenager, you have the reputation of being a dare-devil. How does this express itself nowadays?
    My challenges are not physical, I take different risks. When I was 18, I drove like I was crazy, I was on sprees for days and nights without sleeping. I was more free, more spontaneous, I didn’t care much for the consequences… I have a lot of responsibilities today, towards my relatives, my partners… I am obligated to, for example, be on time. In the past, I had enough work to do with myself, just to maintain a living, before I could find time to occupy mself with others. In 2017, the risks I take is the level of melodies, my musical choices. But I think I have passed the dare-devil part and I am more of a nerd now (laughs)
    What do you mean by “musical risks”?
    The co-existence of different songs on the same album, like the very complex Lust for Life with the desert-like Yosemite, it is not very reasonable. One tries to put me off, one tells me the contrast is too extrem, but I love the two songs too much to exclude one because of the other one. These are the songs which make me life, and more than that, as well: they have some experience.
    Have you become more patient the older you got?
    I did. I allow myself much more free-time nowadays. I can go to the studio at any time, I don’t have the pressure of a deadline anymore. Of the blow, I have let myself go a little with the song Lust for Life… I have worked on it on multiple days a week for one and a half year. It has passed every stage, it has started with a futuristic and dark vein like Blade Runner. Also, I have decided to return to a radiant Shangri-La like style… After working for some months, Abel (The Weeknd) joined to add his part. This song became my baby, an unmanageable and maleficent baby which made me crazy. I quickly understood that this album would sound like a trip, a mix.
    Working with The Weeknd, did you learn new methods to work in the studio?
    I already once learned that I love to play with the buttons, the reverb, I feel more and more comfortable on the other side of the window. I can pass hours with a sound, it captivated me. Also, I spend time with the console in the studio, it doesn’t seem like working; it’s fun, exciting. I even read technical reviews, I’m a true geek (laughs)… Technically, nowadays, I would be capable of producing for other artists. The real question is, however: Even if I can, should I? Often when I jam with my friends, I can hear how the studio version would sound like. Maybe that’s my future. There is a serious lack of female producers in the music industry!
    Your last two albums, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon, were made on the West Coast and were influenced by it. How about Lust for Life?
     Four songs on the album reference Los Angeles, but the mood and aesthetic are definitely not West Coast like. I drove myself to remove this blurry, dreamy atmosphere. Songs like Tomorrow Never Came and Yosemite pick up the sounds of 70s folk, and if I would have to create an album concept in a day, it would surround the legendary Laurel Canyon particularly.  
    One of the strong songs on the album is called God Bless America. How do you feel about the US nowadays?
     Around me, in the artistic milieu, we all share the same feeling of uncertainty, of fear, and the talk which arises. Women the subject of this song, are the most affected, the most referred to by the arrival of Trump. I have written this song prior to the big marches which seemed inevitable to happen. This rhetorical hate is not dignified for a head of state. The day after the elections was one of the hardest days in my life. I went to the studio nonetheless, to talk to the others. I want to be informed by reading everything, and see if I can get anything at all. Unfortunately, I can’t find anything that convinces me. (?)
    You have tweeted magical recipes to get rid of Trump…
    It was a joke. I read how witches of the entire world tried to federate at these dates and times to put a spell on Trump, I just relayed. But wha5t is true is that my new videos contain references to magic and occult science. With the more cheerful, less dark side. I know people who converse with what is beyond. My music is in relation to ghosts. But without me.  
    Recently, you have re-entered the scene with the festival SXSW. Did you need something after two years in the studio?
    I’ve played for an hour, it did me good. I feel more comfortable in a small bar in Texas, like on that day, than in a big stadium. It was the best way to start again after leaving the studio. For the first time in ages, I have played the guitar, to Yayo. It was one of my first songs, composed on the guitar back when I wasn’t Lana Del Rey (she got published, without any success, with the name Lizzy Grant in 2008). It’s a piece loaded with my emotions, it threw me back to this period, sent me back how I fantasized, how I felt. I was 20 years old, it was an amazing time in my life, I’ve discovered new people, love, New York… At the same time, I’ve studied philosophy at university, but in my head, it was always: “I am gonna be a singer”. I religiously followed the counsel of the book “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, I have burned all the bridges to engulf in music. Yet, doing the studies of philosophy, I didn’t let myself offer many career possibilities (chuckles)… But it allowed me to ask many questions, which I could not find answers to. However, I’ve met people who are on the same wave-length as me. The philosopher Josiah Royce talked about the clusters of spirit, with their fundamental importance for your fulfillment. Those were the music fans who welcomed me, in the cafes of New York.
    Who taught you how to play the guitar?
    I’ve been obsessed with music, with singing, but I have been very limited in going any further because I couldn’t play any instrument. Before going to university, I’ve taken a gap year and I have gone – by foot -  to my aunt and my uncle Tom at Cold Spring Harbor, a village on Long Island. Tim has showed me seven chords on the guitar. He had a marvelous voice, like James Taylor, but he worked on the Wall Street. Everybody told him he was wasting his talent. Thanks to him and his nylon-guitar course, I’ve finally had a plan for life. He gifted me with freedom… So, following this, I used to go to East-Village or Brooklyn one evening a week to play in the cafes, open-mics, at Sidewalk Café or Lay Lo Lounge… Without really knowing what I was doing, I played one of my songs in public. It was Yayo or a cover of Buckets of Rain by Bob Dylan (she sings loudly)… I’ve had only one reason to go on stage, to say “Listen to me”
    Have you been a disciplined student to your uncle?
    I have been very studious ant disciplined. However, I didn’t make any real progress ever (laughs)… It was truly frustrating for me. It took me so much effort… But I didn’t have any visible talent.
    But you already had your voice
    I had one of my voices, the low-pitched one. The higher one, I am still working on. For example, on Yosemite, I sing with a very perched voice, which I haven’t used in years. I was really afraid of leaving this passage in, that my voice was too fragile, that it revealed too much of me… On Honeymoon, I’ve changed the key of four songs because I found them too high and it would’ve forced me to show my vulnerability. Henceforth, depending on how I use my voice, I can take that away or I show it, it offers an enormous liberty. The concert at SXSW, it really was a revelation for me, it allowed me to ask me certain questions. “What kind of genre do I sing? Which family do I belong to? Do I have the right to take some vocal risks onstage?” That was, on that stage in Texas, when I realized that my roots were the pure songwriting, the storytelling. On a smaller scale I have crossed paths with Joan Baez, with her taste for risks. Perhaps for the first time, I didn’t consider what could be expected of me. My songs have too often been a catharsis live…  I couldn’t do more than singing “I, I, I”… It only took me ten years to reach it (laughs).
    How do you live the commercial aspect of music?
    I absolutely trust in my team, who always protect me which makes me feel comfortable. But regarding my debut, from where I came, I’ve lived the marketing like a sacrilege. But nowadays, I am much more relaxed. For example, even if that smile is ironic, I have never openly smiled like in the video of Love… This smile, it’s a mix of sincere joy and relief… And, well, irony.
    Your music is ideal for “cruising” by car. Do you have any memories of long travels with your family and with music which goes along?
    My dad used to listen constantly to the Beach Boys in the car, to the point where he always wore a Hawaii-shirt, even in December! When I was very little, my parents moved away from New York to live in the mountains of Adirondacks, six hours north of the city. Twice a year, we made a long trip down to Florida, three days by car. I hated the cold of the Adirondacks, I’ve loved this trip, it’s rooted in me. I loved the heat which grew stronger and stronger while we drove through the two Carolina states (North & South Carolina). I remember how my little sister and I snuggled in the back, I dreamed what we would do together once we arrived in Florida. I can still see the restaurants in service stations, the waitresses and the warmth. Once arrived, during these weeks, I never left the ocean.
    You drive there still?
    Since I can’t blend in with the crowd, I don’t go to the women’s demonstrations against Trump. But I am the cab driver for my sister, who otherwise doesn’t have one. I drive a Jaguar Sedan, which is completely crazy. A car from the mother of the easy-family, not necessarily sexy (laughs). The next one is probably going to be a Tesla. I had the chance to meet one of the founders of the company, Elon Music. With my sister, he invited us to visit the seat of SpaceX, I’ve already touched one of these rockets…. But to take off into outerspace, I’ll wait until Elon is on board – the final proof that this technology is safe. I am excited for what we still have to discover.
    Speaking of creatures coming from another planet, you recently collaborated with Alex Turner and Miles Kane of the Last Shadow Puppets…
     (She bursts into laugher and claps her hands) They are truly hilarious, two madmen. They do not live far away from me, in Los Angeles.  I’ve begun to train two evenings a week in the studio of Miles, in the neighborhood of Los Feliz, to play with no goals with the Last Shadow Puppets. Then we go eat dinner together with their girlfriends in “La Poubelle” What a squad! I can’t count the amount of times I’ve ended up on the ground because I was laughing so hard. They are capable of speaking to one another by singing, with improvised lyrics. For example, one evening, I’ve told Miles about the concert of Joan Baez which I attended. He has never heard about her. Alex made up a song on the spot “Miles doesn’t know who Joan Baez is” (she screams)… Noone is ever safe of their twisted humor. When I first met them, I did have the impression that I met musicians who only live for the music, whose only thoughts are about music. Singing with them is truly invigorating, there is no need to repeat anything, they always find a continuation.
    With Miles Kane, can you speak with him about your passion for Liverpool FC?
    I think my manager Ben would rip my head off if I wouldn’t! Each match is about life or death for him. He took me to the Anfield Stadium, I was really amused on that day…
    You told us a few years ago that you spend “a lot of time in (your) head”. Is that still the case?
    I have opened up to others. But most of the time, I still have that inner dialogue with myself. However, I feel less apart, less different than the others nowadays. I have the impression that I have finally connected to the world. It’s comforting. I have analyzed my life since I was a teenager, with enough detachment.
    Do you still have your tattoo on your hand which reads “Trust no one”?
    (She shows it) I still do, but I am thinking about having it removed. Only because it is very identifying and I aspire to finally melt into the masses. It’s not about the message. Deep inside, I still agree with the message.
    Lust for Life out July 21st.
    Disclaimer: Translation might not be 100% correct since I am neither a native French nor English speaker.
  4. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Covers V Magazine - Interview with Stevie Nicks   
    Magazine and Full Interview available July 6
    STEVIE NICKS Helloooo? Is this you?
    LANA DEL REY It’s me!
    SN How are you from your little perch in the “H” of the Hollywood sign?
    LDR [laughs] Oh, I’m good. I’m sitting comfortably up here. It’s a clear evening, so I can see what everyone is getting up to down in the City of Angels. Thank you for asking.
    SN I was wondering, do you think that maybe I could rent the “W”?
    LDR You know it is so crazy that you’re asking me that because I was thinking you would actually love to move into the “O.”
    SN Well, the reason I picked the “W” is so that I could have an A-frame place, with a big, high ceiling. So, now I’ve decided that if I’m going to live in the “W,” then we’re going to be like witchy sisters, so I have taken on a new name: Marina Del Rey. But wait, it gets better! You know the little Yorkie we brought to the studio? Her name is Mana. She’s gonna be our witchy Yorkie and her name is gonna be Mana Del Rey.
    LDR [laughs] Oh my God. It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t have a little witchy guard dog.
    SN So, let us start here on your new record. But let us first touch on the fact that your first record was called Born to Die. Now this [record] is Lust for Life. In between that, what is it that affected you enough to go from Born to Die to Lust for Life? Because Born to Die is pretty dark and Lust for Life is pretty light. If you have a lust for life, that’s a pretty strong statement.
    LDR Yeah, they’re complete opposites, and it’s funny because when I chose the title, I didn’t think about it right away. It was the title of the first song I wrote for this record. But there are so many things that have gotten me to the point that I’m at now. One of them is just time. And because I do write everything myself, I just wanted to chronicle how I was feeling honestly, in the moment, for each record. So, I had a lot of stories that I wanted to tell that I hadn’t told yet up until this point. And now, through the last four records, I got out a lot of those stories and a lot of those feelings, and for the first time, I’ve caught myself up to real time. And now, I’m at this place where I feel like I’m really present, and when I’m reading the news, I’m really reading it, whereas before I was a little bit in my own head. So, there’s definitely been a feeling of freedom and lightness being in the present moment. That brings on that lust for life feeling, when you don’t have all of those feelings about the past weighing you down. I remember an interview that you did once where you said, “Around every corner there’s an adventure waiting to happen,” and I’m kind of in that zone right now. I just feel like whatever each day brings me is something that I need and I want. It’s just time. Time has brought me here.
    SN The way that we write is like we’re writing a diary as our songs go. If I listen to all the songs from Bella Donna, and then I listen to all the songs from Wild Heart, all the songs from Rock a Little, and then I get to The Other Side of the Mirror…I was just thinking about this one song I called “Doing the Best I Can (Escape from Berlin).” It goes, [begins to sing] “It’s all right, baby, I’m doing the best that I can.” I named it that because of this idea of escape. Something horrible was going on in Berlin, and I was also finding my way. I was in a drug-filled fog at that point, fighting for survival. I look back on it and go, You were really trying to survive in 1989. And then I actually went to rehab in 1994 to get off that horrible tranquilizer, Klonopin—from there, I start watching my life come back around, starting with a record I did called Sweet Angel, which was about the aftermath of rehab and coming back into the real world. And from then on, my path started to go up. And if I had not written all those songs, even reading all my journals from that time, they wouldn’t have really told the story, but the songs really told me the story of how bad that whole thing was. And I could watch, through the songs, my life start to come back to me. I think that we put out this running commentary on not just what’s going on in our lives, but what’s going on in the world at the same time. It’s a parallel thing. So, I see you doing the same things as I did.
    LDR It’s a delicate balance because you’re chronicling your own story and then you’re also reflecting back what you see. It can take work not to let your world get too small, so that you’re still in both worlds. You’ve got your world with your own inner dialogue and your own narrative and the way that you write, and then there’s everything else. It’s funny, it’s been a minute since I’ve gone through my records, but I did do it recently and I hear so much of my own self and my own stories, but I don’t get as much of the outside world as I thought [i would]. This record is really different. When there were the women’s marches, I was writing about that. There was enough space in my mind to really absorb everything. I think I was very much in the mix of culture in California over the last five years, but it feels good to feel more connected to a wider world.
    SN I think we’re all much more connected with what’s going on right now.
    LDR That’s true. Regardless of where someone is at personally, the current landscape jolts you into being present, if you’re not crazy. If you’re a normal person, you’re suddenly aware and watching everything.
    SN And you are getting up every day and waiting to find out what new thing has happened. I have never been that way before, ever, until the last two and a half years.
    LDR It’s a very different time for everybody. Because there is something new every day that you read and you’re like, Oh my God, is that real?
    SN My mom used to always say to me, “You’re on a mission here. People out there who are hurting or are sad or have something horrible going on in their lives, when they walk into your house of love or your house of music, you are going to take them on your own little adventure that’s going to pull them out of their life for a minute. And hopefully, when they leave you, they’re going to take a little bit of you with them and they’re going to feel better the next day.”
    LDR I love that.
    SN I think as songwriters right now, there’s a lot of songs I’d like to write that wouldn’t be very nice songs, but I’m not going to do it because we’re not going to help anybody by doing that. Then we’re just going to be in with the masses and we’re not going to be above the fray. Write your songs, but remember that we’re the ones that are here to lighten, to lighten life, to light the lanterns and the little fairy lights, and try to keep people going. We have to have hope. We have to believe that this will all end up okay and that we’ll all end up okay. Because if we don’t do it, then who the hell is gonna do it?
    LDR You’re right, there’s no other way. As far as I’m concerned, there’s really not another way to sensibly think about it. I was never a huge self-editor—I wrote songs and then I felt like, Okay, well that’s that. And now, I’ve found in the last two years that I’ve really been editing some of the language of some of the songs in light of the political landscape, [because] I don’t want to be a part of anything that adds to that negativity.
    SN And your record, do you have favorite songs? Do you have ones that have your biggest messages or ones that you think are the most helpful to all the people that love your music? All the old women like me and the little girls that are listening?
    LDR I knew that the first song I wanted to put out was “Love” because of everything you and I have been talking about so far. It’s just the age-old thing: love is all there is. And I really was feeling that way. I made a lot of records for myself, chronicling my own stories, and I’ve played so many shows now, I’ve seen all the same kind of kids and grown-ups coming to the shows, and I really wanted to make a record for them. And then, I’ve been friends with Abel [Tesfaye] from The Weeknd for a long time, and I knew I wanted to put the title track, “Lust for Life,” out second because we have so many mutual fans and I knew they would love it. And then “Coachella—Woodstock in My Mind” I wrote on my way home from Coachella when things were getting hostile between North Korea and the U.S., and all those failed missile launches, which happened the day after the first night of the festival. I feel lucky to be able to speak my mind through music right in the present moment. I think one of my favorite tracks on the record is called “Yosemite.” The chorus is [begins to sing] “We did it for fun, we did it for free, I did it for you, you did it for me, we did it for the right reasons.”
    SN I love it.
    LDR And that’s been the theme of my record: being in touch with what it takes to do things for the right reasons. All the actions that you need to take beyond just the words and all the decisions that I knew I wanted to make this year. And that song is special because it’s really a song about surrounding yourself with people who put their art and love first, who do it for the right reasons, not just for the money. And I have a couple of songs, like “God Bless America,” and another song called, “When the World Was at War We Just Kept Dancing,” which is about what we’ve been talking about: trying to stay positive, and just believing that things are going to be okay. And if it feels like they’re not going to be okay, we’ll try and make them okay individually and then together.
    SN I have not heard all these songs.
    LDR I want to play them for you the next time I see you! And I’m so proud of the song that we did, “Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems.” I just love your performance on it. The people reading probably don’t know that you know my longtime producer Rick Nowels from high school, basically.
    SN I’ve known your producer since he was 13 years old.
    LDR He loves you so much, you know.
    SN I do. It’s because we’ve been through so much together. My friend Robin [Anderson] died of leukemia and her brother got this terrible brain tumor, so Rick, Lindsey [buckingham], and I are the survivors of those five people. And then, Rick went on to be this totally famous producer and songwriter. He started with me in 1985 on “Rock a Little,” when Jimmy Iovine dumped me and the record into Rick’s lap and said, “Goodbye, good luck.”
    LDR Which is so full circle because he ended up being the head of Interscope, which I’m signed to. There are so many full circle moments.
    SN I think all of these little things, in a really fairy tale way, lead me to you and lead you to me in a strange witchy way. It’s set up, like all of these things that happened with my friend Robin, and her brother, and Rick, and everyone moving down here, me being Jimmy Iovine’s girlfriend from 1980 to 1984, then him giving the record and me to Rick, basically saying, “Here, take them both and go.” All of this led to me meeting you and singing on your record. The butterfly’s wings flap in Africa and something is achieved by that butterfly across the world. That’s how this story started, I think.
    LDR I don’t know if you said it in the same interview I mentioned earlier, but at some point you said that sometimes you wonder, Does anyone even notice? Sometimes you wonder when you put something out, Does anyone even notice? But it all matters. Every little thing that each person does in their individual life, even when it feels like it’s not a big decision or not a big move, matters. Just being open to beautiful things happening creates them.
    SN That sentence was about how sometimes over the last 10 years I would say, “Does anybody really notice that I’m a really good singer now? How much better my voice is than it was 20 years ago?” You have a beautiful voice and I’ve already learned things to add to how I sing from you. Working on your song has changed me forever because I’ve learned from you. We are witchy sisters and that’s it. That’s where “Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems” comes from, because we are trying to ride above all the problems and have hope in everything else, but it’s still a world filled with problems no matter how hard we try to change it.
    LDR That’s what that song is about. It was such a special moment. It just goes back to my favorite song on the record, “Yosemite,” and doing it for the right reasons. Here we were in the studio, and when Rick and I were talking about who the other singers should be on the record, you were the only person we could both think of because of your intention and [how] that always comes through in all the music. That really closed the door on the record in the right way. It was the perfect last moment, so thank you for that.
    SN Well, I am so happy that the butterfly wings flapped at the perfect time and it made it happen because I think that, in our lives to come, we’ll be able to work on many more songs together, because you know I don’t just want to sing with anybody. I just want to sing with the people that I think can make me better and make something that’s better than both of us singing by ourselves. That’s the only reason for solo artists to sing together.
    LDR Amen to that.
    SN You know, I think I told you this, but as I travel around the country [touring], I do get to sit down in between [shows] with my friends and hold their hands and laugh about the past, and my one friend that I wrote my first song about—the “I’ve loved and I’ve lost” song I told you about—his name is Steve. I always dedicate the song to him because I was so crazy about him when I was 15 and a half; my parents gave me this guitar and I wrote this little song about him. And I can honestly say that I was as in love with him as I have ever been in love with anybody.
    LDR That’s such a beautiful thing to say. I feel the same way. Obviously when you’re at different stages in your life, things hit you harder, or just in different ways, but the way I love has always been the same. I don’t know if that’s just wholeheartedly or maybe you’re only attracted to a certain kind of person, so when that type of person comes around, you really feel it, but when these 15- and 16-year-olds are going through heartbreak, I really feel for them, because it’s real.
    SN Lana Del Rey, I think we’ve filled up their entire magazine by now.
    LDR You’re amazing and I can’t wait to see you. Maybe it’ll be when you move into the “W.”
    SN That’s definitely going to happen soon, like next week.
    LDR That’s the dream.
    SN That is our dream and we make dreams come true, so it’s going to happen. I can’t wait to see you, too. I hope when people read this interview they know that kindred spirits find each other along the way and that love never dies.
    This story has been shortened for web. To read the full interview, order the issue here or pick up your copy on stands July 6.

  5. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Well, here goes nothing   I've had this theory for years..
    So I have gathered similiar lyrics but did consider the "drive by sunday night" reference and the timing is also a bit earlier (making it line up with the release of Sirens). The difference though is that this crime took place in South LA. (We all know she travelled through the USA as mentioned in several songs and videos, I believe this was during her gap year. Tropico proves the LA theory as well)
    The double homocide took place on April 6th 2004 (Sunday to Monday night"drive by sunday night" - For K)
    at 2AM ("I was shot at 2AM" - Jump -> as in that's when Lana died, too, because she lost him forever because of the crime)
    over a drug dispute (I'm not gonna quote obvious themes in her music ) 
    Lana was 18 at the time (gap year) 
    Two men shot a man and three women (witnesses) in the Nickerson Gardens housing project, two of the women survived and one of them was brave enough to testify (She died September the same year, and her funeral took place in St. Paul's Baptist Chruch ("Swinging in and out of Old Paul's" - Video Games)
    Sidenote: This could be a stretch but there's a Willowbrook street and a Willowbrook Park right next to the housing project ("See the willow bowing" - Out With A Bang)
    In July 2004 one of the men (K) involved in the shooting was convicted to murder charge (the articles don't say the amount of years but I guess 30 could be it) The jury split about the question of death penalty and the 'phase of the case should be retried'. (Not important but the other man involved had a different trial as he didn't confess)
    A piece of information that is missing is when they decided to put him on death row because in 2009 a judge denied to reduce his death sentence that's all I could find.
    K was 28/27 in 2004, so he does kinda fall into the older man type. I mean 10 years apart for an 18 year old is a lot imo.
    Now, his name is the most mind-blowing piece of information: Kai Harris (as in fucking K, Kai, KAY..)
    PS: He's a lightskin black man ("golden skin" - several songs) with long dark hair (again) and a slender, muscular figure.
  6. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Get the Look   
    Found those Lizzy-esque earrings at a Claire's store today.
    At the store they were also available without the writing, just the hearts. But I can't find them at the online shop.
  7. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Charli XCX   
    Okay so I'm working on re-organizing mu unreleased. Would "Angry All The Time" be a better True Romance b-side or Sucker b-side?
  8. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by FLL in Paris Match Interview   
    Translated by me!
    Lana Del Rey lounges on the divan.
    She hasn’t left her false eyelashes, but she has gotten rid of her sadness. After two years of absence, the diva of “sad pop” comes back with a “Rage de vivre” translation of “Lust for Life” her fifth album which comes out July 21st and “Love” her single, which has already passed 50 million views on YouTube. Same hypnotic voice, same poetic universe for a woman who now has a certain taste for happiness. Since her debut in 2012, on the internet, with Born to Die which made her one of the biggest stars in music, Lana tells us in mind-blowing songs and beautiful music videos of her fragile life as a young girl haunted by death and failure. Today, she says that she has overcome these demons and her toxic relationships. Single, maybe, but a little more light-hearted.

    For her, it’s already history. At 17 years old, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant wrote her own songs and made her own music videos: “I took a lot of photos. Then I started to record myself, to use my image.” After seven hellish years of singing in Brooklyn bars, her music video “Video Games,” posted in 2011 and has since been viewed 155 million times, which thrusted in a few minutes, the young American into an unforeseen notoriety. She evolved into Lana Del Rey, Lolito 2.0, fan of the sixties who over the course of her songs tells a sometimes indecent and provocative story but always sensual. “I am connected to the future and the past at the same time… That’s why I have few friends…” Today, she sings “I’m young and in love”. But confides that she has found happiness… since she is no longer dating. “I’ve never been lucky in choosing boyfriends”.
    She always loved putting on a show: “As a child, I loved making my life a work of art.”
    “My passion for beautiful films might explain my aesthetic” says the woman who would have loved living in the Flower Power of the hippy years.

    “Kids. Friends, all that’s a bonus. My dream is simply to be happy.”
    From our colleague in Los Angeles Karelle Fitoussi.
    Paris Match. We knew you as somber and melancholic, singing your stories about tormented love. You’ve come back with two songs that exude a lack of worry and a joie de vivre. What happened?
    I haven’t been dating for a year and a half. Apparently, that has done me a lot of good. [she laughs] I learned how to say no and to listen to the little voice in my head that tells me to do one thing or another.
    You have “Trust no one” tattooed on your index… Have you often been betrayed?
    Yes. I’ve never been good at chosing friends. But now it’s better, I know how to go about it. I’ve learned one thing, and that’s that people show you really quickly who they really are. You have to listen to them, and pay attention to the signs. In the past, sometimes I’ve had lovers who’ve told me strange things, things I should have found unacceptable, but I closed my eyes. That doesn’t happen to me anymore. At the smallest indication of something strange, I get out. A love story that doesn’t do you any good is toxic. I finally understand that.
    Are you not afraid that your newfound happiness will ruin your inspiration?
    No. When I was writing Born to Die, I was living in London, and I met a lot of new people, I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I was full of hope. I saw myself evolving into this type of avant-garde artist and this excitement made creating simple and easy. When the critics starting being really harsh, when things started becoming more violent, that’s when that magic left me. So happiness is obviously a good thing. I’m not afraid.
    The New York Times said that you were a “nightmarish reflection of cynicism and of American fakeness.”
    An interesting start to someone’s career, isn’t it? [she laughs] It was horrible, completely horrible. I really must have loved music to have continued after that. But I should’ve stopped. Thankfully, things have changed. I won’t ever change myself to make myself more popular or to make someone else happy.
    People have really have shamed you for your heavily constructed public image. Some people even said that you’re a puppet.
    For a longtime, I didn’t understand these reactions. Of course, I paid attention to my look. I had long styled hair, but I was too preoccupied by the music to understand why they talked about me like that. I was waiting for people to figure out for themselves that I was smart… I really had to question myself, to ask why people reacted to me like that. A question of energy, maybe. With a bit of space, even if I find [what they’re saying] ridiculous, I can understand.
    If, with a wave of a magic wand, you could start all over, what would you change?
    Everything! I don’t even know where to start!
    You wouldn’t be a singer?
    I love music, there were times where it saved me from my own demons, but it’s a double-edged sword. If I had the opportunity to take a simpler path, I would do it, without hesitation.
    When you were younger, you dreamed of being a writer…
    Yes, but after having tried from a young age, I knew that I didn’t have the writer’s soul. I tried to write short stories, but they were terrible. So, I tried to do poetry… but it still wasn’t for me! That’s how I decided to write music. [she laughs]. The next step would have been Haikus!
    Between two records and two tours, what do you do?
    I go to the beach. I swim once per week, I work out with my sister who shares my house with me. I take advantage of the sun and the wonderful Californian nature: with my girlfriends, we go to Big Sur or to Carmel… I never get over seeing the bright light from 7:30 in the morning. For a New Yorker like me, every time it’s still enchanting. Yes, I am that girl you can constantly talk about the time and the weather! But above all what I love the most in Los Angeles, is that there are so many musicians. Every band from London to New York have moved here! Artic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets, Father John Misty… They’re all here in L.A.!
    Have you finally found the community of artists you’ve always dreamed of being a part of?
    Yes. And when I go on tour, after four months on the road, they’re like me. They want to pick up where we left off. My friends who don’t do music, they’re lives have moved on.
    How do you deal with living in the constant view of the paparazzi?
    I wrote a song called, 13 beaches which talks about how I do it, last summer, I had to go to 13 different beaches before I could find one without paparazzi, where I laid down with a book. But we can get used to anything. And then maybe it’s worth it. What I can’t get used to, is systematically finding my songs on the internet before they’re supposed to come out. It takes so much time to make a record… a year and a half! When leaving the studio, I always have to hope that they’re secure.
    Why do you impose this cycle of every two years for an album?
    It’s the time needed for reflection and contemplation. My records are like love letters to myself.
    And will you have kids?
    When I have kids… I’ll take them on the road with me. Muse’s or Chris Martin’s boys do it well! I have the feeling it’ll workout, whatever I decide to do. It’ll be a nice surprise. Yeah, I would love to have a family.
    Is it on your agenda?
    [she laughs]. It’ll happen one day. Without a doubt within the next five years. Kids. Friends, all that’s a bonus. My dream is simply to be happy. Which I am right now.
  9. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in My digital art! mm hmmm   
    Inspired by pin ups and horror films, i'll be doing more, but these 3 i entered into an exhibition [hopefully i get chosen to show my work]....
    Kiss of Life...


    Skeleton Girl....

  10. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by K-Mail in K-Mail - LDR traditional art.   
    A new one. Inspired by the album trailer. Took a lot of work and time, especially the background. Enjoy!

  11. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana inspired artworks - PHATboyArt   

    Lust For Life [trailer]

    National Anthem

    Body Electric

    Born to Die

    Blue Jeans

    Music to Watch Boys to


  12. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by K-Mail in K-Mail - LDR traditional art.   
    Hey kids
    I've been drawing Lana for years now and I've shared some of my drawings as status updates here but I've decided to start a topic where I'll be posting them for you to see. Any comments would be appreciated.
    So here's the newest one, inspired by the LOVE music video and the song itself:

    There is a lot more on my IG page, also other people (Gaga, Marilyn Monroe, BANKS and others) so feel free to check them out
  13. Jazzmin liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana's Music and Color Synesthesia   
    Great topic! I'm connecting almost everything with colours. I think I'm not a projector but maybe an associator. Only when I close my eyes I sometimes "see" coloured spots and shapes but Idk if that counts (I know you can't actually see things with closed eyes but I don't know how to describe it...).
    It sounds really stupid but sometimes I see something and for me its colour just doesn't match the object what can even make me feel somehow uncomfortable.    It mostly happens with letters and words. They just have this one specific colour for me, e.g. a simple sans-serif A has to be red.
    Like others pointed out above those colours are more than just colours. They usually comprise emotions, pictures, imaginations ect.
    Of course music creates colours in my head as well but sometimes the colours change during a song. Though there always remains one dominating or main colour. Many of Lana's songs are some shade of blue for me, especially those on BTD. Paradise has more warm colours. For most of them I feel the same as ULTRAVIOLENCE wrote in the opener post. UV is somehow the darkest album for me when it comes to the colours that appear in my mind.
    Anyway I'm a bit surprised how many members here associate colours with things, music, whatever as my family and friends never seem to understand me when I tell them about the colours I perceive when hearing or seeing something. Now I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that.
  14. Lana Rey Del Mar liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    @@HeartshapedChevrolet :  Cool analysis! I really like your theory that Jimmy actually replaced K. Sounds logical to me.   I read your whole post yesterday but now I can’t remember everything. And I began to develop my own little theory while reading but now I just don’t know it anymore.   I shouldn’t read Lanalysis late at night….
    Anyway, I’ve also thought quite a lot about who Black Beauty is about. The line “I dye my hair a darker shade of brown” hints obviously at Barrie. (or did she ever dye her hair dark before? I don’t think so.) So we could say BB is about Barrie and that’s it. (another random thing that caught my eye right now: Black Beauty – Barrie. But that doesn’t mean anything I guess.)
    But for me the chorus gives rise to doubts because I think it's more a dark and depressed song. Like some others said before:
    Well, I really don’t know anything about Barrie’s psychological state but to me he doesn’t seem that sad or depressed too.
    So I'm not sure if BB is really about him but right now I'd rather say it's not.
    Or maybe she’s mixing things up. Or maybe the song is actually about idk … K or whoever and she puts that dark-hair-reference in it to hide it from Barrie and make him think it’s about him.   
  15. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Elle in "LOVE" Promo Posters Sighted   

    Hello everyone. I just got off the phone with Ed Millet, Lana's manager. He is very concerned about leaked material on LanaBoards. I've expressed this to you all many times, but please think before you post!! Please do not post unleaked material from the new album on LanaBoards (links, pictures, gifs, videos) or links directing to unleaked material.

    Please know that the LanaBoards mod team and I as well as Lana's team is taking this very seriously. Ed & Ben have an account here on LanaBoards and are planning to make a post explaining the severity of the situation soon.

    To members who want to help with the situation, please do not hesitate to use the "Report" feature on any post you find questionable. The mod team and I moderate all of the threads pertaining to LDR5, but using the report feature makes it easier and faster for us to catch any violations.

    You all have a lot of eyes on you, including the myself, the mod team, and most importantly - Lana's team.

    Thank you.

  16. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by Elle in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    Hi everyone: for the safety of Lana and her new project, if you have any "exclusive information" about the new record, please do not tease/share it on the forums - this includes DMs as well. Keep it to yourself. I do not want LanaBoards to be the source of any information that may upset Lana and discourage her about her new album. She will tell us the information when she is ready. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Lots of love! x

  17. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Okay, I've held on to this info for a while to make sure when I shared it I had info from various sources and had opinions from a few people to see if this all adds up instead of it being massive reaching on my end. After a few months of digging, I think it's safe to say the identity of K has been cracked.
    First, Josh's last name begins with K.
    In 2008 him and Lizzy were posting things to each other (relationship wise) and he changed his relationship status to married around Dec. 11th, 2008 (based on someone commenting on a post asking when he got married - this could also explain why she wore a wedding around that time)
    Josh plays World Of Warcraft (the game referenced in Video Games that Lana has mentioend before)
    He said Video Games was about him
    They lived together at one point based on statuses and pictures
    He has a lot of tattoos which could represent the Born To Die / Blue Jeans guy (which could fit into the 'K Triology')
    There's a pic of him sitting on the couch playing bass (lyrics - You play the bass)
    There's a pic of them doing dishes where he said "dishes with dolly" (lyrics - I'm his little dolly.. yaaaaas @ Noir being about Josh!!!)
    He also had Lolita lyrics in his 'about me' on Facebook until recently - which could mean a lot of the daddy songs are about him even though they're around the same age (ageplaying / roleplaying?)
    Josh's tattoo development aligns almost perfectly with the Born To Die and Blue Jeans releases if he's the inspiration behind them
  18. Sighs of a Torn Soul liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Just a random thought and I don't know if this has already been pointed out but could it be that this really important relationship (“I am usually always singing about the same god damn person so I will love him forever but you know, it’s all good. It’s all good!") is the one she had with this record executive? I mean if it's true that this relationship lasted for 7 years she would have been with him almost her entire life as a (young) adult.
    "I had a long-term relationship for seven years with someone who was the head of a label and I felt like I was that change of routine. I was always waiting to become the person who his kids came home to, and it never happened. Obviously I had to seek other relationships, and I felt like that became a pattern. I was younger—24, 25 at the time. I had known what I wanted to do for a long time." (Complex mag)
    I'm not sure if I'm understanding this properly but does this mean that she "seeked other relationships" aka broke up with him at the age of 24, 25? If so she must have been like 17 or 18 when she started dating the record executive. Or am I getting it wrong?
    Another thing, he seemingly has children so maybe he was married before or even whilst the relationship between him and Lizzy/Lana lasted. ("I know your wife that she wouldn't mind"?)
    I'm pretty sure that Axl Rose Husband is about this guy: "Record executive I need you to live, I someone come replace you"
    Additionally: "Kids on vacation, Florida Keys are calling, Come back to me" - maybe his kids played a role why the relationship ended, idk. And when the kids are on vacation Lizzy might think that she and the record executive can go back to their perfect relationship. Another interesting thing "Florida Keys" --> in Florida Kilos she's mentioning those keys as well. Possible link?
    So if Axl Rose Husband actually is about this guy the "blue hydrangea" thing would be a reference to him as well. --> Old Money
    Maybe a bit far-fetched but Axl Rose Husband --> her song Guns and Roses.
    Those are just a few possible references to him that came into my mind while writing this, I'm sure there are many, many more.
    Of course all this is highly speculative but I was bored so ...
    A bit out of context but we have so many pics of Lana in her Lizzy days but it seems like we don't have a single one of her with that record executive, do we? Not a single (leaked) photo of a seven years relationship?
  19. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Ultraviolence   
    I get the point of what you're saying. And everything could be possible. Ok...an open relationship could be possible (I recall Lana said she believes in free love) but idk.
    I actually don't have a problem with her singing about a past relationship but HOW she sings about it is really interesting for me. Lines like "we can (not could) go back to New York...." or "I love you forever, I really love you forever" just kinda indicate for me that it's more than a past relationship. But it could also be possible that UV is written from a past perspective or she just uses the feelings she had back then because her recent relationship is more "boring" or basically happy which doesn't fit the whole UV theme.
    Anyway I got into this a bit too much I think....over(l)analysing those lyrics that might also be more fantasy than real feelings.
  20. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Ultraviolence   
    Yeah I know this interview but I take this with a little grain of salt. I mean we are pretty sure that she sings about other guys too, especially K.
    UV is obviously about Jim though but I just don't get how she can sing about him like that while she's in a relationship with Barrie and how he seemingly doesn't mind at all. And if she really loves Jimmy that much she could go back to him now or idk. I know that sounds pretty rude towards Barrie but if those UV lyrics are her true feelings I just don't get the whole situation.
    Inb4 Barrie is just her servant "soulmate" or whatever who brings her cigarettes when she's on stage and Jimmy is her true lover.
  21. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Ultraviolence   
    I used to believe and still think it's very likely that she sings about Jimmy Gnecco in her old songs like Hundred Dollar Bill, You're gonna love me and obviously Jimmy Gnecco (even though they might have never dated). She wasn't famous back then and she didn't expect that many people would hear them so there was no problem with using his name. But now that she's a real star it seems weird to me that she writes a song about him, especially a song like Ultraviolence. The fact that he is the opening act for her shows makes it even more unlikely for me. Idk...it's just really strange.
    I think it could be that she actually sang about Jimmy in her old songs and now she just likes the sound of the word "Jim" ~ sonically and she uses it as a synonym for all her lovers or just one of them or whatever.
    Anyways this relationship seems so weird. I hope someday it'll be revealed. (Note to all interviewers out there: ask her who the fuck Jim is! )
  22. PinUpCartoonBaby liked a post in a topic by guardian in American Horror Story   
    - More sex 
    - More horror based
    - Based on actual events that happened in some hotels in L.A.
    - Set in the present
    - Characters of the past seasons (based in the present too, obviously) will be coming back and check into the Hotel
    Matt Bomer: Donovan
    Evan Peters: Mr. March
    Kathy Bates: Iris, the Hotel owner
    Sarah Paulson: Sally or Hypodermic Sally
    Angela Bassett: Ramona
    Lady Gaga: Unknown
    Cheyenne Jackson: Unknown
    Wes Bentley: Unknown
    Max Greenfield: Unknown
    Emma Roberts: Unknown
    Finn Wittrock: Unknown
    Denis O'Hare: Unknown
    Chloë Sevigny: Unknown
    The major villains this season will be Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson's characters, Ryan Murphy mencioned Gaga asked for her character to be evil so she may be a villain too.
    Gaga's character will have a love triangle with Finn Wittrock and Matt Bomer's characters.
    Angela Basset's character Ramona is possibly close to Gaga's as it was said that: "will be making lots of trouble with Lady Gaga in the ballroom and elsewhere"
    Lady Gaga's character will be involved with fashion.
    Emma Roberts's character will be only in the final part of the season and will have a "great thing" with Evan Peters' character.
    Max Greenfield's character was said to be "checking into the hotel but not checking out", this may be a spoiler of death or not, it can mean many things.
    Ryan Murphy left the posibility open for Jessica Lange to return this season or for season 6.
    It is still unknown if there are more cast members.
    Promotional card poster for Comic Con:

    First official teaser shown in FX's commercials during The Strain:
  23. Starsx liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana Del Rey Buys 2 Hollywood Hills Homes to Make Her Own $5.87 Million Compound   
    Give her crazy stalker fans a proper home
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